ForumsQuestsThe King of Towers Quests

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9,323 posts

New Quests for The King of Towers are now available! Discuss them below.
Unlock all Magic Skills.
Hardness: Easy
Defeat 5 different players in the Battle Pit.
Hardness: Easy
Defeat a level on Hard without heroes.
Hardness: Easy
Into the Depths
Challenge Blitz Acres.
Hardness: Medium
Imprison an enemy player.
Hardness: Medium
Combine equipment shards into equipment.
Hardness: Hard
Earn 300 stars from levels.
Hardness: Hard

  • 424 Replies
1 posts

very hard game

303 posts
Grand Duke

I have only 2 quests left but maaan this is horror. Is there even a chance to get 1 or 2 diamonds on daily wheel ? Because I have been playing it for about 20 days and beside gold and wand I´ve received nothing.

The alchemist quest will take like forever. I thought that I will forge diamond shards to bigger diamond and that´s it. But NO.. they want you to combine 4 shards of equipment which you can get by Lucky loot (1 spin per day btw) or whatever how.

I hate quests on pay2win games but what can we do. These quests are for a long time.

650 posts

@toto151080 - No, it isn't. It's not 'hard' to sit around waiting for upgrades to beat levels. They chose the lazy route of basically 'balancing' everything around tower level. It becomes TRIVIALLY easy once you have towers that out-level the recommended level.

After the first few levels no new enemies show any new abilities. They don't come in imaginative patterns. They just change the skin and keep piling on HP. After a while they get even LAZIER and stop even changing the appearance, they literally color them red, call them 'berserk', and pile on MORE HP and call it a day.

If you go back and do some of the early levels while you are stuck waiting for Kingdom Level to be high enough to unlock the next area, it really exposes how shallow and poor the balance of the game is.

@Thomcore - I'm pretty sure that the chance to get free diamonds is less than 1%.

11,891 posts

@Thomcore: It's possible to get diamonds. I've gotten them a couple times. 1 or 2 are barely worth anything (4 for 1 ham?), so I'm not surprised they're easier to get compared to the next to impossible ones like the last two hero cards. The Tavern is so rigged, you can accurately predict what you're going to get.

The last two quests are getting to be extremely frustrating due to how stacked this game is against players. I'm level 26 with level 16 towers and I can't even do anything because I've beaten everything that's beatable, so all I can do is sit and collect taxes. Can't even grind. Grinding is pointless because taxes confer the same rewards minus the hero XP.

650 posts

@Gantic - The balance of the game is so poor, it's actually better to only upgrade ONE kind of tower. Especially with tower ability upgrades so ridiculously expensive to buy (FIVE dark crystals each, seriously???), that it is actually significantly more effective to pick just one or two kinds of towers and only level those up. I personally only upgrade and use the Arrow towers for pretty much every level. The 20% chance for an instant kill/3-5x damage ability is so much better than anything else, it is just about the only way you can win some of the levels without ridiculous levels of upgrades.

11,891 posts

@Olinser: Yeah. The balance is not great. Anyone with tower defense knowhow can beat each area well below the actual recommended level with the right towers. That archer tower pretty much outclasses everything. Mages are hilariously useless even against armored mobs that they're supposedly better against. Cannons have limited use. Warriors are useless speed bumps given how strong mobs get, so speccing them to attack would be more pointless than speccing defense. Since it's not possible to re-spec, I feel bad for anyone who made the wrong choices.

148 posts

@Thomcore: Yeah, I got ham!

303 posts
Grand Duke

Oh right ham it is .

148 posts

So you don't build anything but Archer Towers at all? Upgrading them to Sniper Towers and go?

11,891 posts

Depends on the area, but you might need Warriors and Cannons. There's at least one that's no Archer.

650 posts

@Arkeyo - A decent amount of levels I will build ONE Barracks at the very end to trap the last few stragglers of a wave. Most of the time you don't need them though, warriors effectively do zero damage and even when upgraded they get torn through by any mobs actually tough enough to get through your towers. Their sole purpose is to hold mobs in place for a second or two so your arrow towers can keep hitting them.

After about halfway through the second area though I simply stopped building them at all. You should have 2 heroes at that point, and they actually have the health to SURVIVE for more than 1-2 hits, even if they still can't deal that much damage back. Once you get 3 heroes you should never build a Barracks again.

Cannons simply aren't that useful (though admittedly more useful than the laughable Wizard towers), but there are almost no levels with waves that have them hit more than a couple, and they just don't do enough damage.

15 posts

Whoever recommended upgrading just one type of tower is nuts; they are all useful in certain fights. I'll admit that the barracks becomes far less useful than the other 3 types at higher levels, but there are still maps where building one or 2 seriously helps you (especially getting the healers in a couple of fights). Cannon are particularly useful at corners, especially the heavy arty and the flame-spewing one . I haven't been terribly impressed by the slowing cannon so far, and I'm roughly 2/3 done with the last map. Good luck and happy monster slaying all!

38 posts

Alright... so I finally have two more Dark Soul Crystals. What TIER-4 Tower should I use the crystals to research? I already have the DRAGONEER tower, but what would be ideal to research next?

650 posts

@MercWithMouth - unless you are paying to buy dark crystals, by far the best tower to get first is the Sniper tower, then unlock the 20% KO x3-5 damage ability before you do anything else. None of the other towers come close to touching it, except in situational levels.

