Here in the Armor office, we had a long discussion on what makes addicting games, well, addicting? We've made a page on the subject, and picked our own addicting games - but we felt we really should get community opinion on the matter. So we've spawned forum threads here in Flash Games to get your feedback! The most community voted games will get a place of honor on our "Addicting Games" page.
This thread focuses on strategy games.
Tell us which one you feel is most addicting, and why?
Well.....None unfortunately! I play because am bored Why you might ask??? because its all repetitive!(Just different Graphic) I Believe that G.A.M.E.S are all about "Concept" & "Mechanism" To achieve both & maintain equilibrium you need some pretty complicated brains, one that thinks abstract all the time! Ahmmm... yeah that's me! I sketch game concepts on papers all the time! And actually sometime went the extra mile, design, print them on paper & build models. I once created a small box with a magnet lion puzzle that you have to solve and when you do , its mouth parts comes together to form a circular hole where you stick your finger in and push outward to open the box! I was 17 at that time If you need me contact me...
Gemcraft: Labrynth. A game is addicting when it paces the rewards you get in such a way as to avoid a grind. Giving players multiple options of progression allows for players to grind for days, or play casually and still make progress. A reward that is just a flash graphic and some non-spendable points is fun and always something that should be added to some amount, but rewards that allow you to feel like you are able to effect the world around you are better. As you level up in Gemcraft you get the feeling you are playing a different game entirely from the one you started playing. You gain enough power to be able to shape the map, but new more powerful monsters always appear. All flash games (or games in general really) are going to have some repetitive thing the player has to do millions of times. The more this action's (building towers, clicking shoot, whatever) effect changes (internally as in a new gun and externally as in the enemies popping differently) as the game goes on, the more addictive it will be. (hope that made some sense)