ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman RPG (2016)

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2,300 posts

I allow as many players as possible. Registrations are open!


Does.. Does anyone remember The Superhuman RPG? Way back about 4 years ago?

I admit, I didn't think I would be opening this game again. But then I think of the fun I had hosting it when I was fourteen. I started this RPG back when I was thirteen, I believe, and it had been a blast to play with my players.

Now that I'm almost eighteen (at the time of this OP), maybe I want to give this another try.

If you are aware of what I do here in the forums (and I really mean, aware. So skip past if you don't know anything about me):

[My ideas are all fizzed out at the moment. I will continue to update, though it DEFINITELY will be infrequent. What I'm sure, though, is that The Superhuman requires more improvisation than my own story. So it takes less of an effort, not that it detracts from how much I want to host this game.]


"A human figure rose and fell, its chest swelling slightly. It looked up, not knowing what it would look at in this darkness. Then a voice spoke into its head, and the figure screamed out, its body writhing in pain.

The figure stepped out into the light. It breathed in..

And something small fell out of its womb.

And it breathed out. It smiled and more fell from its body.

And more.

And more."

"You kiddin' me?"

A thirteen-year-old boy jumped in shock, as he looked at the source of the voice that startled him.

A woman, sat opposite him, stared at him with a quizzical and mocking look.

"That's how the first superhuman came to be?" said the woman.

The boy nodded fervently. "Yes! You've gotta believe me!"

"This is ****ing ridiculous."

The woman stepped out as the boy continued to shout, pleading for her approval. She slammed the door behind and shook her head. She looked around, the city bustling about her.

Superhumans were everywhere. She saw a few men and women in a construction site, lifting fifteen-metre bars of metal in each hand, walking about. The woman could hear chattering and laughter among them.

Cars streaked by in front of her, but there were many, racing past the cars. A lot of them wore business suits, T-shirts, shorts, jeans. Normal people, she thought.

She heard a booming voice coming from her left. She turned and looked as the glass walls of the town hall burst into shards as the mayor stepped out to view, red fury in his face. She heard a sigh coming from behind the mayor as the glass shards floated back to where they originally were.

The woman heard another scream, something ten times softer than the booming voice, coming from in front of her as a man in black snatched a woman's purse away. The man looked back, summoned a flicker of flame and threw a ball of fire at the woman. She ducked out of the way and sent her hand out. The man grunted as his grip on the purse loosened. He put his hands to the sides of his head and screamed in agonizing pain. The woman picked her purse up and fired a shimmering wave of force at the man, knocking him towards the road.

Where did they come from? she thought.


I hope the story above can explain the setting and tone of this whole RPG.

Now, I allow as many players as possible. I will try to keep track of everyone, but I need to have you do something for me. First off, fill it this sheet.

Name: (Insert)
Sex: Male/Female
Age: (Anything)
Superpower: (Anything within reason)
Biography: (Please keep it concise. I can't read walls and walls of text. It should include your past, personality and how you came to be in the present.)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

Then, what I type below your sheet, please quote it and post it. I will also do the same for you.


I hope I can update once every day. I will try my best.

  • 721 Replies
2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 12/20

Assuming the one with the bat breaks down the door, and that I don't have crap aim, I send a spoon to the crotch of the man wielding the bat. Assuming it hits, I run and push past both of them. If it doesn't hit I jump out a back window. If the fall is 15 feet or more, then I'm probably dead.

You sent the spoon through the broken part of the door and down his crotch, but it didn't hit where you intended; the spoon dug slightly into his left thigh. He screamed in pain and pulled it out, looking at you with confusion. He was likely thinking, Spoons? Seriously?

While the man doubled halfway over, you shoved past the two men, but the one with the knife pulled your arm towards him and stabbed the knife into your chest.

(-8 HP)

In an automatic response, you shoved the other man away as well, clutching at your wound and around the stuck knife. You ran out to the hallway, distinctly remembering that you were living in a flat. You turned and sprinted left, the way you knew was going to be the stairs. You climbed down the steps and reached the lobby. You turned your head and saw the two men. The man with the bat threw his bat at you.


