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ForumsQuestsThe King of Towers Quests

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9,323 posts

New Quests for The King of Towers are now available! Discuss them below.
Unlock all Magic Skills.
Hardness: Easy
Defeat 5 different players in the Battle Pit.
Hardness: Easy
Defeat a level on Hard without heroes.
Hardness: Easy
Into the Depths
Challenge Blitz Acres.
Hardness: Medium
Imprison an enemy player.
Hardness: Medium
Combine equipment shards into equipment.
Hardness: Hard
Earn 300 stars from levels.
Hardness: Hard

  • 424 Replies
650 posts

@MercWithMouth - Yep, told you :P. I was frankly disappointed with the desert levels, I actually found them easier than the Lava levels. I've 3 starred all the normal levels already at level 30, now I'm sitting around for TEN LEVELS until level FOURTY before I can move on.

And yes, it was somewhere around that area I beat Fauna Forge.

I suppose 'easy' is the wrong word to use, though. Since the levels don't change, once you understand the waves it becomes easier to beat them.

For that particular level, there are a couple key things to understand:

1) Money is limited. You only have enough money for three level 3 towers with 1 ability upgrade before the key point, the wolfriders from the cave. You may or may not upgrade your barracks depending on personal preference, I preferred to spend that money putting more arrow towers out the front of the level.

2) Barracks Juggling may be necessary depending on your upgrade levels. This means taking advantage of the fact that when you buy a new barracks, 3 troops instantly spawn. So, if you have a bit of money, and all 3 troops die or are about to die, you sell the level 1 barracks and immediately rebuy it, respawning 3 troops. It costs 35g each time you do this. Using this method on bosses

3) Double reinforcements - the reinforcement spell has a lower cooldown than they are active for. Meaning if you know where to place them, you can have 4 reinforcements active at all times.

4) Static exploit - use Static to deal the killing blow to a wolfrider and he doesn't spawn the wolf/orc. Not a huge deal, but every bit helps if you are trying this at lower level.

So my basic strategy was to build 3 Sniper towers with level 1 0.50 cal shells and 2 barracks at the top. The only tough point was the wolf riders, so make sure you anticipate it.

The key to beating them is to have both of your barracks and your heroes in a big pile right at the top intersection. Pre-stack Reinforcements on top of the ball (if you summon them early, basically you can have 2 summons active at the same time for an extra 4 troops). With 2 barracks, 4 reinforcements and 2 heroes this gives you a ball of 12 troops.

As the wolfriders spawn, assuming no OHKO, use static to deal the killing blow to the first one to avoid an extra spawn (or the second one, if the first one dies too fast). Then carefully watch the riders as they impact your speedbump ball. A soon as you see a wolfrider start to go through the ball (i.e. he's heading for the exit) and NOT get stopped by a troop, hit the whole group with Blizzard. That should pretty much clear everybody in the ball, though there may be extra troop spawns from dead riders to kill for a couple seconds.

At this point your strategy is dependent on how many wolfriders and extras from the bottom there are left. If more than a couple are left you may need to quickly sell and re-buy one or both barracks to hold them for another second or two.

For an easy cheat, this would also be the point to use a Freeze Wand.

After that it's smooth sailing. Another Blizzard cast on the group of dogs that spawn from the cave and they get mowed down, you have enough money to put a couple more Sniper towers out throughout the level for more damage.

Although I did this with Sniper Towers, I'm sure this method would also work with Assassin towers, although you may have to be a bit higher level.

650 posts

@MercWithMouth - the tower Talents were frankly quite disappointing, the upgrade amounts are so low they are practically un-noticeable, especially considering the high cost (a Shiva crystal effectively costs 100 gold each, meaning a 150 crystal upgrade effectively costs FIFTEEN THOUSAND GOLD).

I'd say the attack speed is probably the best to do first. It's reasonable cost and faster attack speed means more 0.50 shell procs.

By the time you get to it, the reduction in cost isn't particularly useful - you're already pretty much swimming in gold in levels anyway, and if you build TEN level 3 towers then a -2 cost has saved you a grand total of..... 180 gold. Just not that useful.

