ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

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I'm saying that's just not good enough as real evidence.

We have different views on how good the evidence is. I won't change yours, you won't change mine. One issue solved, a million to go.
Dude. *I've* read the bible - and that after I abandoned it - if you're a christian & you think to pretend to follow the faith but don't even know what it is yourself, how [quote]can you even pretend to have any grounds to argue on it?

I didn't say I don't read the Bible. I said I haven't read the whole thing yet.
So if you *know* how god would feel about one thing, but that one thing is contradictory to the bible, how do you know your feeling that sexual pleasure is bad isn't wrong too? It's my point on it's the word of god, or it isn't. You can't have it both ways by quoting parts of the bible to support your argument, and then ignoring parts of the bible that contradict your argument.

Because the Bible wasn't written by God or Jesus, but it is the closest record we have of them. In some cases they have words God or Jesus said, but in many cases it is what is inferred by others (ie, letters to corithians, thesolonians, etc.). I'm not choosing to ignore it, I'm understanding that these men lived in a different time period and portrayed views that were once widely accepted, such as women not having rights, and those views no longer apply. I do not contradict what God or Jesus said, however.
Offense taken - you're treating me as if I was an idiot and you don't address the issue itself as to why they don't keep their opinion to themselves. Of course I know the church's position on it - I disagree, clearly. Currently there are laws in place as to when the abortion of a foetus is legal, and when it's not. The judicial system is good enough for me, and I support a woman's choice on the matter. I don't support abortion - I'm not "YAY! Abortion!" but I could understand if say... a woman was *****, got pregnant as a result of it, and didn't want to give birth to the child. It's her body, it's her choice, and I don't pretend to know what that must feel like - so I support their ability to choose for themselves. If the church and christians care so much about the sanctity of life, then why have religious people killed the doctors who perform it?

My mistake. You seemed not to understand why the Church was against abortion. If you do, then you had no need asking the question in the first place.
Yeah, me neither.
There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. The financial cost of these crashes is more than 230 Billion dollars. 2.9 million people were injured and 42,636 people killed. In terms of deaths, or potential deaths, abortion has more, but it's also the law. Women have the right to choose and whether religious people disagree or not, that's the ballgame.

Didn't say it wasn't the game. I said I disagree and once again, I was only explaining why the Church opposes abortion. The law also said we were allowed to go into Viewnam, but we had protesters to that as well. Protesting and debating is part of America.
As to your final thought - no, I don't give credence to your arguments. They're not based on logical thought or scientific evidence. Great, you have faith in something - I think that's terrible. I understand what you're saying, and I abhorrently disagree. Above and beyond that, you haven't even read the bible, so how do you know what the christian stance on these issues is? You may think of yourself as christian, and believe in a set of values you've got on your own, but that's not christianity.. that's just being spiritual & believing in a higher power (something else I don't subscribe to because of the lack of evidence). Christianity *is* the writings and teachings of the bible, and if you don't know that, you have all of your work ahead of you.

I never said I didn't read the Bible, I said I haven't read the entire thing since I'm not a monk, I'm a teenager. I will probably read the entire thing before I become an adult, but let's face it, I've got time. Christianity *is* believing in Christ, New Testament was written by fallible men and pretending it wasn't doesn't make you more of a Christian. Secondly, I'm not the one making arguments. I'm responding to your arguments. Atheism is easy to argue for because you don't have faith in it. Quite the contrary, you only don't have faith in a religion. Christianity requires faith, and faith can't be changed into logic.

I apologize for the remarks I made about you not understanding Church teaching on abortion, but I get frustrated when I think people don't know something I've found so blatently obvious. You did know it, though, so sorry for that. I have nothing against you or atheism, it's just a different outlook than I have.
1,310 posts

It's annoying, sure-but religion shouldn't be ridiculed. The actions of the religion itself, sure-but the actual religion itself, no matter how crazy it is, is a belief which is undoubtedly important to that person. Religion is a psychological construct-it is part of the unshakable human nature, and it is unfair to ridicule something that is a product of inescapable psychology.

Unshakable? If it were truly an inescapable part of the human condition like you say it is, then *everyone* would believe in something, and yet, there are many people like myself who don't believe in anything 'spiritual'.

Perhaps if I word it another way. I think it is ridiculous that we take it seriously, and that we're not getting these people help. A friend of a friend of mine underwent counselling & psychiatric evaluation because they still believed in their imaginary friend in their twenties. I can't say I don't think that religion is a sign of mental illness.

By that statement, I deduce that you have not had much interaction with religion in your life-I have.