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 15/20

"Hang on, just a second, please."

Still holding the phone, I walk up to the creature trying to get up, kick it in the stomach, push it back on the ground and sit on its back to prevent it from standing up.

"Still here. Sorry. You got my address? ... Yes. ... As I said, a green creature that looks like a goblin. ... It was in my living room when I came home. ... Hostile, yes. ... I'm sitting on it right now, so if you could hurry... Wait! One more thing: it was gnawing at an arm. Human, by the look of it. Yes! ... I don't know, I haven't found anything else. Yes. Thank you. Goodbye. "

I throw the phone on my sofa and look down on the creature.

"Now we wait. Can't wait to have you out of here. I'm already in enough trouble as it is thanks to you."

(I hope I haven't taken too many actions at once?)

Well, you can take as many actions as you want, but I can interrupt anywhere as the situation sees fit.

As you kicked it in the stomach, it growled in pain and was lulled to unconsciousness again. You sat on it, hoping it wouldn't get up.

"Still here. Sorry. You got my address?"

"Yes, sir-"

"Yes. ... As I said, a green creature that looks like a goblin. ... It was in my living room when I came home. ... Hostile-"

"Please remain calm, sir. Help is on the way. Thank you for calling." (Do the police actually thank you for calling?)

The call ended with a reassuring beep. You threw the phone onto the sofa and looked at the creature.

"Now we wait. Can't wait to have you out of here. I'm already in enough trouble as it is thanks to you."

A few minutes passed, and you heard tyres screeching and engines dying from rumbling. You heard a few knocks on the door. You got up to open the door.

Two policemen stood outside, both looking a bit younger than you'd expect.

"Sir, you said there was a goblin here?" asked the one with the thicker moustache. He seemed more curious of your ashen form than the creature itself.

"Yes, yes," you said. "Please-"

As you turned, the creature had already stood up and went for a claw strike at you. The claw didn't penetrate deeply enough, but the impact caused your shell to crack everywhere and eventually break, revealing your (dark or white) skin.

In succession, the creature gripped at your left shoulder. You felt its claw dug deeper into your flesh, blood spilling out and soaking your clothes.

(-5 HP)

You grunted in pain and pushed it off as an instinct. The creature jumped off of you and dashed away, though not fast enough for one of the policemen to bring out his revolver and taking a shot. You'd swear your eardrums would've burst as gunfire rang. You saw a tiny burst of blood from the back of the creature as it screeched. It ran across your living room and broke through the curtained window at the far end.

The two policemen, for the most part, ignored you and gave chase.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 19/20

(You didn't subtract my HP. I did it)

Oh my! My mistake. Thanks for your honesty.

I try to make an ice bolt, while my legs kick him(probably to little avail) and then fire the ice bolt with the rest of my energy.

You didn't specify where to shoot it at, so I'm going to assume you're aiming at his chest.

You focused and formed another ice bolt, but this one seemed blunter than the two previous sharp ones you'd made. Still, it was your last ditch effort, and you jammed it into his chest. It went halfway inside before the man pushed you off, gasping for air. His hands suddenly reached for his neck as his struggle for air worsened. You watched the man crumple onto the ground, blood leaking out from his mouth.

(1 XP)

You stood there, shocked and possibly traumatised as you had never ever hurt someone to this degree. Inside your head, you heard his voice, screaming out in pain like he was in hell right now, even if you hadn't heard him scream before.

You fell to the ground, knees scraping against the ground. You tried avoiding to look at the body, but it still drew your attention.

Gerald eventually woke up and saw the body. You heard a gasp coming from him before he shut up.

You barely knew Gerald in class. You two had talked before, but you two mostly stayed to yourselves. When you both were doing assignments and projects, only then you two would talk sometimes, splitting group work and whatnot.

He was looking at the body as well, having the similar shock that you had, though yours was stronger.

