If you'd like to participate in The Great Debates, then simply state your interest in this thread.
Please read the rules and regulations on the main debating thread: click here
1) Which is more valuable: butterflies or moths?
2) Is it better to believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy?
3) If a car explodes in the middle of a parking lot with no one around, does it make a sound?
N.B. This is just the signup list. The debate itself will take place on the main thread (linked above).
Also keep in mind that your topic will be chosen at random!
I'll include all that have commented thus far, though sign ups will close today (Friday, 26 Sep 14). Please also comment if you wish to withdraw from participating.
Thanks for keeping track of all this, nicho! I have the questions all typed up and assigned, so I'm getting ready to post those now. Good luck everyone!
Good news, everyone - round 5 is starting! I'm doing an actual signup list this time around, so just post here if you're going to participate (and please don't post here if you're going to flake out on me!).