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11,891 posts

Welcome to How Gantic Are You? the quiz thread game show that measures your Gantessence. This is a highly accurate patented process. Get ready to prove your Ganticness with Gantickery and Ganticisms. Are you a Ganticable Gantoid? or a Ganticious Gantian? Find out now!

Sign-ups are open until 10-20 spots are filled or 1 week passes, whichever happens first. Please do not drop out in the middle of it. While signing up, please wager the amount of Gantic Points that you are the most Gantic of all Gantestants.

Gantestants will be scored with Gantic Points up to the final round.
Gantestants with low Gantic Points at the end of the round may be eliminated.
Gantestants may complete secret challenges to win bonus Gantic Points.

10 apldeap123
40 Darkfire45
20 evilsweetblock
all JACKinbigletters
50 Lowco1
all MattEmAngel
32 Nerdsoft
9/10 nivlac724
25 pangtongshu
26 Patrick2011
10 R2D21999
08 Reton8
20 riku_ullman
3/4 StormWalker
26 TheMostManlyMan

()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!

  • 236 Replies
3,173 posts

I have pondered the possible possibilities for interpretations of Ferret's mental poop. Here are the results.

Ferret sees a twisty green shovel that is breathing fire. Ferret has drawn the shovel in it's twisted state because Ferret tries to avoid back problems by using ergonomic shovels as often as possible. The shovel itself indicates that Ferret needs to bury some cables that have surfaced out in the yard of his house. The breath of fire indicates that Ferret is unable to bury the cables due to multiple chasms of magma located underneath most of Ferret's sprawling yard. The shovel is green because Ferret is envious of others who are able to freely bury cables in their respective yards without having to worry about hot magma.

And that's the way your world burns.

11,891 posts

Last chance is today for any remaining stragglers before I gather the analyses to one post.

5,825 posts

What Ferret sees is his riverside sanctuary. This sanctuary is a safe haven for all animal kind. It is near a river, away from the Ferret's natural habitat, so that all may know that they are welcomed and loved by him. It is in the form of a snake so that they know that even the Ferret's natural enemy is accepted. The heart, which is his house, represents the fact that all animals may peacefully co-existence with his loving powers.


8,231 posts

I think the natural enemy of a snake is a mongoose, but whatever.

18,319 posts

I thought your mom was the natural enemy of the mongoose. Ohhhh! Get it? Because they're Asians and Asians can turn anything into food. Even Manly's single chest hair.

11,891 posts

Your analyses have been collected below. Points will be calculated after Ferret responds.

The users have analyzed Ferret's Mental Poop (from here) and arrived at the following conclusions. Please note that these conclusions are not a complete analysis and are not meant to be taken seriously, because none of them were written by Gantic. If they are at all accurate, it's probably because they got lucky or something like that.

R2D21999: Ferret sees Snake Island. The body of the snake is the island and the tongue is a heart shaped port for Ferret's love of snakes. Ferret was obviously hungry as he drew up an all-you-can-eat buffet full of cobras, pythons, and most certainly Golden Lanceheads.

riku_ullman: The thing that Ferret sees is a flower that is almost dead. as you can see on the end, there is a red bud that was about to turn into a flower. the stem on the flower is very crooked in is about to fall to the ground and turn brown, as it is going to become dead and the bud will not open.

StormWalker: Ferret sees a snake. Since the snake's head is on the right and facing down, it shows his deep shame towards a certain emotion. The heart coming from the snake's mouth ties into that fact. Ferret is ashamed of having loved something or someone. Now, what is it that he used to love? If you look closely, the body of the snake looks like a tall hedge, or possibly a shrubbery. Therefore, Ferret enjoys gardening. The somewhat kinky shape of the snake is also representative of something. But what? How could the snake have shamed Ferret? The best, most conclusive answer is this; Ferret used to love gardening, but since a traumatic incident involving the murder of an innocent snake, he's left his hobby forever, feeling too ashamed for causing the death of the snake to return to it. He's a peace-keeping Ferret; he doesn't want to hurt any living thing, yet the snake's spine was broken in four places by the accident. It will take him years of therapy to return to the hobby that he loves.

Patrick2011: Ferret sees a snake. The curve forms the right side of the snake. Ferret likes animals, especially ferrets, but the wild scribble reminds him of snakes.

apledeap123: Though the image which Ferret sees appears to be a serpent, but it is also two other things, a scowling face, and a green fruit attached to a long vine, the juices from the fruit dripping out. The juices from the fruit have dried and have formed a heart shape.

But what does this all mean? First of all, the vine, fruit and juice form the shape of two things: a snake and a scowling face. Ferret loves fruits and snakes, which explains the heart shaped juices coming out from the fruit. But at one point, Ferret hated snakes and fruits, possibly in his childhood, which is where the scowling face comes in.

The serpent is also an example of irony: Something that a person loves one day may be something that he hates the next day, like a serpent. For one moment, the serpent seems to be in your favor. It likes you. But the next thing you know, it bites you in the face, and you will hate the snake.
This is the meaning of Ferret's mental scat.

MattEmAngel: Ferret sees a green snake. The curve forms the body of the snake. Ferret was displeased with the newest Indiana Jones movie and is mocking it with a snake from the famous 'snake pit' scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. The snake is sticking out a hollow tongue, just as Ferret stuck out his tongue at a hollow movie.

