ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman RPG (2016)

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2,300 posts

I allow as many players as possible. Registrations are open!


Does.. Does anyone remember The Superhuman RPG? Way back about 4 years ago?

I admit, I didn't think I would be opening this game again. But then I think of the fun I had hosting it when I was fourteen. I started this RPG back when I was thirteen, I believe, and it had been a blast to play with my players.

Now that I'm almost eighteen (at the time of this OP), maybe I want to give this another try.

If you are aware of what I do here in the forums (and I really mean, aware. So skip past if you don't know anything about me):

[My ideas are all fizzed out at the moment. I will continue to update, though it DEFINITELY will be infrequent. What I'm sure, though, is that The Superhuman requires more improvisation than my own story. So it takes less of an effort, not that it detracts from how much I want to host this game.]


"A human figure rose and fell, its chest swelling slightly. It looked up, not knowing what it would look at in this darkness. Then a voice spoke into its head, and the figure screamed out, its body writhing in pain.

The figure stepped out into the light. It breathed in..

And something small fell out of its womb.

And it breathed out. It smiled and more fell from its body.

And more.

And more."

"You kiddin' me?"

A thirteen-year-old boy jumped in shock, as he looked at the source of the voice that startled him.

A woman, sat opposite him, stared at him with a quizzical and mocking look.

"That's how the first superhuman came to be?" said the woman.

The boy nodded fervently. "Yes! You've gotta believe me!"

"This is ****ing ridiculous."

The woman stepped out as the boy continued to shout, pleading for her approval. She slammed the door behind and shook her head. She looked around, the city bustling about her.

Superhumans were everywhere. She saw a few men and women in a construction site, lifting fifteen-metre bars of metal in each hand, walking about. The woman could hear chattering and laughter among them.

Cars streaked by in front of her, but there were many, racing past the cars. A lot of them wore business suits, T-shirts, shorts, jeans. Normal people, she thought.

She heard a booming voice coming from her left. She turned and looked as the glass walls of the town hall burst into shards as the mayor stepped out to view, red fury in his face. She heard a sigh coming from behind the mayor as the glass shards floated back to where they originally were.

The woman heard another scream, something ten times softer than the booming voice, coming from in front of her as a man in black snatched a woman's purse away. The man looked back, summoned a flicker of flame and threw a ball of fire at the woman. She ducked out of the way and sent her hand out. The man grunted as his grip on the purse loosened. He put his hands to the sides of his head and screamed in agonizing pain. The woman picked her purse up and fired a shimmering wave of force at the man, knocking him towards the road.

Where did they come from? she thought.


I hope the story above can explain the setting and tone of this whole RPG.

Now, I allow as many players as possible. I will try to keep track of everyone, but I need to have you do something for me. First off, fill it this sheet.

Name: (Insert)
Sex: Male/Female
Age: (Anything)
Superpower: (Anything within reason)
Biography: (Please keep it concise. I can't read walls and walls of text. It should include your past, personality and how you came to be in the present.)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

Then, what I type below your sheet, please quote it and post it. I will also do the same for you.


I hope I can update once every day. I will try my best.

  • 721 Replies
2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 14/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

I pull out a spoon and attempt to make a threatening gesture by pointing at him. "Don't come any closer." I warn. "Or you're going to lose an eye." If he does come closer, even after all of my convincing threats, I levitate the spoon and (hopefully) force it into his eye.

"Don't come any closer," you warn. "Or you're going to lose an eye."

The man came to a halt and chuckled for a bit. But you did see doubt in his eyes, knowing the fact that you stabbed his thigh with a spoon before.

"Hah! A ****ing spoon. ****ing joke!"

As he rushed forward, you brought one of your spoons up and fired at him. The sheer speed of the spoon caused a sliced left cheek to open up, revealing a little tongue. His aim was distracted and he crashed into the door next to you. There was a loud bump as the door was cracked halfway.

(1 XP)

You noticed the couple standing up. The man looked at you and fire blazed from his eyes. With that kind of power, you accessed that he could burn you up like Hades could.