@Zaptue - coming from the guy that very obviously pays to play the game, that doesn't mean much. If you PAY to unlock everything, sure, some things can be occasionally useful. Although if you've unlocked and upgraded the amount that I can see you have, and are STILL only 2/3 done with the last map, you quite frankly aren't good enough at the game to be giving advice.

Most of us aren't interesting in investing money in this shallow game, we just want to get to level 35 and never play it again. Right now I'm on track to unlock MAYBE two abilities by level 35. Ergo, it is far more efficient to focus your tower upgrades on that single tower that is useful 95% of the time, not start unlocking towers that might possibly be useful 5% of the time.

Normal people take 5 dark crystals to get a single ability. Barring special events, you get a single dark crystal every 3 days. So a normal person gets a SINGLE ability once every two weeks. You buy an ability, you have to wait 2 weeks to get your next one. So given that there are 24 abilities total, I seriously doubt anybody is interested in waiting 48 weeks - basically a full YEAR - to unlock the last few crappy abilities.

For the large number of people that refuse to pay money for this shallow game, upgrading and building a single tower is FAR more efficient for progressing.

And even if you are willing to pay to upgrade everything, there are still just a couple towers that are VERY OBVIOUSLY far better than anything else, some of them are just trash.

Let's take a second and objectively compare a few towers. First let's look at Jungle Warfare versus Sniper Lookout, and the first levels of their abilities.

Base damage for a Jungle Warfare tower is 365-600 and attack speed 0.5. That gives you an average DPS of 965. Base damage for a Sniper Tower is 830-1500 with an attack speed of 1.2, average DPS 970.83. So they have essentially the same damage... but Sniper Tower has SIGNIFICANTLY higher range. So Sniper Tower wins out easily on just base stats.

Jungle Warfare's first ability is.... +15 range. Which still leaves it at less range than a Sniper Tower. So now you are looking at a MORE EXPENSIVE tower, with LESS damage and range than the Sniper Tower.

They both have a damage increasing ability. Except.... the Jungle Warfare upgrade is so small that it is laughable. At tower level 28 and kingdom level 29, it adds a paltry 30 damage per shot. That's not even NOTICEABLE until you have 10+ shots on a single target, and even then it's still only tiny upgrade. Let's be incredibly charitable and say you average 20x shots on a target. that gives an average of +150 damage per shot for every shot. Again, at tower level 28, which has an average damage of 2907 a shot, that equates to... barely a 5% damage increase. And oh, by the way, since it is a FLAT amount, it gets WORSE as levels increase. Even the max level of the ability (80 per shot instead of 30), still only equates to a 13% damage increase at tower level 28, 6.5% at tower level 56. And again, that's with my incredibly charitable 20x shots per targets calculation.

That is compared to the Sniper Tower 20% chance for a KO or 3-5x (an average of 4x) damage. Disregarding the KO chance, which would have to be calculated based on average mob health, a 20% chance for 4x damage equates to an 80% damage increase on the tower!!! Add in the KO chance and you are looking at an average of an OVER 100% damage increase from a single upgrade. And the best part? Since it is a % increase, rather than a flat amount, IT STAYS THE SAME AS YOU LEVEL TOWERS. And it only gets higher as you level the ability. The level 3 ability (60% chance for 7-9x damage), equates to an incredible 480% damage increase for the tower (though admittedly you will have to factor in overkill when you start hitting that hard, but who cares, they 1 shot a mob).

I could keep comparing the exact numbers for towers, but I'm getting a little bored, and the point is made.

Before you factor in the 1 hit KO chance, Sniper Tower absolutely blows Jungle Warfare (and anything else) out of the water. Conclusion? There is literally no reason to EVER buy upgrades for, or build a Jungle Warfare tower, or pretty much any other tower, while Sniper Towers exist.

The Wizard Tower abilities essentially boil down to sacrificing a significant amount of damage in return for a CC ability. Which still isn't particularly useful unless you have the damage to back it up, relegating them to a 'build one or two a level, MAYBE'.

All of the 'Summon Elemental' skills are almost totally useless. Just like Warriors, they do a laughable amount of damage and with their still rather low health, still get torn apart by any mobs you'd actually have trouble with, leaving them as a tiny speed bump. And given the lower amount of damage the tower is already doing, the speed bump isn't even as useful as if you'd just built a damage tower in the first place.

Cannon towers have much lower damage, and because the game doesn't let you target specific mobs, more often than not they just hit ONLY the guys at the front, leaving them hitting just a couple guys at a time.

Dragooner's are actually decent, and I do build a couple occasionally, but again, their power is only useful when they hit multiple mobs with every shot. Their 'explode' ability suffers from the Flat Damage curse, and with the developers obsession with balancing everything through piling on more HP, it becomes rapidly useless.

The point is that because Sniper Tower's ability actually scales with tower upgrades, and at a huge rate at that, it makes it hideously more efficient than literally any other tower. Given that it is better, why would you waste time, money and upgrades on less efficient towers?

Other than a couple gimmick levels, you are far better off just building Sniper Towers.

And that's a knock on the developers. Since they obsess with essentially balance everything by increasing HP rather than ACTUALLY putting effort into it, the scaling tower is king. Flat damage becomes rapidly useless, and CC is only useful if you have the damage to back it up - most of the time you're just better off piling on the damage.

11,891 posts

@Zaptue: The thing is we aren't going to play this any more than we have to, so one type of tower at the level we're at is the only thing that's useful. I doubt anyone here who's only playing for the quest is going to go past lvl 35 or even play past the third area. It's pointless to invest in anything but the minimum requirements for a game that isn't captivating to us.

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