Here in the Armor office, we had a long discussion on what makes addicting games, well, addicting? We've made a page on the subject, and picked our own addicting games - but we felt we really should get community opinion on the matter. So we've spawned forum threads here in Flash Games to get your feedback! The most community voted games will get a place of honor on our "Addicting Games" page.
This thread focuses on strategy games.
Tell us which one you feel is most addicting, and why?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tough one....... i think either stick war(both 1 and 2) or kingdom rush but both have there own down sides :rush COULD have better graphics and perhaps easier levels AND POSSIBLY if they were to make a sequel i think they should make it a MMO. :stick war 1 is kinda lame i like The story line but it lacks in lvls quanity (who even says that word these days lol) and id also like to add THE LVLS ARE TO EASY. :stick war2 is great but theres one problem.... THERES TO MANY BUTTONS/SHORTCUTS!!!!!!! BY THE TIME I FRIGGIN FOUND THE ATTACK BUTTON HALF MY MEN GOT KILLED!!!!!!!!!. : so as you can see if i could choose 1 game to be on the most addicting page would be...........(drumming) F'N CLASSROOM SIERES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: i would like to say this game pretty much took up so much of my time i ended up missing church lol the graphics were pretty lame to bad instead of dots they couldint be stick men but the story was awsome (the way that kid jumped out the window was hilarious) and the fact the stupid teacher was ablivious to the fact that i was cheating behind her back is pretty awsome.......THKS ARMOR GAMES YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!! thankyou "the guy that has a red shield picture"
Star Squadrons. The game is relatively undeveloped but I think a sequel could be fantastic. Not many people are going to say that, but it's my opinion.