ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
2,269 posts

wow didn't know that

If you watch the movie, they name a whole lot more, I mean tons of names on the list aprear.
57 posts

Im Christian, but also believe in the right to be atheist. But it you are atheist, you have no reason to go around bashing people of other religions.

9,821 posts

ya sorry about the spelling I will try to run it through word from now on I get it all the time at school. But you are right a lot of Christians don't know the difference and that is what is making us very weak and easy to fight with and if you don't mind me asking what are you

I'm an agnostic, but I actually think about the concept of God. Sometimes I lean towards theism, sometimes atheism, but I'm open-minded and accept the prophecy of any religion as a POSSIBILITY, but a slim one due to logical reasons.
Im Christian, but also believe in the right to be atheist. But it you are atheist, you have no reason to go around bashing people of other religions.

I've never seen, heard or read an atheist being rude to religious people or religions . .I've only seen Christians condemning atheists. But that is beside the point.
197 posts

I've never seen, heard or read an atheist being rude to religious people or religions . .I've only seen Christians condemning atheists. But that is beside the point.

To true... Everyone is always mean to atheists, always pressuring them to convert. It sickens me. I'll talk with them about it, but won't force them to.
1,455 posts

Atheism, therefore, is based on what is based on being true sands correct. How, then, if atheism 'stupid' when Christianity isn't? I don't want some small-minded rebuttal, I want a reason.

I don't think atheism is stupid, but all the same, atheism assumes there is no higher power. Atheism is based on what we know to be true, and on the belief that there is nothing we can't figure out by earthly means. Religion is based on what we know to be true, and what we believe to be true. So they both have their ups and downs. You could be blindly following nothing, or you could be too proud to believe in what cannot be supported by fact.
9,821 posts

Religion is based on what we know to be true,

Misuse of the word 'know' here. Religion is about faith, not correctness-and therefore, not hat you know to be true, but JUST what you believe to be true.
atheism assumes there is no higher power.

Christianity assumes that a bearded man healed the blind, raised the dead, turned water into wine, that said man was executed, then himself rose from the dead three days later. . .and it also assumes that there is a higher power.
or you could be too proud to believe in what cannot be supported by fact.

Atheism has nothing at all to do with pride. correlates with logic, nothing more. You're mistaking pride for logic.
2,180 posts

LiL_GaNgSta_BlAzE: Zzz. Read some modern scholarship for a change instead of conspiracy-theory movies. Mithas, Osirus, Zoroaster, and Krishna were part of a theory hatched by several Germans in the nineteenth century that Jesus was based off pagan Gods. Unfortunately, we know better now, thanks to archaeological finds and a more logical historical review.

2,269 posts


How can that be, if 'Krishna' is a Hindu god, and while Hinduisim is the worlds oldest religion, surpasing the 19 century.....

PS: I don't just sit around watching conspiracy-theory movies, I just watched it because a friend showed it to me.
1,455 posts

Misuse of the word 'know' here. Religion is about faith, not correctness-and therefore, not hat you know to be true, but JUST what you believe to be true.

No, I mean PEOPLE who believe in religion base their LOGIC off science AND faith. Science is the know part, and faith is the believe part.
Christianity assumes that a bearded man healed the blind, raised the dead, turned water into wine, that said man was executed, then himself rose from the dead three days later. . .and it also assumes that there is a higher power.

It wasn't an insult, just a fact. I started off with a fact to show that I wasn't trying to insult, guess it didn't work
Atheism has nothing at all to do with pride. correlates with logic, nothing more. You're mistaking pride for logic.

