ForumsNews and Feedback[Official] Town Meeting: Point System

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9,323 posts

Hear ye, hear ye!

This is a town meeting about a new feature the Armor Games Team is discussing. We're asking for feedback from the loyal denizens of Armoria. Here are some basic rules of a "Town Meeting" thread.

- Be kind to the ideas of others.
- Try to make your feedback/idea clear, concise, and amazing.
- If you agree with another user's idea, quote the idea with a +1 to show that you like it.
- Mods/Admins can update the list as often as needed.

Topic of this Town Meeting: Armor Games Point System

Historically Armor Points or "AP" were a central part of the experience. Quests have taken their place, allowing users to earn Quests and compete on a leader-board. The Team has begun implementing the next phase of this: a points system that is based upon Quests that players earn. Currently this system has no name, but here is the basics...

Users will continue to earn Quests, but now Quests will be given point values based on how difficult they are to complete. Points will be counted up, and presented on a leader-board that will replace the current Quest count board. Certain point levels may unlock certain site features, this is yet undecided. Quests are currently the only way to get points that we've discussed.

Some questions to consider...

What would make you want to earn points?

What are some things these points could unlock on the website?

What would make this the greatest points system ever?

We love and value your feedback. But we also reserve the right to make the final decision on any features we launch. That being said, I'll be passing on the most popular ideas to the team.


General Ideas:

- Points Leader-boards on the side of the homepage. +2
- Point system should be unlimited, not limited. (Note, this means at any one time there is no limit to the amount of points earned, as opposed to a closed system where there is a maximum amount) +3
- Point system should retain the legacy name "Armor Points." +2
- Create a spendable point system, allowing people to purchase unlocks as with currency. +2
- Spendable Point System & Infinite Points will cause spam / bad idea. +4
- The system should be crafted so new users are able to reach the top.

Gaining Point Ideas:

- Gaining Points through Merits. +11
- Gaining Points through posting on the forums. +6
- Points for Comments/Posts may be abused. +4
- Some sort of website mini game like the AFD Coinerator to accrue points.
- Gain points (or Armatar?) for completing sets of Quests. +2
- Separate point systems for different aspects of the site. +1
- Give points for reviews. +1

Point Unlocks Ideas:

- Points unlocking exclusive Armatars. +7
- Points ranked-based system (Serf, Prince, etc...). +10
-- Ranks displayed next to names in forums. +4
-- Combining unlocked Armatars with current ranks. +2
-- Display badge to show what rank you are. +2
- Exclusive Forum unlocked after so many points. +1
- Allow users to unlock uploading their own Armatar +1
- Access to Beta Testing games. +1
- Unlock of premium content in some games. +1

  • 107 Replies
1,708 posts


One question, though: Does this have anything to do with my 'Golden Armor Initiative'?

9,323 posts

@apldeap123 Unrelated bud.

1,708 posts



6,257 posts

Hey this idea is actually pretty spiffy! And it's one that has been suggested before, so I'm really glad you guys are taking the things we suggest to heart! First off I'll answer your questions.

- What would make you want to earn points?

The leaderboard, mostly. It'd be fun to compete with people each week for AP points.

- What are some things these points could unlock on the website?

Previously, AP was a way to unlock different tiers of unique and exclusive armatars. Maybe we can implement that again, but maybe not. I'll just leave that idea on the table. Furthermore, there were also ranks based on points before that could be seen on the forums (Serf, Knight, etc etc). That should also be considered as well, maybe even bringing back the whole thing.

- What would make this the greatest points system ever?

Currently, if this point system was entirely based on quests, there would ultimately be a cap on the maximum amount of points you can get. AP before was based on forum posts, merits, comments, etc. However, there's also the issue of "Will this lead to point abuse?" where bots and spam would constantly arise from this.

I think we should meet halfway on this. Have merits and forum posts count as points (merits are difficult to obtain in the first place and each forum post could be worth a miniscule amount, maybe 10 posts for a point or something). Especially converting merits into points should be worth considering. Also, the whole ranks thing (Serfs, Knights, etc) is a really good plus.

And it's a forum only feature so that might attract some users over here as well.

All in all, I think this is great that you're bringing it back, with added twists. Quests for the newer generation, points for the older generation. I give three thumbs up in approval. =3
1,708 posts

- What would make you want to earn points?