"Was.." Gerald said, pointing towards the ice bolt and the gaping wound that you left. "Did you do that..?"

(Insert your answer here)

It definitely felt like a long time as the both of you sat in front of the corpse. Few words were given and taken, but silence loomed over the two of you.

When you finally came to, Gerald let out a scream as he looked towards Mr. Sully. You noticed blood starting to pool around his head.

(My, oh my. This took a little bit of energy out of me.)

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 12/20

I position the spoons in an X in front of my face to protect... well my face. I also crouch down low, positioning my arms to protect my torso, and nether regions.

Assuming I am not hit, I run out of the lobby doors and hide in an alleyway.

2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 12/20

I position the spoons in an X in front of my face to protect... well my face. I also crouch down low, positioning my arms to protect my torso, and nether regions.

Assuming I am not hit, I run out of the lobby doors and hide in an alleyway.

The two spoons you had now floated in an X shape in front of you, catching the bat in its place. The bat would've caved your face in if your spoons hadn't been there. As the bat slid off of your spoons, you turned to run, grabbing your spoons with you.

You stumbled out of the apartment, looking to your left and right. You took a left and another left into an alleyway. You found a large dumpster, quickly flipped it open and jumped in.

What hit you was the stench. It felt like driving a car into a metal wall. The smell made your eyes water, but you tried your best to keep it down.

You heard muffled voices, most likely the two gangsters, loomed over you for a few seconds before continuing past. You gave out a sigh of relief, then coughed due to the stench. You tried your best to muffle it, waited for a few crucial seconds, then didn't give out another sigh of relief. You waited for a minute before getting out, peeking just between the lid and seeing no sign of them.

(1 XP)

A knife in your shoulder, blood dripped down and into the dumpster as you climbed out of it.

You'd suspect this attack had something to do with your boss in the restaurant you were working in.

As you looked down, you saw dirtied clothes on you, pellets of brown speckled on your shirt and trousers. The slippers you wore were halfway through wear and tear.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

Good enough xD

I grab Sarah and we run, as fast as we can out the cave.


Thanks to your working out in the gym, you broke into a sprint, faster than before you had even seen the gym, and grabbed Sarah by the hand. She let out a muffled gasp as she tried to match your speed. Your head turned back and you saw the monster turn towards you. It started running, but you were already too fast for it.

You stepped out of the cavern, and kept running, your muscles burning and pleading to stop. You bathed in sweat by the time you've reached home. Sarah opened the door and staggered to the wooden chair nearest to her and slumped into it, breathing in and out rapidly. You did the same, though with a calmer breathing.

(1 XP);(1 HP)

The bruise that started to form on your face now faded slightly, but not enough for your mother-

"JOHN! SARAH! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" your mother shouted. "OH MY-"

She rushed up to you and almost slapped your cheeks. Green started to glow from your mother's hands and the slight pain you felt in your face stung for a bit until it faded entirely.

(Full HP)

Your mother glared at you with a concerned look, whom you felt your heart twist in guilt. She looked over to Sarah, who had her head down, probably in guilt as well.

She sighed, and gave you both a smile before leaving.

More guilt, you thought.

Safe and sound, you and your sister sat there for a while. Sarah tried to bring up conversation, but it was dropped pretty quickly.

Your other sister, Jamie, appeared from the edge of the room, looking at you both before shaking her head and disappearing.

Love was what you felt for the family.

What would your next course of action be? (Should I be asking this question? Is it bad?)

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 12/20

I pull the butterfly knife out of my shoulder and into my pocket. "Why would anyone need a knife like this..." I murmur under my breath. Looking at my clothes I come up with an idea. "Why don't I just go back to my apartment? I'm sure there's clothes to change into and even stuff I could bring with me for protection."

