ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
1,455 posts

When did I say that?

565 posts

I didn't understand what you were saying I asked you if you said that. So ya i got to go

3,562 posts

Also only catholics say in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit.

No Christians do too, that shows your ignorance

the holy spirit manifested the form of a flaming bush to talk to moses.

and moe is saying that although Christianity says they only have 1 god, and don't worship idols. The proof of Jesus and God and the holy spirit show that it is actually polytheistic.
1,310 posts


That is an action restricted only to the person him/herself; and I never justified fanaticism.

To a point. Realize the position of power that priests have over their charges in their authority with regards to a supreme being, along with the gullibility of those children & you wind up with the end result. It is simply men who have arbitrarily been given a position of power on something completely irrelevant, and abusing it.

Male circumcision has become commonplace, which you mentioned, though it depends on your definition of 'mutilation' as to whether or not it is a bad thing.

Yes, it is quite commonplace in North America, and yes, my definition of mutilation in this case being a doctor or rabbi sawing away at the penis of an infant to be degenerate cruelty, because it serves no purpose whatsoever. There are a few poor arguments for, but the science isn't there to support it.

Also, is any of your family religious?

Nope. My father was raised catholic, my mother protestant. They both gave it up in their twenties. I was never raised to dislike religion or to accept it - it was just a subject that was never addressed. I independently gave it a shot when I was a teenager, and then quickly abandoned it & have arrived at this position of my own volition.

Demanding religious beliefs to be taught in schools is too much. But, at the same time, that is not the action of the individual. It is the action of the higher-ups in the religion.

But that's the thing isn't it. They can't keep their beliefs private - it's not enough until I believe it too, and my children believe it & live it. It's as if they really think they're doing me some service by flogging it at the unconverted. I won't deny, there are some who keep their faith to themselves, but I cannot count how many times I have, and will no doubt continue to be harassed by someone who thinks they're doing me a favour.
565 posts

The trinity is one god in three different shapes.

138 posts

yep the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

1,310 posts

@ BigP08

Even if the stories were passed down, the Gospels are still as close as we can get. Are you denying that?

No - you're right, that is as close as you get. And I'm saying that's just not good enough as real evidence.

Well, I haven't read the whole Bible because I'm not a priest or bishop and I don't have any intention of becoming one.

Dude. *I've* read the bible - and that after I abandoned it - if you're a christian & you think to pretend to follow the faith but don't even know what it is yourself, how can you even pretend to have any grounds to argue on it?

So some of us know our own God well enough to know how he would feel about people being tormented for being gay. Resisting sexual pleasure at all is a difficult test for a gay, and is not a fatal one either.

So if you *know* how god would feel about one thing, but that one thing is contradictory to the bible, how do you know your feeling that sexual pleasure is bad isn't wrong too? It's my point on it's the word of god, or it isn't. You can't have it both ways by quoting parts of the bible to support your argument, and then ignoring parts of the bible that contradict your argument.

You can't be serious... You really don't know why the Church is against abortion, or why anyone could possibly be against abortion? You aren't aware that many consider the fetus to be alive? Even if you don't agree with that... get a clue (no offense)!

Offense taken - you're treating me as if I was an idiot and you don't address the issue itself as to why they don't keep their opinion to themselves. Of course I know the church's position on it - I disagree, clearly. Currently there are laws in place as to when the abortion of a foetus is legal, and when it's not. The judicial system is good enough for me, and I support a woman's choice on the matter. I don't support abortion - I'm not "YAY! Abortion!" but I could understand if say... a woman was raped, got pregnant as a result of it, and didn't want to give birth to the child. It's her body, it's her choice, and I don't pretend to know what that must feel like - so I support their ability to choose for themselves. If the church and christians care so much about the sanctity of life, then why have religious people killed the doctors who perform it?

Your analogy with car accidents was a good one, but unfortunately, over one million abortions occur in the US every year. Can't say the same about car accidents.