-3 to armor is impossible to evaluate because there is literally no way to tell how much enemies actually HAVE, or how it is calculated. Is it a -3 to armor when a 'heavy' armor guy has 3000 armor? If so that's laughably useless. Is it -3 to armor when 100 armor is 100% reduction? If so, that's much better. But I simply can't tell, so I'll ignore it.

Range upgrade is laughable. +2? Get 30 levels in it and we might be talking about an OK upgrade, but at 5k gold a pop 30 levels will cost you 150 THOUSAND gold.

So the +attack speed is essentially a +1% damage upgrade per level.

Critical hit chance is also effectively a +1% damage upgrade per level, assuming crits do double damage, which actually isn't bad, but at the % chances we are talking about, it's just too low for me. Especially given that this upgrade is the same effective % as attack speed, BUT costs 150 crystals instead of 100, it's attack speed all the way.

So, attack speed all the way, if you max out, crit chance.

38 posts

Man, talk about some great tips!
Yeah, I've been trying out ideas that are at least somewhat reminiscent of what you're suggesting. But, I think you managed to solidify the various theories that I was floating about in my head into something a lot more concrete and useful!
I also appreciate your analysis regarding the 'Talent Upgrades'! I think you might have saved me from making some... mistakes.
Make a response to this message as soon as you see it. If I can see we're online simultaneously, I might have something for you.

650 posts

@MercWithMouth - It makes me nervous when random people on the internet say they have something for you. I'm not meeting you in an alley behind a bar.

Jokes aside though, I actually play Dawn of the Dragons regularly so I'm actually logged into AG with the browser open most of the day.

38 posts

'Dawn of the Dragons'... Guess I'll have to try that one out. Oh, and also...

650 posts

@MercWithMouth Eh, sorry man, I don't really do clans. Especially since, given the increasingly slow pace and lack of gameplay, I don't really plan on playing the game after level 35 Thanks for the offer though.

38 posts

Ah, the quest for Level35... How we all do strive!

303 posts
Grand Duke

90% of players will be playing this "game" until 35 level

650 posts

So.... hilarious anecdote about how poorly this game is put together.

As soon as I hit level 30 I beat all 8 levels in the Desert on normal.

Then as soon as I hit level 31.... the quests for beating the levels suddenly became active, and ALL EIGHT of them completed one after another.

38 posts

Heh. For some reason... I suddenly feel all the more comfortable with my decision to not spend real money on this game.

64 posts

I just made the Elite Orc Helmet using all 4 equipment shards. Not been given the quest though. what gives?

6,737 posts

@TheSiafu I'd say wait it out for like at least 6 hours and then it'll show up on your account. The KoT quests have been slow to trigger since they started. Also, your quest counter on your profile may be one quest short for the same lag reason.

225 posts

Could some Admin or anybody responsible say why is this game even available here?
In my opinion quality of this game is basically insulting to the still most played (non-MMO) game on this website - Kingdom Rush, which from they stole everything. King of Towers shouldn't be on this site and it's developers deserve a huge punch into the face form making such Pay to Play blatant rip off.
-even though they took all towers from KR they still managed to unbalance them
-enemies are ridiculously uncreative and there is hardly any difference between them
-progress balance is broken, only thing that changes is enemy HP, which simply grows bigger and bigger, and there is a lot of grinding involved
-ENGLISH! This game is filled with broken English, bad grammar, and very very often they do not make spaces between words. Just look at this description of Basic Sergeant "3% Soldisers Damage and Armor Rang:80", wtf, Soldisers? Rang? is that supposed to be "range" or "rank"? and why is there 80 at the end?
-there is tons of grinding involved
I could list some more stuff but back to the main question. Why is this game present on this site? And who was so clever to think putting quests for that game is a good idea?

14,745 posts

It is true that this game is very 'off' balance-wise, but the initial idea is good. If the balance and progression rate would be more thought out, this could actually be a great game...

The problem with support at the moment is that ShineZone HQ is based in China, which has a holiday at the moment that locks down the entire country apparently... we need to wait for all the problems to be solved untill they are back in office. Sorry for the inconvenience guys... =)

1 posts

Recommend! - I got free Hay Day diamonds and vouchers here! Get it in less than a minute! Unbelievable! (4RhF3toCJz)

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