Misuse of the word, then. I meant that atheism would doubt that there is a possibility of higher power(s) existing in the unknown. Of course they aren't *proud* to think they know the right belief, and besides, I think everyone indulges in a little pride. But let's go into something more extreme. Let's say I deny Obama being the president. After all, it could be a big conspiracy, hidden well with those in range of him, and his *duties* could just be done by another. Insane, crazy, yet there is no way to disprove it (at least from here). Now that's not how I'd refer to atheism, of course, but I'm only pointing out that true logic is few, and all facts are based on records, which cannot be proven by anything other than record. My point being that to a certain extent, we all have to believe and trust. Religion needs to believe and trust in older and less reliable records, since it was only recorded once. And that's why it is more debateable. That doesn't make it necessarily false.
Mostly I was giving reasons why Christianity wasn't stupid by making comparisons. I wasn't implying at all that atheism is stupid.
332 posts

After all, it could be a big conspiracy, hidden well with those in range of him, and his *duties* could just be done by another. Insane, crazy, yet there is no way to disprove it (at least from here). Now that's not how I'd refer to atheism, of course, but I'm only pointing out that true logic is few, and all facts are based on records, which cannot be proven by anything other than record. My point being that to a certain extent, we all have to believe and trust.

How do you think North Korea maintains control? They make their citizens worship their leader, saying he's infallible and perfect, and almost everyone blindly accepts that. Yes, its hard to go against what everyone else believes and accepts, but you have to wonder, if something like that's possible there, couldn't that be possible here? (I'm not into conspiracy theory's, I'm just saying we should think about things before we accept them). For all we know, everything that's taught to us about the world is a lie. Maybe Europe doesn't exist. When you get on a plane or boat, maybe it doesn't really travel to another continent, its your own country, but people believe its a different continent because all evidence points to that. Yes, I know, just like the Obama theory kinda crazy, but if we blindly trust things too much, worlds that could exist, and religion helps encourage blind faith. Something with so little valid backing makes it impossible for me to truly believe in it, so that's why I'm an Atheist, because I won't just accept what everyone else accepts unless there is a reason for it.

1,455 posts

Something with so little valid backing makes it impossible for me to truly believe in it, so that's why I'm an Atheist, because I won't just accept what everyone else accepts unless there is a reason for it.

My point was only that all of us have to do a little bit of trusting, and it may or may not bite us in the Religion does take a deeper faith to believe in, and I understand why you wouldn't want to go for it. I was only defending Christianity by saying that we do trusting all the time, not opposing atheism.
9,821 posts

No, I mean PEOPLE who believe in religion base their LOGIC off science AND faith. Science is the know part, and faith is the believe part.

If it's based off faith, then it isn't logic.
It wasn't an insult, just a fact. I started off with a fact to show that I wasn't trying to insult, guess it didn't work

I didn't take it as an insult, just a weird juxtaposition. . . .
Mostly I was giving reasons why Christianity wasn't stupid by making comparisons. I wasn't implying at all that atheism is stupid.

I didn't take it like that. I'm just saying that Christianity requires more faith than atheism-and so it is less of a gamble, because there is less trusting and blind faith.
1,455 posts

If it's based off faith, then it isn't logic.

I know. My point was that Christians aren't crazy and don't deny logic. It was only because it appeared that you implied Christians to be stupid, but maybe I misinterpreted. In any case, I'm going to bed. See you later!
332 posts

My point was only that all of us have to do a little bit of trusting, and it may or may not bite us in the Religion does take a deeper faith to believe in, and I understand why you wouldn't want to go for it. I was only defending Christianity by saying that we do trusting all the time, not opposing atheism.

See, there it seems like your saying I don't trust things. I think its a different kind of trust though. I'd trust my friends with my life, and I know they can trust me with theirs. The thing is, I have no reason to trust religion. I have a reason to trust my friends, but religion doesn't give enough evidence, even enough persuasiveness to make me even want to believe. Heaven? To me, that would be hell, because no matter how great it might be, eternal life isn't worth the gains. I wasn't raised in a religious household, so I got to decide my own beliefs. This is one of the reasons why I'm an atheist, because I place that trust in things I know will return that trust.

2,180 posts

Err...Krishna was mentioned in the site you included. That's the first time I've actually ever heard Krishna; I've heard the Mithra/Osirus/Horus theory, but never Krishna. Even with Roman trade with India it's outlandish.

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