If you'd like to participate in The Great Debates, then simply state your interest in this thread.
Please read the rules and regulations on the main debating thread: click here
1) Which is more valuable: butterflies or moths?
2) Is it better to believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy?
3) If a car explodes in the middle of a parking lot with no one around, does it make a sound?
N.B. This is just the signup list. The debate itself will take place on the main thread (linked above).
Also keep in mind that your topic will be chosen at random!
Just a quick reminder: The signups are going to close early Saturday morning, with the debates starting shortly thereafter. So if you're interested, make sure to put your name down before it's too late!
I'll sign up too, but I'm just saying that I can't write very big passages for the debate. I just can't. But I'll state my opinion with everything I've got!
I have room for 1 more person (we're at 11 right now). The questions are ready to go, but I'd like an even number of people. So get in quick - the sign up will close when either a) the next person signs up, or b) I get tired of waiting.
Welcome to round 6! Please sign your name below if you want to debate (and please only sign up if you're going to participate). And remember to take a look at the questions in the TGD thread in the WEPR. You can pick up to 3 questions that you'd like to answer (remember to list them in order of preference) - though I can't promise that you'll get the question you want.
2) Chairs are more valuable than tables.
3) Are humans superior to all other organisms?
5) Suppose the field of robotics reaches the point that we develop androids - robots that are designed to act and look like humans. Should these androids have rights like humans?
(I'm) Signing up... I'm not sure if it's a good idea...
Edited by Moe for ease of access:
3) Are humans superior to all other organisms?
4) Should humans put more resources into space exploration?
6) It would be better to be a bird than a dog