(Also, due to tending your wounds, you slowly gain HP along the way.)

(1 HP)

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 14/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

"A bit of a hot head aren't ya?" I comment at the pyro as I run into the kitchen. Assuming he follows, I'll run and hide in the freezer. Although if there's any types of spoons laying around... I'll go for those before heading into the freezer.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20

I roll to the side and fire an ice bolt at him.

2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 14/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

"A bit of a hot head aren't ya?" I comment at the pyro as I run into the kitchen. Assuming he follows, I'll run and hide in the freezer. Although if there's any types of spoons laying around... I'll go for those before heading into the freezer.

"A bit of a hot head aren't ya?"

The man broke into a laughter before shooting fire out of his eyes. You managed to dodge out of the way and bolted towards the kitchen. The man whose head slammed into the door grunted, still dazed in his pain. You heard footsteps behind you, assuming that the pyro was following you, and you noticed that there wasn't a kitchen about. You barged into the storage room where coffee beans and ice and sugar and milk were stored.

You headed for the freezer, opened the door and feeling a rush of cold air. You entered despite yourself rejecting to it, and stayed there as the door was broken open. You didn't know who it was, but you could take a peek outside.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 16/20

I roll to the side and fire an ice bolt at him.

You rolled to the side, his fist slamming into the floor instead. You made an ice bolt and fired, slicing at his cheek. He roared in pain as he reinforced his wound and kicked you at your stomach.

(-2 HP)

You felt pain blooming at your abdomen and you saw, with clear certainty in front of you, your mother getting stabbed in the back by a machete. She let out a scream that sounded like horror to you.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

I drop down quickly to get away from the bite, then I quickly kick away as I try to back crawl, so I can gain some distance

You dropped down to a duck, dodging the monster's teeth entirely. You kicked its leg to boost yourself back. You managed to crawl, then climb back to a standing position. Ranski had climbed onto its head, trying to rip its head off. It seemed as though its skin was stronger than it looked.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 14/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

By the way, I lied. I'm taking a vacation next week, not this week.

Instead of using my eyes normally, I take out a spoon and position it so I can see the outside of the freezer as a reflection on the spoon.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 16/20

You rolled to the side, his fist slamming into the floor instead. You made an ice bolt and fired, slicing at his cheek. He roared in pain as he reinforced his wound and kicked you at your stomach.

(-2 HP)

You felt pain blooming at your abdomen and you saw, with clear certainty in front of you, your mother getting stabbed in the back by a machete. She let out a scream that sounded like horror to you.

(I want to make some cool monologue but failed >.> )
With hate and sadness, i fire off another ice bolt then attempt to make an ice barrier around me.
(Also, when i made the ice wall in the school, i don't think it's mentioned how it went)

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

Matthew chuckled at the window bit. "Yeah, it's fine."
Both of you entered the room. You offered him a drink and he said yes, thanking you for welcoming him.
You went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, finding a few cans of beer, a carton of chocolate milk and a can of Coke.
I took two cans of beer and poured them into glasses.
You took the glasses back to the living room where Matthew was staring at the coffee table in front of him, seemingly in deep thought. As you prodded him on the shoulder, you received a jolt of electricity and your hand jerked back from the pain. Matthew turned his head towards you in a frenzied manner, until he saw you.

"Sorry. I'm a lightning rod when I get into a mood."

He chuckled for a bit before you handed him the drink he wanted. He thanked you for the beer and took a sip before setting it on the table.

"Your name.."
"Hephaestus," you said.
"Hephaestus. Interesting name you got there," he said as he smiled.
"It's the name of the blacksmith god of the Greek pantheon," I explain. "I always had a thing for Greek mythology, and given my job and power, I thought it fitting."

There was a few moments of silence before Matt broke it.

"I loved Sam. With all of my heart. I.. I met him in the police academy. We were friends the whole time until we graduated. But on that graduation, something sparked." He snorted as he said 'sparked'.