I head back to the apartment, slowly as to not get anyone's uninvited attention, and grab my phone, any other spoons, and hopefully... hopefully... any medical supplies.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 15/20

The call ended with a reassuring beep. You threw the phone onto the sofa and looked at the creature.
"Now we wait. Can't wait to have you out of here. I'm already in enough trouble as it is thanks to you."
A few minutes passed, and you heard tyres screeching and engines dying from rumbling. You heard a few knocks on the door. You got up to open the door.
Two policemen stood outside, both looking a bit younger than you'd expect.
"Sir, you said there was a goblin here?" asked the one with the thicker moustache. He seemed more curious of your ashen form than the creature itself.
"Yes, yes," you said. "Please-"
As you turned, the creature had already stood up and went for a claw strike at you. The claw didn't penetrate deeply enough, but the impact caused your shell to crack everywhere and eventually break, revealing your (dark or white) skin.
In succession, the creature gripped at your left shoulder. You felt its claw dug deeper into your flesh, blood spilling out and soaking your clothes.
(-5 HP)
You grunted in pain and pushed it off as an instinct. The creature jumped off of you and dashed away, though not fast enough for one of the policemen to bring out his revolver and taking a shot. You'd swear your eardrums would've burst as gunfire rang. You saw a tiny burst of blood from the back of the creature as it screeched. It ran across your living room and broke through the curtained window at the far end.
The two policemen, for the most part, ignored you and gave chase.

I look at my shoulder and let out a curse. That creature definitely has sharp claws. Dirty claws. I suddenly remember the human arm it was holding and shudder.

I cast off the broken plates of ash and walk over to the bathroom. I take off my shirt, turn the tap on, wash the wound clean, then disinfect and bandage it. Once I'm done I go to my room and put on a clean shirt.

'Now what?', I think. 'The officers are chasing the goblin, they must be far away by now. I could still try to follow the blood trail though.' Hmm. They seemed a bit young; also, I still have a score to settle with a certain goblin. I decide to take up the trail. But first I lock the front door as good as possible, fetch a torch, water bottle, some snacks and first aid which I put into my backpack. Putting on a leather jacket and the backpack, I jump out the broken window and look for the trail.
5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 19/20


You didn't specify where to shoot it at, so I'm going to assume you're aiming at his chest.

You focused and formed another ice bolt, but this one seemed blunter than the two previous sharp ones you'd made. Still, it was your last ditch effort, and you jammed it into his chest. It went halfway inside before the man pushed you off, gasping for air. His hands suddenly reached for his neck as his struggle for air worsened. You watched the man crumple onto the ground, blood leaking out from his mouth.

(1 XP)

You stood there, shocked and possibly traumatised as you had never ever hurt someone to this degree. Inside your head, you heard his voice, screaming out in pain like he was in hell right now, even if you hadn't heard him scream before.

You fell to the ground, knees scraping against the ground. You tried avoiding to look at the body, but it still drew your attention.

Gerald eventually woke up and saw the body. You heard a gasp coming from him before he shut up.

You barely knew Gerald in class. You two had talked before, but you two mostly stayed to yourselves. When you both were doing assignments and projects, only then you two would talk sometimes, splitting group work and whatnot.

He was looking at the body as well, having the similar shock that you had, though yours was stronger.

"Was.." Gerald said, pointing towards the ice bolt and the gaping wound that you left. "Did you do that..?"

(Insert your answer here)

It definitely felt like a long time as the both of you sat in front of the corpse. Few words were given and taken, but silence loomed over the two of you.

When you finally came to, Gerald let out a scream as he looked towards Mr. Sully. You noticed blood starting to pool around his head.

(for answer: "...Yes...&quot

I don't move. More like, can't.

2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I pull the butterfly knife out of my shoulder and into my pocket. "Why would anyone need a knife like this..." I murmur under my breath. Looking at my clothes I come up with an idea. "Why don't I just go back to my apartment? I'm sure there's clothes to change into and even stuff I could bring with me for protection."

I head back to the apartment, slowly as to not get anyone's uninvited attention, and grab my phone, any other spoons, and hopefully... hopefully... any medical supplies.

