ForumsQuestsL.I.F.E. Quests

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This thread is a place to discuss quests for L.I.F.E. Here is a list of the current quests available for this adventure game...
HAL 9000
Survive in "getting aged" chapter.
Hardness: Medium
Get $100,000.
Hardness: Medium
Get all achievements.
Hardness: Hard

  • 78 Replies
23 posts
Grand Duke

That last quest is just ridiculous, perfect getting aged makes it by far the hardest skill based quest on armorgames.

at my best i have survived till 16 seconds left flawlessly

697 posts

Its not the hardest ..... some are more hardest than others.. other quests takes you more time to do it like the 100.000.000 quest from Epic Combo Redux

636 posts

I think it is one of the hardest, though, maybe not THE hardest but still ... Another entry in the Too Hard; Won't Continue (TH;WC ... it's a thing) category for me.

574 posts
Grand Duke

s there really no trick I can use for this? Anyone?! =S

I will try to explain what i did. I stayed mostly in the middle, when they came at me i moved slight to go through the middle of them. This works for the first 40 secs. So when they do get faster i tried to stay close to one of the deaths, then switched. (They move faster when they are further away so try to stay close and move with them and around them).

Best way i can summarize it.

Take break for a bit and retry. Amazing how much better you are when you had a little break.
3,174 posts

For flawless getting aged (dodging the sun and moon orbs), part of it was me just getting in the zone and focusing hard the whole time.

Method I used to beat getting aged flawless:

1.) Don't stare at the clock, focus on your guy. If you have the skill you can glance at the clock from time to time to see how much time is left.

2.) Don't get lazy when the timer hits a few seconds (like 2 or one seconds left). The timer seems to run another 1 or 2 seconds after it hits zero, so stay sharp the whole way through.

3.) Keep track of your guy and the orbs. Try to "look ahead" of the orbs, as in see where they are and where they will be.

- I prefer to track my guy and the orbs like this, I don't keep the guy in the certain of my vision, instead I keep him just a bit off the center allowing me a little more field of vision to see where the orbs are and their movement patterns.

4.) When I could, I went in between the two orbs, this keeps you close to the orbs. By being close to the orbs, they won't accelerate (for long periods) to get close to you and it keeps the orbs movement more consistent. But...

5.) Sometimes you can just circle around the orbs, in either a small circle or a large circle around the edge of the screen.

- I Prefer to sometimes circle around the orbs several times until it becomes almost impossible to make another circle, then I cut in between the two. But, you can also do the reverse, constantly cutting in between the two and then occasionally circling them when necessary.

6.) This shouldn't be something that you actively think about will playing the aging part, but it helps to know. Sometimes your cursor may leave the screen and your guy won't follow, leading to choppy movement. Try to not be sloppy with your cursor movement, don't let it leave the gaming area (but don't focus on this tip when playing).

7.) The orbs move faster as time goes on, but they also appear to move faster (or at least accelerate for a longer period, or accelerate more quickly) when you are farther away from them. (This is probably why tip 4 may be helpful.)

8.) Practice will help you get a feel for how everything moves.

This was basically what I did to get flawless on the aged stage. Some of it may have been luck as well, but with some practice this quest should be obtainable.

697 posts

Also dont get too closer to your couple or/and friend cause balls go more faster when youre near them so go to the other point and avoid them i tried to do that almost beat them its like a relative fight they go faster when you go to heal or something

14 posts

why pick get all achievements?

Not cool!

20 posts

How on earth do you get $100,000? The stage always ends before I can possibly get enough power-ups, and it's not like I'm spending them all on weapon upgrades. The most I ever use is four power-ups for extra weapon, and three power-ups for firing more often, and yet last time I only got up to $65,000 before everything disappeared and it moved me onto the next stage.

20 posts

Hah, I should have asked about this sooner. Right after I ask I get it.

3,174 posts

How on earth do you get $100,000?

Okay, a few tips on how to get Scrooge (Get $100,000.) quest.

1.) It seemed to me that having the art career caused your bullets to shoot the most frequently right from the beginning of the everyday life stage. No education is probably the worst to have. Medical and Electrician seem to shoot less frequently than art career as well. I would stick with art career if possible, but if you personally like another career go with it.

2.) When the everyday life stage first begins, I would stay about a few centimeters from the top of the game screen. It makes your bullets have to travel less distance, and thus you can hit the aliens more quickly. It makes aiming a bit easier, and you should be shooting more aliens this way. Just make sure to leave yourself enough room to dodge the aliens.

3.) When you are really close to the aliens, try to aim your shots to be where the aliens will be and not where they currently are. More precisely still aim at the aliens body, but either a little bit left or right of them (if the alien is moving right shoot a bit to the right. If it's moving left, shoot a bit left).

- When you are at the bottom of the screen try to aim your shots to be where the aliens will be and not where they are currently are. Only from this distance you will have to lead your shots more. (If the alien is moving right, you will want to shoot maybe one alien body length to the right or more away from the alien. Same for left, only shoot left of the alien. By the time your bullet gets there it should hit the alien. Also, play around with the distance you lead your shots if my tip is off distance wise. Lastly, you can upgrade the speed at which your bullets travel, which will change the distance you lead your shots. But, I recommend not wasting upgrade packs on bullet speed.)

4.) I usually upgraded my guns to shoot more bullets at once. This would be the first upgrade I make. You can upgrade it so you shoot two bullets or three. The only downfall to upgrading to shoot three bullets is that it will take you 8 upgrade packs to fire all three bullets. So, toy around with this and see what works best for you (2 or 3 bullets).

5.) I would spend a few upgrades on how frequently my guns shoot. Again, toy around and see how many you are willing to spend on this upgrade.

6.) Do not waste your upgrade packs on how fast your bullets (knives) travel.

7.) After upgrading your guns, spend your remaining upgrades on $7,500 (If you are failing multiple times you can try spending your remaining upgrades on $1,000, but when I beat this quest I had purchased a few $7,5000 packs.)

8.) Try not to miss any of the upgrade packs that fall from the aliens, even if you have to take damage to grab the pack. This is because it is pretty much necessary to buy a few $7,500 packs.

9.) Near the end of the stage a bunch of enemies will be on screen. At this point you can move your character down to the bottom of the screen. Try and kill as many aliens as possibly.

I had to try a few times to get this quest, and I just barely past $100,000 before time ran out, so luck may be a factor. But, this tips combined with some practice should put you on the right track.
23 posts
Grand Duke

I will probably get the last quest after a load of playing this game, its just annoying that i have to play through the entire game just to get one chance at it, this game gets boring fast. After this game i just have to get the last 3 on dotd and im done with all quests

23 posts
Grand Duke

JUST as i am about to max all quests armorgames puts the HARDEST quest on the WORST game! thanks guys

636 posts

Ever since Road of the Dead 2 (which is my vote for worst game) added four unfinished quests to my records, I haven't cared as much to try and beat all the achievements. I know I'll never get all of them now, so when LIFE has this ridiculously hard couple of quests, or Labyrinth's getting stage 13 seems out of reach, I don't sweat it so much. I was miffed (and still am) at Road of the Dead, but now "the window's been broken," so to speak, which helps stress levels out quite a bit.

225 posts

This quest IMO are rather fine, but the fact that you can't skip previous chapters and just retry the one you want may be annoing. Road of the Dead 2 is aweful, I enjoyed first one but this one is boring and laggy, and this quests are terrible - 20k just takes too much time and is to boring.

6,737 posts

All of the quests are really easy except the get flawless on getting aged... I utterly hate that part and can't do it with less than 2 ._.

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