He sighed and laid back, smiling with a teardrop forming in both his eyes. From time to time, he would say something about Sam and silence would take over. This went on about forty-five minutes.
He turned towards you with his shining eyes, watery and bright. "Thanks for listening."
He stood up and went to the door, looking at you once more before leaving. You heard a car engine rumble to life before the sound faded away.

You sat in your living room, with apparently nothing to do. Your work time was from morning until evening.
'Knock. Knock. Knock.'
You heard your door being knocked three times and through the door, you heard a somewhat old man's voice, muffled thanks to the door.
"Hello? Is anyone in there?"

"Just a second!" I shake off the weariness that started to fall over me and stand up, walk over to the door and open it to see who's there.
2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 14/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

By the way, I lied. I'm taking a vacation next week, not this week.

Haha! Okay, then.

Instead of using my eyes normally, I take out a spoon and position it so I can see the outside of the freezer as a reflection on the spoon.

Ooh, smart.

You positioned one of your spoons to the glass window on the door (since it had one) and tried to see around the corner. Though very obscured, you could see a few figures in the room. One was heading for the freezer room.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 16/20

(I want to make some cool monologue but failed >.> )

Hey, you'll learn.

With hate and sadness, i fire off another ice bolt then attempt to make an ice barrier around me.

You fired an ice bolt at the man. It didn't hit, but it was enough to make the man back off. As he came about to hit you again, you formed an ice barrier against the man's fist. It cracked against the man's weight and he brought up a second fist and broke through it. The man reared back for some reason. Maybe pain, you thought.

You saw your dad moving back now, with flaming hands at both of his sides. Two men started to go around him, flanking him from front and behind.

(PS. You're allowed to take as many actions as you want. I'm pretty sure just firing an ice bolt isn't all you want to do. Do as many as you want, and I'll set that limitation. Look at HahiHa's take on the game. He takes quite a lot of actions too. Just a head's up for you.)


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 20/20

I go for his arms to hold them down so that Ranski has enough time to finish off the monster.

Yay, teamwork, you thought as you ran up to the monster again, bear hugging its arms as Ranski tried to pull its head off. You noticed a drag and a moment of uneventfulness went by before you saw in the corner of your eyes, Rachel rushing up with a large steel blade as her right arm as she leaped forward and sliced through its neck, toppling Ranski along the way. She fell with a grunt and the monster fell with a squishy sound.

(2 XP)

Ranski breathed hard as she got up.

"Rachel, you almost killed me."

She turned around and said, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sor-"

"You're doing the paperwork," Ranski said as she smiled.

After a moment's rest and a bit of small talk between you and Rachel, you've reached the police station. Rachel generally talked about your power, the curious one she was as you noticed, and she seemed genuinely interested as you explained in brief. You waited in the station for a moment before you were able to go.

As you went back, night began to fall on you. On the way back, you felt as though someone, no, a few people were watching you from the many trees that surrounded you.


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

"Just a second!" I shake off the weariness that started to fall over me and stand up, walk over to the door and open it to see who's there.

You opened the door and saw an old man standing in front of you. He wore a white coat, similar to a lab coat, and held a black doctor's bag.

"Ah, hello," he said in the frail old voice of his. "Have you seen a creature? Looked like a goblin if you played a few games back in the day. Have you?"

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

You opened the door and saw an old man standing in front of you. He wore a white coat, similar to a lab coat, and held a black doctor's bag.

"Ah, hello," he said in the frail old voice of his. "Have you seen a creature? Looked like a goblin if you played a few games back in the day. Have you?"

I frown at the mention of the word 'goblin', but manage to remain calm.

"Uh, goblin you say? Green skin, long pointy nose, that kind of look? Hmm, maybe I have. Why do you ask?"
5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 16/20

You fired an ice bolt at the man. It didn't hit, but it was enough to make the man back off. As he came about to hit you again, you formed an ice barrier against the man's fist. It cracked against the man's weight and he brought up a second fist and broke through it. The man reared back for some reason. Maybe pain, you thought.