You would be incorrect in your deduction. I have had a significant exposure to several different religions throughout my life, and didn't think much on the subject either way. I was involved in a number of religious youth programs, went to a camp that had a huge focus on the bible & christianity, not to mention the exposure from friends, and even unsolicited attempts at conversion when I got a little older.

And BigP08.

You seemed not to understand why the Church was against abortion. If you do, then you had no need asking the question in the first place.

Perhaps you didn't understand the question. I want to know why they don't keep their nose out of other people's businesses. They disagree with it. Fine. Go home; stop pushing your agenda on the rest of us or ostracizing & killing the medical professionals assisting the women. If you disagree with the law, write your legislative representative. To your next point - okay, legal protest is fine. Killing the doctors is wrong, even by your own set of principles, yet the religion seems to drive these people in that direction. It's not turning all christians into bloodthirsty killers; but it's certainly not helping with some.

I get frustrated when I think people don't know something I've found so blatently obvious

I enjoy the use of socratic interrogation, and it frustrates a lot of people. There's almost always another 'why' behind a 'why'. So you just keep asking.

Christianity requires faith, and faith can't be changed into logic.

True. I'm still not sure why people try to argue for christianity in a debate setting. It doesn't work.

To Paintballer -
Why did they give up God? How does it make them feel?

Well, my mother feels fine? It's not tormenting her; I doubt she barely thinks about the subject much. We discuss it from time to time; she just rolls her eyes and laughs a little.

My father doesn't feel anything anymore - he's dead. While he was alive though, he regarded religion with a bemused pity. He never voiced or expressed any of it though until I approached him to speak on my experience with christianity with disdain.

And Yakooza? Nice. =P
1,455 posts

Perhaps you didn't understand the question. I want to know why they don't keep their nose out of other people's businesses. They disagree with it. Fine. Go home; stop pushing your agenda on the rest of us or ostracizing & killing the medical professionals assisting the women. If you disagree with the law, write your legislative representative. To your next point - okay, legal protest is fine. Killing the doctors is wrong, even by your own set of principles, yet the religion seems to drive these people in that direction. It's not turning all christians into bloodthirsty killers; but it's certainly not helping with some.

Sorry, I misunderstood your question. They think that abortion is murder (I know that's not your opinion, I'm just explaining) and so therefore they would try to fight in defense of the fetus. That's why they don't yeild on this issue. Just so you know, I am completely against bombing abortion clinics. I agree that this issue turns some Christians into bloodthirsty killers. I'm still pro-life, but that that far to the right. Hopefully it comforts you to know I'm not going to strike in the night. >
I enjoy the use of socratic interrogation, and it frustrates a lot of people. There's almost always another 'why' behind a 'why'. So you just keep asking.

No, I was only frustrated because I misunderstood your questin. Again, I apologize for insulting you.
True. I'm still not sure why people try to argue for christianity in a debate setting. It doesn't work.

I'm only here to respond if I think people are discussing a particular part of Christianity that I may be able to shed some light on. I will admit this; using logic alone, Atheism makes more sense. But the morals of the Christian faith (not some of the whackos that kill over abortion or start witch trials or things like that) are mostly morals that we should all be enacting anyway. Like you, I don't need a Bible to tell me to be a moral person, but you'd be surprised how many people do. Plus, in ways it's strengthened my basic human morality in little ways, such as choosing not to cheat at school, not to curse, things like that. If you can choose this stuff without faith, that's wonderful too.
3,562 posts

Just think...we could have been exploring the galaxy by now.

Aha thats great

now seriously
My father doesn't feel anything anymore - he's dead. While he was alive though, he regarded religion with a bemused pity. He never voiced or expressed any of it though until I approached him to speak on my experience with christianity with disdain.

It is because Christianity works to hard to make up answers to the unknown, that is why personally I grew tired of it.

The problem at hand is that Atheism provides answers through logic and Christianity provides answers through a book that is already questionable to begin with.

I respect ya BigP08, for sticking up to your ideals. As I have cast away my religious ideals a long time ago.
1,310 posts

Ah, don't worry about the insults; it's a hot topic & people get riled up. To be honest, I only point them out as a debate tactic - I'm really not offended

Well... at this point I think we've reached an impasse. I've enjoyed this conversation thoroughly - it's been a lot of fun. Much respect - Most people give up, but you stood your ground all the way to the declaration of faith over logic.. and that? I cannot argue.


9,821 posts

Unshakable? If it were truly an inescapable part of the human condition like you say it is, then *everyone* would believe in something, and yet, there are many people like myself who don't believe in anything 'spiritual'.