You reached for the knife and pulled it out. You grunted in pain, flicking the blood off of the knife and pocketing it (I supposed the knife has some uses).

You entered the flat, your front bloodied. Everyone was looking at you, but none came to interrupt or help. You begrudgingly headed up to your room, going through the broken door and grabbing a new set of clothes, throwing your shirt and trousers aside.

You grabbed your phone, five more spoons and a bottle of antiseptic. As you applied it, you felt a bit of stinging, then a bit of relief.

(1 HP)

You could guess that whoever attacked you would be coming back to ransack your place.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

(Also, just how far is the cave from my house)

You ran about fifteen minutes, so it'll be half an hour from your house if you walked.

"Well... I guess we better go get a officer to look into this thing." I say to Sarah as I stand up and grab a water.

Unless Sarah interjects me and her will go to a Police Station to talk to an officer, about the creature.

The police station, thankfully enough, wasn't as far away. Sarah wanted to come along, since she felt that it was her fault that she brought you into it.

You reported to the front desk, explained what you saw to the police officer in front of you. Her name was Ranski. She looked to be about her mid-forties, somewhat weary but with a bit of life left in her.

"So," Ranski said. "This long creature thing? You want us to check it out?"

You nodded, and Ranski turned her head to her office. "Let's go."

Out of her office, you saw another woman, dressed in the deep blue uniform that policemen had. She was in her early-twenties, young and bright. But you could obviously see that she was new by her timid posture.

"Yes, ma'am!" the woman said.

The four of you ventured back to the cave, eventually reaching the end.

You saw no sign of the creature. Ranski turned to look at you.

"Alright, where is it?"

After a short talk about lies, you were asked to follow them back to the police station to file for false claims. You and Sarah tried to argue, but Ranski wouldn't have it. As you exited the cave, you heard a squeal coming from within the forest. The amateur policewoman, Rachel, said to her, "Did you hear that? That could probably be-"

"No. We're gonna go back."

Rachel gave her a stare of defiance and took off towards the source of the sound.


Ranski took off after her.


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

I look at my shoulder and let out a curse. That creature definitely has sharp claws. Dirty claws. I suddenly remember the human arm it was holding and shudder.

I cast off the broken plates of ash and walk over to the bathroom. I take off my shirt, turn the tap on, wash the wound clean, then disinfect and bandage it. Once I'm done I go to my room and put on a clean shirt.

'Now what?', I think. 'The officers are chasing the goblin, they must be far away by now. I could still try to follow the blood trail though.' Hmm. They seemed a bit young; also, I still have a score to settle with a certain goblin. I decide to take up the trail. But first I lock the front door as good as possible, fetch a torch, water bottle, some snacks and first aid which I put into my backpack. Putting on a leather jacket and the backpack, I jump out the broken window and look for the trail.

You tended to your wounds, feeling a stinging pain as you disinfected it. For the most part, you did a good job with the wound.

(3 HP)

You fetched the things you listed above and put on your leather jacket. You headed out through the broken window and thought, "I'll need to have it fixed later." You followed what little of blood the trail had. As you reached the next house, you saw that the back window was broken as well. Inside, it was slightly dark, but you could see a figure lying on the floor. It didn't seem to be breathing, especially when you knew that a piece of the figure had been torn out. You shuddered at the image.

You continued your way, house after house. Some houses, you see, were broken into, highly likely because of the goblin creature, but the rest were left alone.

Eventually, the trail led you towards the road. Out in the open, you saw the two policemen chasing after the goblin across the street. You gave chase. Thanks to your physique, you could barely catch up to them. You were about fifty feet away from them when the goblin twisted around and latched on to one of the policemen. He screamed and, before you and the other policeman could react, the scream got cut off as the goblin's claws sliced through his neck, leaving a fresh fountain of blood as the headless corpse fell on its front. The goblin now held the head by its hair and scrambled away, trying to pick up speed.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 19/20

(for answer: "...Yes...&quot

I don't move. More like, can't.