You saw your dad moving back now, with flaming hands at both of his sides. Two men started to go around him, flanking him from front and behind.

(well okay)
I try to make two ice barriers on the man to trap him, then move to look at my dad, if he needs helping, i'll help by firing an ice bolt/do what he says.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 14/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

I take out the butterfly knife and wait for the door to open. When it opens I'll attempt to run by the person and, gripping my knife so I won't lose it, stab whoever it is in the thigh. I will then attempt to run out of the kitchen and into the manager's office. If there's no manager's office I'll call the manager outside the restaurant.(Although I'm probably not going to get the chance to do either of those yet.)

2,300 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

I frown at the mention of the word 'goblin', but manage to remain calm.

"Uh, goblin you say? Green skin, long pointy nose, that kind of look? Hmm, maybe I have. Why do you ask?"

"Maybe you have? Can I see it please?" he said, giving no sign that he cared about anything else but the goblin.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 20/20

"Creepy vibe" I think to myself as I walk faster. I keep an ear out for any noise that seems out of place at this time of night.

You heard blowing sounds from your left and rummaging from behind. You turned to look as a naked man up on a tree aimed a blowpipe at you while another naked man sprinted towards you with a makeshift spear.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 16/20

I try to make two ice barriers on the man to trap him, then move to look at my dad, if he needs helping, i'll help by firing an ice bolt/do what he says.

You trapped the man in ice and looked at your dad.

He stared at the two men before sending his arms aimed towards them and firing streams of fire at their faces, burning them off. You could immediately smell burning flesh and wrinkled your nose. He rushed over to your side and picked you up. The man was a punch away from breaking your barrier. As he broke it, he got a stream of fire in the face for thanks. He couldn't react in time to bring up his metal form. You watched him slump to the ground as your dad gave a tight hug. He was burying your head in his chest before he moved to pick up the telephone.

You got up and headed to your mother with your dad, who had a phone between his cheek and shoulder. He started checking for wounds, and found a small hole in her stomach. You could actually see through the hole. Your mother had passed out by then due to the loss of blood.

"Ax, find some bandages and stay with your mother. I'm getting the ambulance."

Around you, you saw men with seared body parts. Faces, arms, legs, chests, all of them were burned to some degree.


Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 10/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

I take out the butterfly knife and wait for the door to open. When it opens I'll attempt to run by the person and, gripping my knife so I won't lose it, stab whoever it is in the thigh. I will then attempt to run out of the kitchen and into the manager's office. If there's no manager's office I'll call the manager outside the restaurant.(Although I'm probably not going to get the chance to do either of those yet.)

As the door opened, you noticed the bat man (I'm calling him that now) and ran past him. He was half-surprised but he was somewhat prepared. You stabbed him in the thigh and he grunted. He barely missed you by the shirt as you ran past both the pyro man and the pretty woman. As you exited the storage room, you felt a sharp pain at your back. You lurched forward, but managed to keep your balance.

(-4 HP)

You headed outside and saw a man standing in front of you with a shocked look. He was wearing a shirt that displayed the name of the shop, 'Espresso Joe', looking to be in his mid-thirties. He seemed to be in charge here.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 10/20
Butterfly knife
6 spoons

At this point I'm running out of options, so I grab the guy and force him on the ground, the butterfly knife at his throat(because no one will be as terrified with a spoon). "What do you want from me?!" I yell. "Why are you using these people to hunt me down?!"

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 16/20

"Right away!" I went to take the bandages at where we store medical supplies in our house, then come back to give it to dad, running.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

"Maybe you have? Can I see it please?" he said, giving no sign that he cared about anything else but the goblin.

"Your little goblin killed at least two people!", I almost shout.

"Right", I say a bit calmer, "I know where it is, or where they'll know about it. Just a second." I prepare myself to go out again, and lead the old man to the police station. The corpse of the goblin is likely at the morgue; the police will know, and will certainly be interested to talk to the old man. I just hope I will be allowed to stay and find out more about this strange matter.
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