Welcome to Slap the Cheese, a cheese-slapping game where you slap cheese.
1. Generate a Cheese if the cheese is dead by rolling d4 for hardness 1 = 10 HP = Soft 2 = 50 HP = Medium 3 = 100 HP = Hard 4 = 500 HP = Brick!
2. Update the cheese HP.
Optional: Narrate the above poster's action.
3. Roll d20 for Slap Damage.
red303 is restrained by a burly cow and does not hit the cheese.
EDIT: red303 breaks free of the burly cow and deals the cheese a mighty blow.
White Rabbit Cheese: 550/1000
I slap the White Rabbit Cheese. Owlwhale = 9
LEGEND_beast tickled the cheese with a minuscule zap from Zeus's thunderbolt.
White Rabbit Cheese: 515/1000
I slap White Rabbit Cheese DownWithWhiteCheese = 19
OOC: There is only one cheese at a time. The name is just to make sure everyone's on the same page, because Soft, Medium, and Hard on average will only last 1, 5, and 10 hits, respectively. I've lowered Brick down to 500 HP, so after this cheese is dead, any other Brick will only have 500 HP.
red303 performs an adequate psychic slap.
White Rabbit Cheese: 442/1000
I slap White Rabbit Cheese. OpenPalm = 14