I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
religion is needed to answer unanswerable questions and to give people hope
the human mind can be tricked into believing anything if it does not firsthand experience it
would you rather hear: "your going to a place where you get everlasting love forevah!" or "you will be buried in a hole where your body is going to decompose leaving a skeleton and long fingernails"
Thats interesting DDX. I guess I see the difference between you and me. You think existence is half answerable and half not. While I think existence all could be figured out. (All we need is a Buddhist too tell us none of existence is answerable and we've gone the cycle.)
Any particular reason you left Catholicism?
would you rather hear: "your going to a place where you get everlasting love forevah!" or "you will be buried in a hole where your body is going to decompose leaving a skeleton and long fingernails"
well, I left Catholicism to join Christianity, because I felt that my whole family would goto heaven and I too would be with them one day.
about 3 years ago I also left Christianity too, because I thought there is no way god would do this to me.
At that time my grandmother passed away due to an accidental mix up at a hospital. Because my dad is a Physician there, suing hospital might make them hate my dad and probably lower his salary. So basically we had to let that go.
I am not like Job in the bible, I am actually human, I would fail all of God's tests. But there are some inexplicable mysteries that you just have to turn to a higher power (maybe god, maybe a giant mass of energy).
i am an atheist an agresive atheist i listen to Heavy metal, thrash metal, love metal, and i alvus wear black, and i think jesus was just a normal person with a wife (mary magdalen) and acording to the newly descovered gospel by Judas jesus faked his own death, and the shrod of thoren is a proof of that, he was covered with it when he vas remuved from the croos and healed with aloe and murr
i beleive in christianity, i think but i think somehow, the big band and how god created earth have some sorta match. there is just something telling me that they somehow have a connection. i mean its senceless for people to fight over religeon. all the things happening in the world is bad enough, but more war just hurts! the world just needs to have more peace, the world doesnt form us, we form it. with how much peace we have right now it just doesnt work.
great leaders help, like martin luthur king jr., barrack obama, ghandi, mother teresa ( is a saint ), the people who just fight for our rights would do everything they can to just have equal lifes. when i mean equal i mean no slaves and religeous wars. i hope this inspired you all to do the right things then the wrong. =) peace out the "friendly fox"
Ah, drschust.. you didn't seem to see that I was addressing two very different things.
It is the consensus of the populace within a society that makes something morally acceptable or immoral, rather than written codes.
As for barring gay marriage; you can't oppress the rights of the minority because the majority disagrees with it.
Take a side HiddenDistance you contradicted yourself really really badly.
On of those has to do with a public conception of morality, and the other has to do with personal rights & freedoms. You know, after the supreme court started to rule in favour of Black men & women having equal rights, and that interracial marriage was allowed by the law, it was *still* considered morally unclean by the majority of the population - and as a result, not many people did it, and those that did were still ostracized for it.
Today we have the benefit of looking back on that and saying "How horrible!" because interracial marriage is no big deal - the moral zeitgeist has changed to include that as 'acceptable'.
DDX - to respond quickly to your first post on 124; agnostic would be a poor descriptor for what you feel/think - 'deist' or 'deism' would be a better term for it.
DDX - to respond quickly to your first post on 124; agnostic would be a poor descriptor for what you feel/think - 'deist' or 'deism' would be a better term for it.
Hmmm, thats it, that is the word I'm looking for, thanks.
HiddenDistance this is what I mean by your contradiction. If you really believed that morals changed with society and were defined differently as time went on; How then do you explain personal rights & freedoms being any different?
You'll note the country I'm using in the example. The United States makes a point of being one of the most 'free' nations on the planet. Much of it's constitution is based on equality & equal opportunity. In this case, gay marriage is unconstitutional, even if the public conception is that it's immoral.
There will come a time in the united states where gay marriage is accepted & is perfectly normal, and is no longer regarded by the majority of the public as 'immoral'. There are always paragons of society that attempt to push people to try and change the nature of accepted moral standards to include the personal rights & freedoms of others - like the abolishment of slavery, civil rights, abolishing child labor, women's suffrage.
You can even see yourself around many countries that being against gay marriage is becoming an increasingly unpopular opinion.
Sometimes the government forces the change, and sometimes society itself forces the change. I would cite the changes to paragons in the populace or in government as being of a great moral character then the majority, and it is through their works that they convice the government to change, or that they convince the people who they are governing that what they are doing is just.
The US constitution was based on certain ideals, but they're not there yet. They still have to work towards the high standard of morals & ideals that they originally put to paper.
The US constitution was based on certain ideals, but they're not there yet. They still have to work towards the high standard of morals & ideals that they originally put to paper.
Ideals hmmm.... Like absolute truths of whats right and wrong regardless of time or place. Sounds like absolute morality.
I agree with you trends change in whats morally "accepted". But what doesn't change is whether or not the action is morally "right". Whether gay marriage is morally right or wrong is not a matter of raising hands and voting. It is either morally right or morally wrong regardless of what the government says. The Holocaust was supported by the German government and Eugenics in the 1940's was "accepted". But both those actions are wrong and evil regardless of time and place in history.
@drschust: You're conflating ideals and morality. Morality is what a person thinks is right, and the ideals of a country would be the law and what the laws are based on. Besides, this statement:
Ideals hmmm.... Like absolute truths of whats right and wrong regardless of time or place. Sounds like absolute morality.
is invalid, because ideals change from country to country. ---------- You are seeing the Holocaust and eugenics through your opinion. Some people would take no issue. Morality is dependent on perspective.