You were too traumatised, even when looking at Mr. Sully's pool of blood. In fact, it kind of strengthened the shock. Gerald was shouting what you heard to be nonsense, as your mind shut off everything around you.

A few moments later, a high-pitched scream shook you from your daze. You turned around in surprise and saw a female teacher with her hands covering her mouth as she ran towards Mr. Sully and kneeled beside him, rocking him over and over. She quickly fumbled for her phone and called for the police while still trying to shake him awake.

A few minutes later, you heard sirens from the far end. Ambulances and police cars arrived at the scene. One of the detectives talked to you and asked if you could testify. You did, describing briefly of what happened just now, though you didn't explain in detail about the man you killed.

The detective thanked you for your time and stepped from the scene. You saw Mr. Sully on a stretcher, his entire head bandaged like a mummy. Gerald was now talking to the detective as well.

In the end, the school was closed down for investigation. Classes would only be held next week.

You were sent back home by the same female teacher that shouted for Mr. Sully. Ms. Pearl had called your parents that unfortunate circumstances had occurred and that she was going to take you home.

You sat next to her, with your head looking down. Ms. Pearl occasionally looked to you to make sure you weren't doing anything suspicious. She looked to be about her mid-twenties. You knew that she started teaching a few years ago, and had gained popularity among the students as a really kind teacher.

Your parents were outside by the time you came home. They grabbed and hugged you tightly, then had a chat with Ms. Pearl about you. You didn't hear the details, but you knew they were talking about that fight. You went up to your room. (Feel free to describe your room, as long as it is reasonable. The detail should probably tell me about you. Maybe.)

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I go to the window and use the fire escape to climb to the roof of the building. If there's no fire escape I'll just use two spoons to scale up the building. Assuming I get to the roof without a problem, I look down at the streets and look for any people or vehicles of interest. Preferably any that go near the complex.

2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I go to the window and use the fire escape to climb to the roof of the building. If there's no fire escape I'll just use two spoons to scale up the building. Assuming I get to the roof without a problem, I look down at the streets and look for any people or vehicles of interest. Preferably any that go near the complex.

I'm sorry, but what complex?

You headed up to the roof with no problem. There were stairs leading up to the roof anyway. You looked down at the streets.

It was sunny today, and the roads were rife with car engines and honks and screeching tyres and people muttering. The road opposite the flat was especially jammed today, honks filling the air like smoke. You saw a few people sticking their heads outside their cars, yelling at the cars in front, though it was drowned out by the honking.

You saw taxi drivers doing the same thing.


You heard it and spun around, looking at the landlord who was panting from the climb. He was already in his mid-sixties, greying hair and deteriorating health. His arms and legs were thick with fat and his face was red from all the exercise he'd gotten.

"Hey!" the landlord said, panting between each sentence. "Donary, am I right? Listen. You have to leave. Those guys that chased after you, they're gonna come back. And I don't want any trouble. Have you packed your bags yet?"

(Decide whether you want to revisit your room)

"Okay, I don't want to see you get beaten up bloody. So give me your keys at the lobby and get out."

He turned and headed down the same way he went up.

(You'd have to give more clarification about the complex though)

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons

I assumed I was living in some kind of apartment complex and was looking at the perimeter around it.

I silently head back to my 'humble abode' and pack whatever reasonable thing I have left into any bags. When finished, I of course give the landlord the keys and head out.

When I'm far enough from the complex or flat or whatever. I attempt to hail a cab for a faster, safer way to the cafe. If there are no cabs, or the cab takes too long(10 minutes or so) then I'll head there on foot.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