One, bragging rights, and two, who doesn't want to be seen as number 1 in a leaderboard? Also, I would want to earn points especially if there was a prize/incentive involved.

- What are some things these points could unlock on the website?

Perhaps an all exclusive forum for those who gets enough points.

Previously, AP was a way to unlock different tiers of unique and exclusive armatars. Maybe we can implement that again, but maybe not.
I like Riptizoid's idea of exclusive armatars for those who reach a certain amount of points, since it gives people an incentive to complete Quests for points, other than bragging rights.

- What would make this the greatest points system ever?

We are combining the current Quests system with points. It's the best of both worlds, since Quests take effort to accomplish, but add in the points that a lot of veteran users seem to miss, and we're sold!

I think we should meet halfway on this. Have merits and forum posts count as points (merits are difficult to obtain in the first place and each forum post could be worth a miniscule amount, maybe 10 posts for a point or something). Especially converting merits into points should be worth considering. Also, the whole ranks thing (Serfs, Knights, etc) is a really good plus.

And it's a forum only feature so that might attract some users over here as well.

5,849 posts

@Riptizoid101 +1
Don't want to take up too much space so I'll not quote your post. You stole just about everything I had to say and then some.

A couple of things that I think would be cool to have again are:
A) The leaderboards on the side of the homepage for added competitiveness; and therefore, activity.
B) Our ranks next to our names in the forums for reasons that have nothing to do with showing our superiority to the newbs.


3,152 posts

The leaderboard, mostly. It'd be fun to compete with people each week for AP points.

Are you implying a weekly leader board in addition to the all time leader board? If so, that would be pretty cool. It was a hair frustrating only being able to see how well you were doing by the month, and by the overall time. Firetail_Madness wasn't to be passed easily LOL.

Currently, if this point system was entirely based on quests, there would ultimately be a cap on the maximum amount of points you can get.

Nope, wouldn't be any fun like that. No cap. It should be unlimited. Checks and balances should be considered and put in place in order to allow maximum point gain with minimal cheating.

What would make this the greatest points system ever?

I don't have a suggestion yet (no refined suggestions shall I say), but I'll consider it and have a couple by tomorrow.

Currently this system has no name

Well, if I may suggest that we return the Armor Points name to this new system? A bit of nostalgia never hurt, and while it's not significantly similar to the old system, it would be nice to have the historic side of it preserved, as well as something of a memorial to years past and users past.

9,323 posts

@Riptizoid101 Thanks for the ideas. We're not certain if we're going to be giving points for anything outside of Quests at this time, but let's hear what everybody thinks.

Incentivizing forum posts in the past has lead to spam unfortunately, I'll let moderators speak to that.

9,323 posts

I'll be counting up everything form this point upwards, but have to head to the gym soon. Keep posting though everybody, I'll check in later tonight.

12,319 posts

Anything in italics is contradicted by an edit.

To avoid being redundant, I will begin with the relevant +1's:

Hey this idea is actually pretty spiffy! And it's one that has been suggested before, so I'm really glad you guys are taking the things we suggest to heart!


Previously, AP was a way to unlock different tiers of unique and exclusive armatars. Maybe we can implement that again, but maybe not. I'll just leave that idea on the table.

+1 to the possibility, I'll elaborate later in the post.

AP before was based on forum posts, merits, comments, etc. However, there's also the issue of "Will this lead to point abuse?" where bots and spam would constantly arise from this.

+1 for pointing out the risk of abuse.

Have merits and forum posts count as points

+1 for assigning a point value to merits and posts

Also, the whole ranks thing (Serfs, Knights, etc) is a really good plus.

+1 to the ranks.


Now that I've posted my +1's, I will present my own ideas as well as elaborations where others began.

To begin, I would use the following point system:

Easy Quest: 10 points
Medium Quest: 20 points
Hard Quest: 30 points
Merit: 15 points
Forum Post: 1 point

The points don't have to be this way exactly, but the above point values give a general idea of what I would like to see.

As for points unlocking site features, I like the idea of unlockables, and I think the following should be unlockable by points:

- Armatars at certain milestones, which should be concurrent with any ranking system that is implemented.
- Those with high scores should also have access to beta testing certain games without needing Ad-Free Gaming+ or Knight/Mod/Admin status.

I would also like to see a ranking system similar to the one before Quests. I won't post a fully detailed idea here, but the highest rank should be close to or even slightly over the maximum points that can be earned by Quests.


