ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman RPG (2016)

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2,300 posts

I allow as many players as possible. Registrations are open!


Does.. Does anyone remember The Superhuman RPG? Way back about 4 years ago?

I admit, I didn't think I would be opening this game again. But then I think of the fun I had hosting it when I was fourteen. I started this RPG back when I was thirteen, I believe, and it had been a blast to play with my players.

Now that I'm almost eighteen (at the time of this OP), maybe I want to give this another try.

If you are aware of what I do here in the forums (and I really mean, aware. So skip past if you don't know anything about me):

[My ideas are all fizzed out at the moment. I will continue to update, though it DEFINITELY will be infrequent. What I'm sure, though, is that The Superhuman requires more improvisation than my own story. So it takes less of an effort, not that it detracts from how much I want to host this game.]


"A human figure rose and fell, its chest swelling slightly. It looked up, not knowing what it would look at in this darkness. Then a voice spoke into its head, and the figure screamed out, its body writhing in pain.

The figure stepped out into the light. It breathed in..

And something small fell out of its womb.

And it breathed out. It smiled and more fell from its body.

And more.

And more."

"You kiddin' me?"

A thirteen-year-old boy jumped in shock, as he looked at the source of the voice that startled him.

A woman, sat opposite him, stared at him with a quizzical and mocking look.

"That's how the first superhuman came to be?" said the woman.

The boy nodded fervently. "Yes! You've gotta believe me!"

"This is ****ing ridiculous."

The woman stepped out as the boy continued to shout, pleading for her approval. She slammed the door behind and shook her head. She looked around, the city bustling about her.

Superhumans were everywhere. She saw a few men and women in a construction site, lifting fifteen-metre bars of metal in each hand, walking about. The woman could hear chattering and laughter among them.

Cars streaked by in front of her, but there were many, racing past the cars. A lot of them wore business suits, T-shirts, shorts, jeans. Normal people, she thought.

She heard a booming voice coming from her left. She turned and looked as the glass walls of the town hall burst into shards as the mayor stepped out to view, red fury in his face. She heard a sigh coming from behind the mayor as the glass shards floated back to where they originally were.

The woman heard another scream, something ten times softer than the booming voice, coming from in front of her as a man in black snatched a woman's purse away. The man looked back, summoned a flicker of flame and threw a ball of fire at the woman. She ducked out of the way and sent her hand out. The man grunted as his grip on the purse loosened. He put his hands to the sides of his head and screamed in agonizing pain. The woman picked her purse up and fired a shimmering wave of force at the man, knocking him towards the road.

Where did they come from? she thought.


I hope the story above can explain the setting and tone of this whole RPG.

Now, I allow as many players as possible. I will try to keep track of everyone, but I need to have you do something for me. First off, fill it this sheet.

Name: (Insert)
Sex: Male/Female
Age: (Anything)
Superpower: (Anything within reason)
Biography: (Please keep it concise. I can't read walls and walls of text. It should include your past, personality and how you came to be in the present.)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

Then, what I type below your sheet, please quote it and post it. I will also do the same for you.


I hope I can update once every day. I will try my best.

  • 721 Replies
18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons
Some chips
Some clothes

I stand up and walk toward the bathroom, leaving the bags of chips and clothes at the table, and watch the mobster quietly. A spoon in my right hand incase he decides to turn around and attack. If he does attack I hope to use the spoon to either block a bullet from hitting me, or stopping a knife, making a little sword fight but with a knife and a spoon.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

You felt like you could vomit, but you kept it down as hard as you could.
"Are you OK?" you inquire. "We need to follow the goblin. It might lead us to its den, we might be able to trap it there. Come on!"
"What?" the policeman was done vomiting as he wiped his mouth. "Yeah, yeah. Quickly."
You went ahead and looked back. The policeman knelt beside the corpse and shed a few tears before catching up to you.
The goblin was munching on the head, specifically the nose, and ventured down the street and turned to an alleyway. You turned and saw the goblin hunched down, its legs ready to launch.