I never said anything spiritual, just something. Perhaps you could believe in atheism. (not to compare it with religion.) It is a part of the human condition; there is even a Pacific island that built a religion around the US WWII Air Force.
You would be incorrect in your deduction. I have had a significant exposure to several different religions throughout my life, and didn't think much on the subject either way. I was involved in a number of religious youth programs, went to a camp that had a huge focus on the bible & christianity, not to mention the exposure from friends, and even unsolicited attempts at conversion when I got a little older.

I am currently in one of those camps. I don't take religion very seriously, but I respect them in their belief.
I think it is ridiculous that we take it seriously

THAT is a fair thing to say.
Incredible, how a dingle statement can spark a whole debate. . . .
@Yakooza: Awesome graph.
@hidden: You. Participate. In. The. Abortion. Thread.
1,455 posts

Thanks, it was an interesting debate, and I actually did take some of your arguments into my life. Have fun <

1,310 posts

there is even a Pacific island that built a religion around the US WWII Air Force.

Cargo cults are funny.. well. Maybe not funny.. it's a little sad. At any rate, they're an example I've used in other arguments to show just how easily this kind of thing can spring up.

Eh.. I'll chime in on it later. I need a shower... and & have to change one of my tires. Bloody flat.
9,821 posts

@hidden: First, we beat you to Pascal's Wager, and now we beat you to the air-force religion! :P
Hmmmmmmm. . .and so this thread's argument has reached yet another impasse. If it dies, it'll be revived, and the cycle will continue.

55 posts

@Yakooza - funny but historically false and made up.

@thisisnotanalt- I asked you about twenty pages ago (sorry for wait) whether there is an absolute morality. You said yea. So you believe logic and reason can figure out who created the universe, but logic can't figure out whats a just action?

588 posts

"Hi, Homosexuality should be illegal because it's what the Bible wants. However, the parts about women as property or slavery being OK don't count anymore."

55 posts

As a response to Yazooka99k, I don't believe being a homosexual is wrong. I believe homosexual acts are morally wrong but not legally. I think Gay Marriage is wrong because the point of marriage is to create a family not just to mess around. If two homosexuals want to have fun and live together that's legally fine, but that's not the point of marriage.

Also, slavery in the old testament is a lot different than we imagine now. Pope Paul III in 1537 issued a Bull against slavery, entitled Sublimis Deus, which attacked slavery which took away every type of rights from slaves. For there are many different types of slavery. For instance lets say I owe you so much money i can never pay you back. Is that morally far fetched to say that you would be a servant for X years to pay off the debt.

3,224 posts

Chinua Achebe wrote a book Things Fall Apart, at one point he stated that Christianity was the religion that received all the slums in society and took them in. As you realize these are the people who don't work hard and still believe they deserve something in the slice of societal pie.

You're interperating the book wrongly. They weren't bums who were lazy and refused to work, they were people who had been deemed as evil, either for acts they committed or evil omens and such at birth and were therefore cast out of Igbo society on religious grounds. It wasn't because they were lazy.
1,310 posts

So you believe logic and reason can figure out who created the universe, but logic can't figure out whats a just action?

While not directed at me personally, I feel I have an opinion to offer on this. I wouldn't use the words.. 'who' created the universe, but as for innate morality in humans; some modern philosophers & scientists believe that morality is a part of social evolution, which allow large groups of social animals to co-exist; which they refer to as the 'moral zeitgeist'

It is the consensus of the populace within a society that makes something morally acceptable or immoral, rather than written codes.

Dawkins illustrates the changing Moral Zeitgeist his book The God Delusion:

Slavery, which was taken for granted in the Bible and throughout most of history, was abolished in civilized countries in the nineteenth century. All civilized nations now accept what was widely denied up to the 1920s, that a woman's vote, in an election or on a jury, is the equal of a man's. In today's enlightened societies, women are no longer regarded as property, as they clearly were in biblical times. Any modern legal system would have prosecuted Abraham for child abuse.

People have the morals they have today, because it allows them to get by & coexist with the other people in our soceity. It's in everyone's self interest to... 'behave', and as such, is the structure of a typically selfish creature's morality with regards to others.
3,826 posts

As a response to Yazooka99k, I don't believe being a homosexual is wrong. I believe homosexual acts are morally wrong but not legally. I think Gay Marriage is wrong because the point of marriage is to create a family not just to mess around. If two homosexuals want to have fun and live together that's legally fine, but that's not the point of marriage.

I don't think that's the point of marriage for most people. It is also neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition for having children. What if I feel in love with a woman who was incapable of getting pregnant? Or if I was sterile? Does this mean these marriages are for "messing around?"
But these Christian responses on social issues is really just a red herring that tries to detract from the core issues. Once someone tries to give an argument that doesn't involve religion (say, that homosexual couples can't have kids) it completely fails.
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