Yeah, me neither.
There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. The financial cost of these crashes is more than 230 Billion dollars. 2.9 million people were injured and 42,636 people killed. In terms of deaths, or potential deaths, abortion has more, but it's also the law. Women have the right to choose and whether religious people disagree or not, that's the ballgame.

As to your final thought - no, I don't give credence to your arguments. They're not based on logical thought or scientific evidence. Great, you have faith in something - I think that's terrible. I understand what you're saying, and I abhorrently disagree. Above and beyond that, you haven't even read the bible, so how do you know what the christian stance on these issues is? You may think of yourself as christian, and believe in a set of values you've got on your own, but that's not christianity.. that's just being spiritual & believing in a higher power (something else I don't subscribe to because of the lack of evidence). Christianity *is* the writings and teachings of the bible, and if you don't know that, you have all of your work ahead of you.
1,310 posts

To Paintballer -

God and Jesus are the same, but in order for people to survive we needed a sacrifice from a higher being.

Strange that people on the other side of the planet had nothing to do with this for over a millenia & yet they seemed to survive just fine without him.

As for your argument Moe - I'm with you; it doesn't make any logical sense. I will say that christianity is better then polytheism - at least they're getting closer to the correct number of gods, but aren't quite there yet
3,562 posts

The trinity is one god in three different shapes.

So I've got a baseball that is three different shapes, but are not the same. Interesting... must be a time traveling 4th dimensional baseball.
565 posts

No basically It's one God in diferent forms a man, a ghost, and a highest power.

9,821 posts

But that's the thing isn't it. They can't keep their beliefs private - it's not enough until I believe it too, and my children believe it & live it. It's as if they really think they're doing me some service by flogging it at the unconverted. I won't deny, there are some who keep their faith to themselves, but I cannot count how many times I have, and will no doubt continue to be harassed by someone who thinks they're doing me a favour.

It's annoying, sure-but religion shouldn't be ridiculed. The actions of the religion itself, sure-but the actual religion itself, no matter how crazy it is, is a belief which is undoubtedly important to that person. Religion is a psychological construct-it is part of the unshakable human nature, and it is unfair to ridicule something that is a product of inescapable psychology.
Nope. My father was raised catholic, my mother protestant. They both gave it up in their twenties. I was never raised to dislike religion or to accept it - it was just a subject that was never addressed. I independently gave it a shot when I was a teenager, and then quickly abandoned it & have arrived at this position of my own volition.

By that statement, I deduce that you have not had much interaction with religion in your life-I have. I have come to a decision similar to yours, but I respect people for believing in it. At least it gives them a pillar of moral support, and despite the actions of the conglomerate, the parts that make the whole are not malevolent themselves.
To a point. Realize the position of power that priests have over their charges in their authority with regards to a supreme being, along with the gullibility of those children & you wind up with the end result. It is simply men who have arbitrarily been given a position of power on something completely irrelevant, and abusing it.

The priests have a dominion over their followers; I will concede that much. But, it should be kept in mind that once a person reaches adulthood, then that person is given the chance to reject their religious beliefs. Case-in-point, your parents, as you said here:

Nope. My father was raised catholic, my mother protestant. They both gave it up in their twenties.

They gave it up in their twenties. All people have that chance.
565 posts

Why did they give up God? How does it make them feel?

3,562 posts

Probably they realized that God can't see every little thing, and does not provide for them enough.

Chinua Achebe wrote a book Things Fall Apart, at one point he stated that Christianity was the religion that received all the slums in society and took them in. As you realize these are the people who don't work hard and still believe they deserve something in the slice of societal pie.

Not saying everyone is like that, my parents are Christians and they are well off (top 1% tax bracket).

588 posts

Just think...we could have been exploring the galaxy by now.

9,821 posts

Why did they give up God? How does it make them feel?

They're probably happy with their decision. Not everyone wants to be Christian, you know.
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