Reton8: Ferret sees a twisty green shovel that is breathing fire. Ferret has drawn the shovel in it's twisted state because Ferret tries to avoid back problems by using ergonomic shovels as often as possible. The shovel itself indicates that Ferret needs to bury some cables that have surfaced out in the yard of his house. The breath of fire indicates that Ferret is unable to bury the cables due to multiple chasms of magma located underneath most of Ferret's sprawling yard. The shovel is green because Ferret is envious of others who are able to freely bury cables in their respective yards without having to worry about hot magma.

TheMostManlyMan: What Ferret sees is his riverside sanctuary. This sanctuary is a safe haven for all animal kind. It is near a river, away from the Ferret's natural habitat, so that all may know that they are welcomed and loved by him. It is in the form of a snake so that they know that even the Ferret's natural enemy is accepted. The heart, which is his house, represents the fact that all animals may peacefully co-existence with his loving powers.

And that might be the way Ferret's world turns, but we won't know until he posts, so we need to wait.

1,148 posts

yeah... probally a snake.

11,891 posts

Apparently only @Patrick2011 and I noticed that the second line for every analysis (from that thread) started with "The curve forms"

And also every name was in bold.


It's truer of the more recent analyses, but the original ones were more free-form. The only constant is "I have analyzed..."
5,825 posts

Apparently only @Patrick2011 and I noticed that the second line for every analysis (from that thread) started with "The curve forms"

Heh, I didn't even read any of them, I just sorta saw other people's and then did stuff...

9,323 posts

@R2D21999 It's true a banquet of venomous slithers happens often at the ferret family to celebrate birthdays or house hauntings. Hunger is often the undertone of all ermine conversation.

@riku_ullman Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, and a fashionable festive ferret can't escape the allure of half-dead flowers. They are especially easy to hide behind before pouncing.

@StormWalker Snake-ology is a tricky topic, but it seems you've been practicing. Sadly my secret shame is not having a garden at all. Is any snake innocent I wonder? The question I always ask before I sleep.

@Patrick2011 You're not wrong. But who doesn't see snakes everywhere? There has to be something deeper.

@apldeap123 It's true, I have a passion for juicy fruits. Peaches, plums, cucumbers. That last one may not be a fruit. Maybe snakes are just live versions of fruit that bite you in the face?

@MattEmAngel Ugh, who didn't dislike that movie. You may be on to something, as clearly Raiders of the Lost Ark was one of the best movies of all time. Why did it have to be snakes?

@Reton8 I think you've dug right to the root of the matter. My fear of cables and magma go unchallenged, even though clearly a green twisted shovel is the right tool for the job. Note to self, have Reton8 bury my cables from now on.

@TheMostManlyMan A lovely thought, and that's the dream. Love for all animal-kind is a beautiful thing. Just no spiders!

I hope I did this right, there you go @Gantic

9,323 posts

Quoting Gantic, I believe he does point values...

Points will be calculated after Ferret responds.
1,708 posts


That being said, where are you, @Gantic ?

11,891 posts

I was just about to post the points for this thing. >

1,708 posts



11,891 posts

The basic format for current Mental Poop analysis is this:

I have analyzed your mental poop (page numbers) (1 pt) and arrived at the following results. These conclusions are not meant to be taken seriously, because of some silly reason here (4 pts). If they are at all accurate, it's because of some reason why I'm so amazing (4 pts).

Username (10 pts) sees whatever it is he/she sees. (20 pts) The squiggle(s) forms some part of the image. (20 pts) Some reason why it relates to user. (50 pts)

And that's the way your world turns. (1 pt)

It did not need to be worded in that manner or order. The essential part, though, is an analysis. The why is what makes Mental Poop fun.

As a bonus, Ferret got to read your entries and bonus points will be awarded based on his response to your analysis. So how did you guys do?

R2D21999 70 + 100
riku_ullman 40 + 100
StormWalker 90 + 50
Patrick2011 100
apldeap123 70 + 100
MattEmAngel 100 + 100
Reton8 80 + 1 + 100
TheMostManlyMan 80 + 100

Scoring Summary:
R2D21999 - It was missing where the line was in relation to the drawing.
riku_ullman - It was missing the analysis. Why did Ferret see that?
StormWalker - Half accuracy bonus because Ferret has never had a garden.
Patrick2011 - No bonus points since it was a superficial analysis.
apldeap123 - It was missing where the line was in relation to the drawing.
MatteEmAngel - 100 + 100
Reton8 - It was missing where the line was in relation to the drawing.
TheMostManlyMan - It was missing where the line was in relation to the drawing.

The following users have been eliminated for two rounds of 0 points scored.
JACKinbigletters went all in and came out with 0 Gantic Points.
pangtongshu wagered 25 Gantic Points and ends up with -12.
Lowco1 wagered 50 and finds himself at -40.
evilsweetblock has removed himself from play. evilsweetblock wagered 20 and falls to -11.

00310 MattEmAngel +3
00264 riku_ullman +0
00234 Reton8 +3
00231 apldeap123 +1
00225 TheMostManlyMan +3
00218 R2D21999 +1
00217 Patrick2011 -4
00177 StormWalker +1

00040 Darkfire45
00000.4 nivlac724
00000 JACKinbigletters
-00011 evilsweetblock
-00012 pangtongshu
-00023 Nerdsoft
-00040 Lowco1

Round 4 will start in the next post.

Showing 136-150 of 236