Edit: I got multi-ninja'd, so I will just make one big edit. If something in this edit contradicts the original post, the edit is what applies.

- About awarding points for forum posts: After what I have seen, perhaps we should hold off on awarding points for posts.
- About the value of the highest rank: After realizing that forum posts shouldn't award points in the 1st version of the new system, the highest rank should be worth about 500 Medium Quests, assuming the proportions I have listed above.

8,231 posts

I'll just say I agree with most of Patrick's quoted points to save space and time.

However, I'm not too keen on the whole concept of quest points. I mean, yay, more ranks...but at the same time, to be competitive and amazing and knock everyone's socks off with my fabulous skillz, that means I'd have to devote at least an hour of my life to every game with quests, even if I absolutely despise the game and only want to get the quest to increase the number of points I have so I'm not a lame rank for a few hundred years. In that manner, it becomes a burden and not enjoyable. I don't have the time or will to play games for something as simple as quests, points, and a rank.
Then why do I care? I'm competitive to a fault, so you've definitely hooked people on that aspect of it (if I can use myself as a standard for other users). It would probably increase the activity of the site, but not how much fun people are having.
A random note tucked in the middle of this mess; I WOULD like to have forum posts count towards points, but only because it'd be easier to get them. And, as Rip said, it'd draw more forums attention. Maybe we'd have less people joining, gaming for a year, and then deciding to interact with other users outside of "added for dotd".
I like to enjoy AG. I spend a ton of time on this site (probably more than is good for my grades), but the moment things start being available and unlockable to users with a higher amount of points, then I'd start to find other ways to entertain myself. That's just my selfish opinion, but there you have it.

-What would make you want to earn points?
Fame, fortune, and everlasting riches falling from the sky.

-What are some things these points could unlock on the website?
I'm not too big on the entire unlocking things. As I stated earlier, I wouldn't want to have to slave away at some game I may or may not hate just to earn a new armatar.

-What would make this the greatest points system ever?
Giving all the points to me and making me the queen ._. Or not implementing it at all.

6,737 posts

Yassss revival

What would make you want to earn points?

Sheer competitiveness... Idk why but I just have a feeling that I wanna crush these peeps xD Oh, and bragging rights.

What are some things these points could unlock on the website?

Armatars? Like old times? Idk there's not really too much to be unlocked on the website really.

What would make this the greatest points system ever?

The fact that it's points and it's coming back ^^

Now to discuss the points... (points are in italics)
- Points unlocking exclusive Armatars. +2
I think this will be good, as there isn't too much else to "unlock" +1

- Points ranked-based system (Serf, Prince, etc...). +2
Straight up +1

-- Ranks displayed next to names in forums.
I like this idea, by any chance would it be similar to some of the other sites that have the rank next to the name (most of them actually) +1

- Gaining Points through Merits. +2
Just like the original system, I'm in +1

- Gaining Points through posting on the forums. +2
Same reason as above, +1

- Exclusive Forum unlocked after so many points.
I don't see any reason for it, it would be like the AFG+ forums, not really any use for 'em.

- Points Leader-boards on the side of the homepage.
Possibly, but maybe they could be at a more noticeable place?

- Point system should be unlimited, not limited.
I'm not sure what this means, as there was no limit before. If that means like unlimited ranks and armatar unlocks and such, then I'm in, but until then I'm gonna hold off.

- Point system should retain the legacy name "Armor Points."
I think the weasels and assorted fauna of AG could come up with a better, new, improved name but if not then I can tolerate AP again.

This is really getting my hopes up, I might have to come back to AG overtime ^^

82 posts

What are some things these points could unlock on the website?

Possibly working with some game developers and once you earn a certain amount of AP you can purchase in-game things, such as Premium for the Raze games, or others like Sinjin.

What would make this the greatest points system ever?

9,323 posts

@Patrick2011 I think it was @Reton8 who had a great idea for ranks, where it's a sort of moving window based upon earn-able Quests. I'll let him share that though.

I wonder if there is an idea that rewards forum posting / activity that may be better suited outside a point system? There is still the question of finite vs infinite point system. Right now, the system proposed is quite finite. Seems many here though are talking about an infinite system.

9,323 posts

@StormWalker I respect your opinion. We must keep in mind with this system that game playing should be rewarded. Armor Games is here because of games after all.

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