You tended to your wounds, feeling a stinging pain as you disinfected it. For the most part, you did a good job with the wound.
(3 HP)
You fetched the things you listed above and put on your leather jacket. You headed out through the broken window and thought, "I'll need to have it fixed later." You followed what little of blood the trail had. As you reached the next house, you saw that the back window was broken as well. Inside, it was slightly dark, but you could see a figure lying on the floor. It didn't seem to be breathing, especially when you knew that a piece of the figure had been torn out. You shuddered at the image.
You continued your way, house after house. Some houses, you see, were broken into, highly likely because of the goblin creature, but the rest were left alone.
Eventually, the trail led you towards the road. Out in the open, you saw the two policemen chasing after the goblin across the street. You gave chase. Thanks to your physique, you could barely catch up to them. You were about fifty feet away from them when the goblin twisted around and latched on to one of the policemen. He screamed and, before you and the other policeman could react, the scream got cut off as the goblin's claws sliced through his neck, leaving a fresh fountain of blood as the headless corpse fell on its front. The goblin now held the head by its hair and scrambled away, trying to pick up speed.

I unconsciously stop running as I witness the scene before me. Fighting down a wave of nausea, I gather myself and follow up to the other officer. "Are you OK?", I inquire. "We need to follow the goblin. It might lead us to its den, we might be able to trap it there. Come on!"
5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 19/20

You were too traumatised, even when looking at Mr. Sully's pool of blood. In fact, it kind of strengthened the shock. Gerald was shouting what you heard to be nonsense, as your mind shut off everything around you.

A few moments later, a high-pitched scream shook you from your daze. You turned around in surprise and saw a female teacher with her hands covering her mouth as she ran towards Mr. Sully and kneeled beside him, rocking him over and over. She quickly fumbled for her phone and called for the police while still trying to shake him awake.

A few minutes later, you heard sirens from the far end. Ambulances and police cars arrived at the scene. One of the detectives talked to you and asked if you could testify. You did, describing briefly of what happened just now, though you didn't explain in detail about the man you killed.

The detective thanked you for your time and stepped from the scene. You saw Mr. Sully on a stretcher, his entire head bandaged like a mummy. Gerald was now talking to the detective as well.

In the end, the school was closed down for investigation. Classes would only be held next week.

You were sent back home by the same female teacher that shouted for Mr. Sully. Ms. Pearl had called your parents that unfortunate circumstances had occurred and that she was going to take you home.

You sat next to her, with your head looking down. Ms. Pearl occasionally looked to you to make sure you weren't doing anything suspicious. She looked to be about her mid-twenties. You knew that she started teaching a few years ago, and had gained popularity among the students as a really kind teacher.

Your parents were outside by the time you came home. They grabbed and hugged you tightly, then had a chat with Ms. Pearl about you. You didn't hear the details, but you knew they were talking about that fight. You went up to your room. (Feel free to describe your room, as long as it is reasonable. The detail should probably tell me about you. Maybe.)

(My room is simple with only a bed, a desk to put books and study, and a wardrobe. It's rather small)

I have my face into the pillow, crying and probably fall asleep in the same position.

2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons
Some chips
Some clothes

I assumed I was living in some kind of apartment complex and was looking at the perimeter around it.

Okay, I see.

I silently head back to my 'humble abode' and pack whatever reasonable thing I have left into any bags. When finished, I of course give the landlord the keys and head out.

When I'm far enough from the complex or flat or whatever. I attempt to hail a cab for a faster, safer way to the cafe. If there are no cabs, or the cab takes too long(10 minutes or so) then I'll head there on foot.

You headed back to your room, grabbing whatever you could. Some chips, some clothes.

You headed down to the lobby and handed your key over to the landlord. He thanked you and shooed you away. You eventually found a cab and paid some money once you've reached the nearest cafe.

You entered the cafe, immediately noticing the atmosphere that coffee shops had. Wooden floors, wooden tables and chairs, wooden counters, wooden shelves. People chatting quietly, the aroma of coffee and tea, people lining up and waiting.

Standard cafés.

You took a seat near the door and set your backpack behind you. You looked out the window and saw the same two men talking to each other. They were about thirty feet away from the entrance, and they seemed to have not noticed you yet. They looked calmer than before, probably giving up on searching for you at the moment.

The man who lost his butterfly knife was flexing his fingers, a habit he got into.


