Alright, so two people can touch eachother, and Al Gore isn't a terrorist. But I refuse to stop arguing with people that are smarter than me until I can win.
This was inspired by an episode of the television show, The Moment of Truth. A paramedic was asked if fat people repulsed him, his answer was yes. This led me to question whether fat people repulsed me, my conclusion is for myself only but it has led me to more questions, mainly, are the obese immoral?
I am sure everyone can say, that they believe that allowing another person to starve to death, specifically children, is immoral, or, not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics.
A normal adult consumes 2427 calories a day, 18% less than an obese adult.
Since a baby needs 100 calories a day, every second day an obese person is effectively responsible for the death of a baby in a third world country. That is 182 babies every year. People are given the death penalty, for many less than that.
agreed on that, but this is not the topic discussed. my intention is not to condemn people because of their weight, but to show reasons why people become overweight. if someone feels better being overweight, than it is his free choice to maintain and even gain weight. i simply do not like the blaming of everything else than oneself when it comes to weight issues
I wouldn't call them immoral, because even though they eat so much more there's still enough to go around. Now, if we lived in a third world country where there was only enough food for everyone to get one piece of bread a day, and some fat guy was eating like 10 then we would have a problem. That's not the case in first world countries though. Everyone can eat all they want and there's still going to be a huge surplus. In fact, in some ways the obese and over weight help the economy. They eat more so they have to buy more food = more money into the economy.
I know how to solve the recession! We just make everyone fat!
Just kidding, lol. That's just a positive note amongst all the things that aren't positive about people being overweight.
Ok, I'm rather annoyed with this thread.... At the beginning of this thread, it was stated that a 'normal' person consumes about 2400 calories a day. And then went on to say that obese people eat two times that... Or anything above that (The exact number is irrelevant). I eat less than 1200 calories a day, and I'm considered obese, you don't have to eat excessive amounts of food to be obese, you just have to eat the wrong foods (Too much sugar, carbs, meat etc.).
Well, I sure made this a long time ago before I left and returned.
I may not fully afree with the broad statement of Obesity Is Immoral any more, that was more of a shocker to get people interested in the topic, but I fully agree with Moegreche's point on the first page. Gluttony is a Sin, if you consider yourself to be any form serious christian, and you are obese merely due to lack of self control. You are sinning.
no person is immoral by his looks or weight
It is not appearance or weight that makes it immoral. It is knowledge of a problem, and not engaging in a simple action to help end that problem.
We can argue till the apocalypse, if there is enough food in the world to feed everyone or not.
The fact of the matter is, that pizza was for EVERYONE.
A fat person is only immoral if they obsess over their food. There are many fat people who aren't gluttonous,and there are skinny people who are gluttonous,so their weight doesn't have anything to do with it.
If someone is stupid/lazy enough to become that fat then they deserve an resulting medical conditions deserve it. However, if your obesity is a result of a medical condition then you should get some help with that and there is no problem.