(from the context I assume the goblin is ready to jump at us) The moment I see the goblin, I yell "Shoot it!" and simultaneously jump back behind the corner. I instantly transform into ash, focusing on making the outer crust as hard as possible.
2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I stand up and walk toward the bathroom, leaving the bags of chips and clothes at the table, and watch the mobster quietly. A spoon in my right hand incase he decides to turn around and attack. If he does attack I hope to use the spoon to either block a bullet from hitting me, or stopping a knife, making a little sword fight but with a knife and a spoon.

You left the chips and clothes behind, walking towards the bathroom. You tried to pretend to look at other things while watching the mobster. She was wearing a blue blouse and skirt with a black tie. She held a purse that was totally not suspicious at all. She went to the counter and ordered two mochas for herself and someone else.

Looking at her face, you thought to yourself that, hey, she's very pretty, having long brown hair and a smooth face. As much as you could gather (some from comics), she was probably the charmer of the gang.

You almost entered the women's room (hehe) and slapped yourself on the forehead, giving you more time to observe the woman. She pulled out some cash from her purse and paid up front, then stepped aside to wait for her drinks. You were now in the men's room, where it was empty except for one stall that was occupied.

You were just about to pretend to wash your hands when something bumped into you. You turned to see the same man with the bat without a bat, stepping to the urinal. He appeared to not have seen you.

You thought, "How the hell did he come in? I didn't see him enter."

(Oh, no. How did the man get into the bathroom so quickly when you didn't even see him enter? Well, I think of inconsistencies like this all the time and I try to make fun of myself. This happens a lot in my story. Haha!)


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

(from the context I assume the goblin is ready to jump at us) The moment I see the goblin, I yell "Shoot it!" and simultaneously jump back behind the corner. I instantly transform into ash, focusing on making the outer crust as hard as possible.

The policeman let out a gasp and shot lightning out of his hands. It was a panicked attack and the streak of white energy missed the goblin by a few inches. It launched itself into the air right at your head, but your ash shell had already formed. It tried to grab at your head, but its claws couldn't penetrate. It did leave another crack to your neck area.

(For the sake of scaling, there would be a cooldown after your ash shell had broken or been let off. I'd say that between the time you let go of your shell and now, the cooldown should be off.)

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

The policeman let out a gasp and shot lightning out of his hands. It was a panicked attack and the streak of white energy missed the goblin by a few inches. It launched itself into the air right at your head, but your ash shell had already formed. It tried to grab at your head, but its claws couldn't penetrate. It did leave another crack to your neck area.
(For the sake of scaling, there would be a cooldown after your ash shell had broken or been let off. I'd say that between the time you let go of your shell and now, the cooldown should be off.)

(Ignoring that the goblin somehow managed to jump around the corner )

I take advantage of the situation and dart my hands forward, grabbing the goblin by its neck with my two hands and choking him in a rock-hard grip.
2,300 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

(Ignoring that the goblin somehow managed to jump around the corner)

Oh, no. I thought you'd already turned the corner. That's how you could see the goblin.

I take advantage of the situation and dart my hands forward, grabbing the goblin by its neck with my two hands and choking him in a rock-hard grip.

You grabbed it by its neck, choking it out. It flailed around where it was, hitting your hands back and forth. The shell suffered about four more strikes before the shell around your arms crumbled, revealing your skin. As it was about to fall unconscious, it struck one last time, making your arm buckle. You dropped the goblin but it fell prone on the ground. As it tried to gather air while standing up, the policeman fired another bolt of electricity, hitting true and frying the goblin. You jumped back in time to not get zapped in proxy.

(1 XP)

The aftermath was still gross, but it was something you wanted it to happen. The goblin had a black hole on its back, as it was face down on the ground. You saw that the bolt of lightning had made the hole and cauterised the wound immediately, leaving very little blood visible.

The policeman fell to his knees, breathing hard and suddenly crying. You went over to the policeman, ignoring the goblin.

"Oh, Sam.." he sobbed. "Sam.."

All you could feel was sympathy for him.

You heard thunder crackling in the distance, and felt a drizzle coming.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I clutch my spoon with so much nervousness the spoon bends a bit. I step out of the restroom, ready to defend myself at any moment as I head over to the counter, possibly sitting on a nearby stool that happens to be close to the woman, and wait for a waiter so that I can ask questions.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

Oh, no. I thought you'd already turned the corner. That's how you could see the goblin.

Right, sorry.

