I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
I said "some religions" because Christianity is not the only religion with those moral values. In the other one, I said "some of Christianity" because I didn't know what other religions have those moral values.
I, personally, have nothing against christianity. I'm an atheist, even though my family is catholic, mostly because some of the things tought by christianity i find deeply troubling. 1) the fact that virtually ALL science (which, unlike religion, can be proven) is thrown out the window, because a book says so. 2)The fact that God is a huge hypocrit. In the bible he says that violence and anger are terrible sins, and yet God gets angry and smites people more than once in the old testament. 3) The total lack of compassion for some people. In the bible it says that suicide is enough of a sin to be sent to hell. My dad had depression, and his outlook on life was so hopeless that he shot himself. Because of a chemical imbalence in his brain, he's judged to be a bad person and is going to a place of eternal torment? That doesn't sound like the good christian values that christianity is supposed to teach.
Im atheist for some time and i think that all this institution of Church with pope is kinda wrong. I could accept christianity but without all these priests and stuff..
In the bible he says that violence and anger are terrible sins, and yet God gets angry and smites people more than once in the old testament
You have to remember that the bible wasn't actually physically written by god, and that many things are open to be looked at through the writers' views. Who knows, maybe some even completely made up their stories and didn't even base it on rumors or anything.
Care to clarify your point are add anyhting. If you mean this thread it has only lasted for about 8 months. Now compare this to the whole of "Christianity vs Atheism".
the only way this thread is gonna be decided is if the christians and the atheists have a brawl like at the end of the Outsiders i mean it worked out for the socs and greasers
Well I don't believe in god and I don't really care if others do or not but the people who get all "God does exist and science is wrong" then starts bothering me. I believe in science.
God does exist and science is true. Only when science is biased is it wrong. True science complements Christian beliefs. Many great scientists were scientists, like Galelio and Faraday.