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 18/20
Water bottle
Some snacks
First aid kit

I unconsciously stop running as I witness the scene before me. Fighting down a wave of nausea, I gather myself and follow up to the other officer. "Are you OK?", I inquire. "We need to follow the goblin. It might lead us to its den, we might be able to trap it there. Come on!"

You felt like you could vomit, but you kept it down as hard as you could.

"Are you OK?" you inquire. "We need to follow the goblin. It might lead us to its den, we might be able to trap it there. Come on!"

"What?" the policeman was done vomiting as he wiped his mouth. "Yeah, yeah. Quickly."

You went ahead and looked back. The policeman knelt beside the corpse and shed a few tears before catching up to you.

The goblin was munching on the head, specifically the nose, and ventured down the street and turned to an alleyway. You turned and saw the goblin hunched down, its legs ready to launch.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 19/20

(My room is simple with only a bed, a desk to put books and study, and a wardrobe. It's rather small)

I have my face into the pillow, crying and probably fall asleep in the same position.

Alright, cool.

You opened the door to your room and shut it with a somewhat loud bang, and launched yourself onto your bed. You thought about today, and your mind went on to something else.

And you woke up in the evening. Your mom had told you that dinner should be ready in half an hour. You walked down to the kitchen to see your father holding a frying pan with his left and holding a small ball of fire with his right.

The doorbell rang, and your mother said that she would get it. You were in the kitchen, looking straight at the door when your mother answered it. Before she opened the door, she looked through the peephole and leaned her weight onto the door, trying to stop whatever was outside.

"WHO IS THIS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" your mother shouted. You heard more banging as the door was about to be destroyed. Your father had stopped cooking and pulled you aside, out of your view as he rushed up to the window next to the door.

You noticed movement and the back door in the kitchen was burst open. You noticed the same man who wore metal on his skin, looking at you with vengeance.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

I tell Sarah to go home, as I follow the police women.

You told Sarah to go home, and you two argued for a moment. Ranski was already small to you by the time Sarah begrudgingly went home. You followed Ranski and saw Rachel, her werewolf-like arms ready to strike. Grey fur have grown over her arms and her claws were as black as night, and sharper than knives. She still retained her human body, including the legs, and was looking at the same long monster, its face staring at Rachel while its arms gathering something you couldn't make out.

"Is this the monster you were talking about?" Ranski said.

You nodded. As she turned to look at the monster, you heard a yelp coming from Rachel as she moved her arms to defend against the slapping arm of the monster. Its arm wrapped around Rachel's hips and pulled her in. You caught its teeth, red with dripping blood.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons
Some chips
Some clothes

I try not to make eye contact and avert my face from their line of sight. If they don't notice me I'll watch where they're going and listen on their conversation. If they do notice and decide to approach me, I'll send a spoon into the eye of the man that had the bat.

2,300 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 13/20
Butterfly knife
7 spoons
Some chips
Some clothes

I try not to make eye contact and avert my face from their line of sight. If they don't notice me I'll watch where they're going and listen on their conversation. If they do notice and decide to approach me, I'll send a spoon into the eye of the man that had the bat.

You were currently in the shop and they were outside, so you couldn't hear what they were saying. By their body language, you could roughly tell that they were just making small talk. You couldn't tell why they were standing there until you realised that a whole new bunch of people, men and women, flocked the two of them. They all looked like generic mobsters.

You thought it would attract a lot of attention but surprisingly, only you were looking at them.

Through the occasional gaps where the door of the shop was opened, you did hear one of the two men speaking quite loudly to his group. Among his sentences, you heard four words.

"Abele.." "Everything.." "Him.." "Deserve.."

Abele was your boss in the restaurant. You barely knew about him, only having knowledge that he owned the restaurant, and that he had an entitlement complex. He had talked to you once, when you accidentally dropped a plate where he said that he would fire you if you dropped another.

Now, something about your boss seemed off.

Your mind snapped back to focus when you saw one of the mobsters entered the café.

Showing 31-45 of 721