ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
1,455 posts

See, there it seems like your saying I don't trust things.

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that. I meant Christians need to trust more, and in things that don't prove trust in return right away. Like I said, everybody needs to trust or we'd all be crazy. How far one would go defines their religion. Again, sorry, I didn't mean to insult.
332 posts

No problem, things get easily misinterpreted here. I should probably go to bed too...

2,269 posts

Err...Krishna was mentioned in the site you included. That's the first time I've actually ever heard Krishna; I've heard the Mithra/Osirus/Horus theory, but never Krishna. Even with Roman trade with India it's outlandish

This is 'Krishna', this is the first time you've heard of him? Really? Well what ever.....
5,061 posts

Hey just a note here, the name of the god is Vishnu not Krishna. Vasudev ShriKrishna is the name of an avatar that the god Vishnu (Creator) took during the epic tale of the Mahabharata. Please don't question my judgment on this considering both my entire family is Hindu, and i used to be Hindu. My second note please don't refer to the main god of one of the worlds oldest religions as a pagan god, as pagan gods are deity's that are responsible for the forces of Nature. Vishnu is literally the epitome of creation, after him is Brahma-dev (dev being a title) who is responsible for creation of man kind, and then there is Shiv the god of of the end, whenever the earth needs to be destroyed Shiv is called in, then Vishnu then recreates it, then Brahma remakes people.

Lol sorry for the entire lecture, I shortened it down as much as i could if you want a more advanced explanation contact me with your e-mail and i'll send most of the info that i have.

2,180 posts

Not the first time I've heard of Krishna, but the first time I've heard of Krishna as a theoretical influence to Jesus. Interesting...

5,061 posts

Lol i just noticed the number of you posts, joining the devil are we? I've never heard of him as a theoretical influence to Jesus either.

9,821 posts

It was only because it appeared that you implied Christians to be stupid, but maybe I misinterpreted. In any case, I'm going to bed.

Misinterpretation there. I know a lot of smart Christians
2,180 posts

Kyouzou: Err...coincidental. This post should fix the problem. LOL.

5,061 posts

Where'd the whole if your christian you're stupid thing come in...?

945 posts

The smartest people in the world are Atheists, that should say something. The stupidest people in the world think that Jebus talks to them in their toast.

1,455 posts

Where'd the whole if your christian you're stupid thing come in...?

Just a misunderstanding between Alt and me.
The smartest people in the world are Atheists, that should say something. The stupidest people in the world think that Jebus talks to them in their toast.

Um, where'd you get that? Nobody thinks Jesus *talks* to them right now. It doesn't make you stupid to have a religion. The smartest people in the world are probably Agnostic, actually.
Anyway, I guess with religion the most important thing is that if you could die tomorrow and find out there is no god, would you be satisfied? I have to say I would be, just because of the morals I've learned from my religion. I'm not going to waste my life pondering whether or not there is a god when I'm going to follow the morals of my religion anyway. Hopefully that's not a personal attakc on Atheism, I just feel that was an unfair and immature attack on Christianity. By the way, you spelled *Jesus* wrong, so your opinion on who's the smartest in the world doesn't mean a whole lot to me.
263 posts

Anyway, I guess with religion the most important thing is that if you could die tomorrow and find out there is no god, would you be satisfied? I have to say I would be, just because of the morals I've learned from my religion.I'm not going to waste my life pondering whether or not there is a god when I'm going to follow the morals of my religion anyway. Hopefully that's not a personal attakc on Atheism, I just feel that was an unfair and immature attack on Christianity.

I am just going to jump into this now, and god knows I'm not going to read the other 143 pages, so if this is referring to something in the past that I'm not catching, I apologize.

That being said, I'm not sure what you're referring to in that paragraph.

I am an unabashed atheist, and I firmly expect there to be no afterlife. Should there end up being one, however, I will be very surprised, and a bit speechless.

The question itself, though, is a little skewed. If there is no god, there will be no "realization" of that fact, because there will be no afterlife. For the sake of argument, though, I would be satisfied. As you yourself said, it is possible to follow a moral code without religion, and that is how I choose to live my life. To me, it is more commendable to live morally without the motivation of a fear of hell or a reward of heaven, anyway.
1,455 posts

I'm not sure what you're referring to in that paragraph.

I mean, I'm happy with the way I live my life. If my *faith* is for absolutely nothing, it isn't a waste to me because it has helped me become a better person. That's what I mean by not regretting it, if that makes sense.
To me, it is more commendable to live morally without the motivation of a fear of hell or a reward of heaven, anyway.

In a way, this is why God, if he exists, chooses not to reveal himself. Then we would all know what we should and shouldn't do. This way, Christians are still unsure that there is a reward (because we don't *know*, we *believe*). Anyway, what's commendable is to believe in doing good, not even the faith itself, without seeing that good will come in return. With or without a god, that is the way we should all live.
1,720 posts

i am atheist. i will never admit to the existence of god. there are gaping holes in christianity as a whole, and i can see right through them.

3,224 posts

i am atheist. i will never admit to the existence of god. there are gaping holes in christianity as a whole, and i can see right through them.

See now sentences like these are what make me ashamed to be atheist. Most make the same assumptions most theists make. They make general assumptions on a topic they can't begin to fully understand, and then claim it's 100% true.

I'm also ashamed to say that many people claim to be atheist because it makes them look or seem more intelligent. If you can corner an atheist and get them to contradict themselves, or fumble over a simple logic test, it's a bandwagon atheist. Those people annoy me beyond all others. The people that claim beliefs they do not understand and cannot defend for the sake of being cool or intelligent looking.

PS, that was not aimed at valkyrie, but at bandwagon atheists in general.
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