You grabbed it by its neck, choking it out. It flailed around where it was, hitting your hands back and forth. The shell suffered about four more strikes before the shell around your arms crumbled, revealing your skin. As it was about to fall unconscious, it struck one last time, making your arm buckle. You dropped the goblin but it fell prone on the ground. As it tried to gather air while standing up, the policeman fired another bolt of electricity, hitting true and frying the goblin. You jumped back in time to not get zapped in proxy.
(1 XP)
The aftermath was still gross, but it was something you wanted it to happen. The goblin had a black hole on its back, as it was face down on the ground. You saw that the bolt of lightning had made the hole and cauterised the wound immediately, leaving very little blood visible.
The policeman fell to his knees, breathing hard and suddenly crying. You went over to the policeman, ignoring the goblin.
"Oh, Sam.." he sobbed. "Sam.."
All you could feel was sympathy for him.
You heard thunder crackling in the distance, and felt a drizzle coming.

As I reabsorb my ashen carapace, I can't help but wonder about the coming storm and the officer's grief. 'Nah, he can't be that powerful...'

"Hey. I am sorry for your colleague. And.. thank you. You saved my hide."

I stand around undecided for a moment. I offer to remain here until reinforcements arrive, to keep him company; besides, I think, they'll have questions for me, for sure. If not, I go back home.
5,291 posts

(Sorry, somehow can't properly copy sheet in mobile)

Maybe I shouldn't-ve...
I stand in fear. Watching. Being careful.

2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I clutch my spoon with so much nervousness the spoon bends a bit. I step out of the restroom, ready to defend myself at any moment as I head over to the counter, possibly sitting on a nearby stool that happens to be close to the woman, and wait for a waiter so that I can ask questions.

You sneaked past the man and went back to your seat, watching the woman. She was sitting opposite you, where both of you could stare at each other if it weren't for a man sitting in between. He looked to be in his thirties. He had a scruffy beard, hair sticking out in all directions. He was talking to the woman about Abele. You slipped your way to your seat, noticing that this coffee shop was run on a self-service basis, so no waiters were going to come to you.

You took peeks at the men's room, watching out for the man. Eventually, you saw him emerge from the room, seemingly unnoticed about your presence.


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

Right, sorry.

Aha! It's fine.

As I reabsorb my ashen carapace, I can't help but wonder about the coming storm and the officer's grief. 'Nah, he can't be that powerful...'

"Hey. I am sorry for your colleague. And.. thank you. You saved my hide."

I stand around undecided for a moment. I offer to remain here until reinforcements arrive, to keep him company; besides, I think, they'll have questions for me, for sure. If not, I go back home.

"Hey. I am sorry for your colleague. And.. thank you. You saved my hide."

The policeman looked up at you and smiled sadly. He nodded and said, "Thanks, and you're welcome. I'm gonna have to borrow you for a moment to get my report done."

He stood up and took a deep breath, spreading his arms slightly to take in the drizzle which didn't get any heavier.

"Let's go."

You both walked back to the police car and waited. You half-sat on the hood of the car while the policeman who introduced himself as Matthew sat in the car, occasionally bursting into tears and frequently shaking his chest.

You looked to your left and saw two police cars and an ambulance arrive at the scene. One policeman started asking you questions, basic ones related to what happened just now. You and Matthew explained what happened as the rest of the police investigated the neighbourhood. You saw a few others pick up on what you and Matthew said about Sam, and they went in the direction where you chased the goblin.

When it was over, you went back to your home. You felt something touch your shoulder and you turned, looking at Matthew.

"Can I stay over for an hour or so?"


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 19/20

Maybe I shouldn't-ve...
I stand in fear. Watching. Being careful.

The man strode over to you and lifted his fist to punch at you. You could tell that the attackers here were of the same group as the attackers in school. They had somehow found you.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

I yell to Ranski, to do something as I search my surroundings for a weapon of some kind.

You were in a forest. There wasn't much you could find to make use. You found a stick thick enough to be a serviceable weapon. Ranski ran towards the monster, faster than you'd expect and landed a punch at its torso. Its grip on Rachel loosened and it flew back, crashing into a tree and wheezing like a ghoul. Its face looked up at Ranski as it brought its arms out again, wrapping them around Ranski. From the punch that you saw, you could make out that she had superhuman strength, but the grip on her was stronger than her.

