I want to sleep, but my body somehow refuses to feel tired, so I created this thread! I never learn (And I doubt most do); you crave sleep, but at night you just stay up late, and wake up full of the bitterness of regret. And then, proceed to repeat the cycle. I haven't slept before midnight for more than two days in a row since I was ten.
Discuss all your weirdest sleep-related experiences here!
Since I was young, I used to play video games until 4-5 AM in the morning. This trained my brain not to produce melatonin, and thus it can be very hard for me to sleep. Here are some suggestions...
- Block out all light from your room, you shouldn't be able to see anything easily. - Try taking a shower/bath right before bed, very relaxing. - Avoid video games/TV before bed. - Only use the bed for sleep. This one is very important, as doing this trains your body that "Bed = Sleep". - Start with 1/4 a pill of Melatonin, don't overdo it. It's mostly to just start triggering your sleepiness.
Other helpful sleep items:
- Beddit will track your quality of sleep, helps with some scientific method about what works and what doesn't for you. - Don't wake up to an alarm, it's not natural. Use something like this.
Last night I tried essentially hypnotizing myself into thinking it was later than it was so I would be more tired. At 1:30am, I visualized the clock saying 3:30am, kept mentally repeating how late it was, kept thinking that my alarm was set for 8:30 (which it was), and that I'd need to get up in 5hrs. I woke up at 6:30 without an alarm.
What worked for me isn't recommended for some people, because the latter parts of the practice can be dreadful. To reset my sleep schedule, I stayed up the entire day and night and ate a big meal before going to bed at [insert wanted sleep time here]. The method I used is an evolutionary practice. Becoming exhausted then eating a big meal before sleeping tells your pons (lower area of the brain) that this is your new sleep time, thus it would reschedule when it should produce that melatonin. When I did this (and I had to do it a couple of times for my history), I went to bed at 7 PM and woke up at 5 AM completely refreshed.
Some people actually have an easier time falling asleep in front of the TV than they do in their own bed. Someone else is going to have to explain why this is, but I've always found it to be an interesting phenomenon.
Some people actually have an easier time falling asleep in front of the TV than they do in their own bed. Someone else is going to have to explain why this is, but I've always found it to be an interesting phenomenon.
My dad is like that. Without TV he can't fall asleep for the life of him but once it's on and he's in bed listening he has no trouble whatsoever. I find it pretty odd but that's just my opinion.
My suggestion is try doing something very boring in bed when you're trying to go to sleep. Usually, if I can't sleep I just pick up some boring book and I fall asleep fairly quickly. Anyways good luck Nicho, sleep deprivation sucks :/
If I remember correctly, sleeping in a silent environment puts the brain on edge, basically...making it so that random noises startles the brain into thinking it might be a threat
That thingie that Ferret suggested is hella expensive.
I think I may soon try Frank's idea. Like, today. I woke up at like 12:40 or somethin and I really need to get back on a normal sleeping schedule. I have insomnia, and sometimes it will act up really bad and even if I've trained myself to be on a normal schedule, I'll still be up until 5 or so in the morning trying to get to sleep. But nowadays (for the most part) I can go to bed around midnight and wake up around 8 or 9 feeling alright. I feel really bad for people in public schools and such because asking anyone to be ready for school everyday before 7 is just crazy. I used to ride the bus and that meant that I would have to be at my bus stop at 6:15-6:30 every morning. So I would have to be awake at 5am just to have enough time to go through my morning routine in a zombie-like trance.
I feel really bad for people in public schools and such because asking anyone to be ready for school everyday before 7 is just crazy. I used to ride the bus and that meant that I would have to be at my bus stop at 6:15-6:30 every morning. So I would have to be awake at 5am just to have enough time to go through my morning routine in a zombie-like trance.
Not to encourage you to try my idea, but when I did my idea, I regularly woke up at 5:30 completely refreshed and went to bed at 7-8.