824 posts

Name: Dex Copper
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Super-power: Time Stopping

Biography: Born in a village near town. Had a big family with six brothers and 3 sisters. At the age of 15, I started trading food and everyday use items with my father. I traveled with my father to 5 different coutries. I was very connected to him. His murder changed my life. He was killed by a bandit squad. There were eight of them. I managed to kill two of them, but the others stabbed him to death and ran away with out money.
Police didn't give a **** for my and my family's tears. I was so mad, I shot a judge and a cop in front of a court. Since then, I am a fugitive, still searching for responcible ones.
And a two years ago, I met Mira. I deffended her from a thief. That was a love on a first look...
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 19/20
Bottle of Water;
Loaf od Bread;
Some Bacon;
Bullets (6x);

I woke up.

There is a letter on the table. It's from my brother Mick.

I oppened and started reading the letter: "Dear brother, It's been a while since we haven't seen eachother. How is Mira and you going?
But I should cut to chase. You have to come home quickly. Mum had a hearth attack last nigh. Doctor said she is in pretty bad shape, but he thinks she can make it. But her mental condition got a little bit worse. You should come and see her. Mira is welcome to come with you. Regards, Mick."

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I crouch behind the chair of the man with the messy hair and listen to the conversation. I peer over his shoulder and look at the table between the man and woman. If there are spoons on the table I will recklessly jump and grab the spoons, not caring for whatever punishment comes my way.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

"Hey. I am sorry for your colleague. And.. thank you. You saved my hide."
The policeman looked up at you and smiled sadly. He nodded and said, "Thanks, and you're welcome. I'm gonna have to borrow you for a moment to get my report done."
He stood up and took a deep breath, spreading his arms slightly to take in the drizzle which didn't get any heavier.
"Let's go."
You both walked back to the police car and waited. You half-sat on the hood of the car while the policeman who introduced himself as Matthew sat in the car, occasionally bursting into tears and frequently shaking his chest.
You looked to your left and saw two police cars and an ambulance arrive at the scene. One policeman started asking you questions, basic ones related to what happened just now. You and Matthew explained what happened as the rest of the police investigated the neighbourhood. You saw a few others pick up on what you and Matthew said about Sam, and they went in the direction where you chased the goblin.
When it was over, you went back to your home. You felt something touch your shoulder and you turned, looking at Matthew.
"Can I stay over for an hour or so?"

(Question, has the police/forensics taken care of the arm in my shower while I walked home or is it still there?)

"Huh? Yeah, no problem. I hope you don't mind the broken window." We enter my house; I throw my backpack in a corner and hang my jacket, then I ask Matthew: "You want something to drink?"
5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 19/20

The man strode over to you and lifted his fist to punch at you. You could tell that the attackers here were of the same group as the attackers in school. They had somehow found you.

I keep trying to dodge out of the way, and if possible try to see what's happening out there.

2,300 posts

Name: Dex Copper
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Super-power: Time Stopping
Biography: Born in a village near town. Had a big family with six brothers and 3 sisters. At the age of 15, I started trading food and everyday use items with my father. I travelled with my father to 5 different countries. I was very connected to him. His murder changed my life. He was killed by a bandit squad. There were eight of them. I managed to kill two of them, but the others stabbed him to death and ran away with our money.
Police didn't give a **** for my and my family's tears. I was so mad, I shot a judge and a cop in front of a court. Since then, I've been a fugitive, still searching for the responsible ones.
And two years ago, I met Mira. I defended her from a thief. That was love at first sight...
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 19/20
Bottle of Water;
Loaf od Bread;
Some Bacon;
Bullets (6x)

Oh, hey. It's one of you people, who start out a bit better than everyone.

It's fine. If you want it that way.

Also, I fixed your biography. I hope you take the time to read it.

I woke up.

There is a letter on the table. It's from my brother Mick.

I opened and started reading the letter: "Dear brother, It's been awhile since we've seen each other. How are you and Mira?
But I should cut to chase. You have to come home quickly. Mum had a heart attack last night. Doctor said she is in pretty bad shape, but he thinks she can make it. But her mental condition got a little bit worse. You should come and see her. Mira is welcome to come with you. Regards, Mick."

You read the letter and folded it back into the envelope you collected. You lived in a fairly medium-sized apartment room along with the love of your life, Mira. She stepped out of your room and said, "Honey, what was it?"


Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I crouch behind the chair of the man with the messy hair and listen to the conversation. I peer over his shoulder and look at the table between the man and woman. If there are spoons on the table I will recklessly jump and grab the spoons, not caring for whatever punishment comes my way.

You listened in on the conversation. Apparently, it was just about their day. The pretty woman was mostly talking while the man was mostly staring. [i]Yeah, they're a couple, talking about couple stuff," you thought.

You peered over his shoulder to see two cups of coffee and a piece of cake on a plate.

With a fork.

A fork.

You couldn't control it if you wanted to.


You heard a shout from the direction of the men's room. The man with the bat was now charging towards you with a furious rage.


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 2/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

(Question, has the police/forensics taken care of the arm in my shower while I walked home or is it still there?)

As you walked back to your home, you peeked around and noticed the human arm wrapped in plastic.

"Huh? Yeah, no problem. I hope you don't mind the broken window." We enter my house; I throw my backpack in a corner and hang my jacket, then I ask Matthew: "You want something to drink?"

Matthew chuckled at the window bit. "Yeah, it's fine."

Both of you entered the room. You offered him a drink and he said yes, thanking you for welcoming him.

You went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, finding a few cans of beer, a carton of chocolate milk and a can of Coke.

(Insert what drink you want to serve)

You took the glasses back to the living room where Matthew was staring at the coffee table in front of him, seemingly in deep thought. As you prodded him on the shoulder, you received a jolt of electricity and your hand jerked back from the pain. Matthew turned his head towards you in a frenzied manner, until he saw you.

"Sorry. I'm a lightning rod when I get into a mood."

He chuckled for a bit before you handed him the drink he wanted. He thanked you (regardless of which drink) and took a sip before setting it on the table.

"Your name.."

"Hephaestus," you said (unless you wanted to word it differently).

"Hephaestus. Interesting name you got there," he said as he smiled.

There was a few moments of silence before Matt broke it.

"I loved Sam. With all of my heart. I.. I met him in the police academy. We were friends the whole time until we graduated. But on that graduation, something sparked." He snorted as he said 'sparked'.

He sighed and laid back, smiling with a teardrop forming in both his eyes. From time to time, he would say something about Sam and silence would take over. This went on about forty-five minutes. (By the way, feel free to interrupt at any time within dialogue.)

He turned towards you with his shining eyes, watery and bright. "Thanks for listening."

He stood up and went to the door, looking at you once more before leaving. You heard a car engine rumble to life before the sound faded away.

You sat in your living room, with apparently nothing to do. Your work time was from morning until evening.

'Knock. Knock. Knock.'

You heard your door being knocked three times and through the door, you heard a somewhat old man's voice, muffled thanks to the door.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?"


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20

I keep trying to dodge out of the way, and if possible try to see what's happening out there.

You sidestepped out of the punch, trying to look outside.

At a glance, you saw what looked to be struggling between people. Your mother and father were obscured with the seven or so men surrounding them.

You felt an impact to your left arm as the man landed a punch straight at it.

(-1 HP)

You fell to the side, prone on the ground as you saw the man send another fist at you.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

I run over to Rachel and pull her away, once shes away I take my stick and attempt to stab it anywhere there is an opening to the inside of the monster. (Mouth, Ear, Nose, Ect.)

"Woah!" Rachel shouted out as you pulled her away. You rushed forward and hit it in the belly, making the monster lurch forward and loosening its grip on Ranski. When she noticed that it was loose, she tore the arm into pieces and the monster screeched in pain. It was like the sound of a pterodactyl, but a lot higher in pitch. In fact, the screech sent Rachel and Ranski onto the floor as they clutched their ears. Rachel was screaming along while Ranski grunted. You barely could do okay as the monster now looked at you and attempted to bite your head off.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I pull out a spoon and attempt to make a threatening gesture by pointing at him. "Don't come any closer." I warn. "Or you're going to lose an eye." If he does come closer, even after all of my convincing threats, I levitate the spoon and (hopefully) force it into his eye.

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