ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArmorplayer's, abcdragon's and sciller's amazingly daft adventure to find all the hidden locations

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2,876 posts

The title makes it clear enough.

Posting the story parts here so they don't take up space in CT100/we don't have to scramble CT100 to find all the parts.

Dotted lines = separate posts, conjoined because they were posted by the same person, or joining some shorter posts or a shorter + longer post.

Separate posts are there if a post gets ungodly long or if there's a big difference in style (Ap's and abcdragon's posts are more role-play-ie, while mine and PLGuy's posts are more literary-ie)

Note to self: This is a much, much longer story than I thought it was.

  • 51 Replies
2,876 posts

I don't know... maybe they are secret unmapped locations to discover in this epic RPG world? :O

Okay guys, let's explore this world! we still have 45 hidden locations to find! what items can we get? what NPCs can we talk to? what amazing foes can we fight with? what epic bosses are waiting for us out there? which interesting and rare places are missing? :0

It could be a cold desert with blue sand or maybe an amazing-looking cave system? maybe it could also be an ancient and lost temple in a jungle or a distant snow-filled sinister forest inhabited by mystic creatures we haven't even heard about yet? :O


Tame slimes? No, I think you need to be trained by a beastmaster. 'Till then, you can either have it chase after you or just poke it with a stick. You're not trained, are you? 'cause I got this stick right here? Made of first-class wood I found on the ground.
Yeah, I haven't found a secret location. I did once buy a map from a hobo, but the paper only says "X marks the spot". Useless.

2,876 posts

Man, this is a very hard task, I'm starting to wonder if these locations actually exist, I mean, we've been searching in these tunnels for hours and- OH MY GOD! THIS WALL IS FAKE! AAAAAH! *rushes towards the wall, causing it to collapse*
*cough* *cough* *the dust that was risen starts to disperse*

*discovers the secret location: a haunted, dark and spooky castle, we're in a very big and tall hallway, with many paintings and a few armor stands, all of them with nice-looking armor, a good sword and a neat shield...

But we can also feel some weird aura here, like this place has ghosts or necromancers and things like that...*

I'm super scared, but I'll get in... *walks in*


*suddenly, starts hearing steps, that creepy sound metal makes when it "hits/touches" something, winds that seem to scream... someone wearing armor is slowly walking towards us*

(I do want to flee, but we've been searching for too long, I want to explore this new location)

*a Knight wearing armor, carrying a broken battleaxe and a shield that is almost falling apart arrives close to us, and starts talking*

Knight: Help me! I need help! The Necromancer Puuvr' Kûnhqy is still alive! I, and the other 11 best knights of The Realm tried to put an end on him, but we underestimated his powers, and he killed the other 11, I'm the only survivor! We NEED to kill him as soon as possible!

Me: How can we find him?

Knight: No, HE is going to find us first, we're already in his castle, please, help me killing him, and I'll let you take his Underworld Scepter as a reward, it is a powerful weapon. I just want to go back home, but if I leave this place with him alive, he is going to escape and attack our Realm! Please help me!

Me: Okay, we're going to kill him!

(To be continued)

2,876 posts

Hello! I have returned. Hooray! We will win again! Ooh, a hidden location! This seems interesting!

Hello Dragon!
Dungeons, ancient knights, necromancers... Sorry guys, I'm done with it. Guys, you will comprehend what do I mean after playing through Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Meh, I hope this game has also sandbox elements and this shall work... *recrafts a few pieces of armour into a huge drill*

Yeah, don't count on me. Even though I do desire to study that scepter of something I'm not really keen on risking my life. Why am I an adventurer then? I wonder, I just wanted some materials and they forced me in this role...

I like adventuring, but I'm not in the mood for that right now. *Takes some pieces of armor and other materials and crafts a tiny robot.* Anyone want to fight tiny robots? I got a new Nintendo game today, called LBX. I assume that no one here plays it.

2,876 posts

Welp... I guess I'm the only one of us who's gonna fight Puuvr' Kûnhqy... well... I'm going to, erm, explore this place a little bit, there might be chests or cool stuff maybe?

*walks for a few minutes with the Knight*

Me: hmm... soo... is there anything to do here while Puuvr' Kûnhqy doesn't find us?

Knight: Well, there aren't many treasure chests or nice pieces of armor in easy, unproteced places, but I heard that there is a chest with a couple of Underworld Emeralds in the tallest tower of this place

Me: Underworld Emeralds? They are pretty rare and valueable! :O

Knight: Yes, but the tallest tower is guarded by the Phantom Gladiator, a powerful immortal warrior...

Me: That's no big deal, even immortal phantom warriors can be "defeated", they have a cooldown to be revived, we can grab the Emeralds before he revives. You need a new axe first. *takes a battleaxe from an armor stand*


*all the armor stands nearby start glowing with a green aura arround them. They start moving.*

Me: oh no... *gives the Knight the battleaxe*

Knight: Ghost Knights! Be careful, the more you kill them, the stronger they get!

*the fight starts. 6 of them VS The Knight and I*

Me: Hope we don't take too long to get the Emeralds and kill Puuvr' Kûnhqy! *easily slices one of the Ghost Knights in half with a single strike, a brief green shine comes from inside the armor for a fraction of a second, and his armor vanishes. The others get slightly more powerful* *after a kinda quick fight, all 6 Ghost Knights are dead...*

Knight: Let's go! To the tallest tower! *we run*

I'm staying here. Luckily my robot is remote control so he's coming with you. *The robot runs with the night and armorplayer* Hopefully there might be some useful stuff somewhere around here.

2,876 posts

Meanwhile, somewhere in the countryside, a slime wakes up a man in woven clothing.

-Man, must've been a rough night... Where am I? He says as he grabs a stick and swings it at the slime, but before he could hurt it, a little 3-inch metal man kills the slime, then stops in a pool of slime like a loyal dog.

-What's that? You lost, little fella?

The robot goes the other way and turns its head, signifying the man to follow it.

-Oh, you want me to follow you? Alright, then.

The man then goes on a long journey following the metal man. He arrives at a long-abandoned town, where he finds a poster on a nigh-collapsed wall, recruiting soldiers from "Wolvesben", "the most prosperous town since Aaron-on-the-creek". On the poster is the tower of a church, which he immediately recognises on the horizon.

- Maybe there's something in these houses. There aren't any monsters here. Wierd. A party must have passed and cleared the land. And they must have dropped some gear! Little man, can you wait here?

Then, he searches some houses and finds a helmet, boots, a mace, some food and a knapsack.

- This is really making me uncomfortable. These houses have been left in perfect order. Yet not a single person here.

The man and his little metal buddy arrive at a mine. The metal man goes head-first into the darkness of the mine. The man hesitates but gives in. His curiosity being much more powerful than his fear of the darkness...

2,876 posts

Part 1: Necessity is the mother of invention.
It wasn’t easy to assemble a drill from the stuff I could muster, but here it is, almost complete. I made the working part from a spiky poleyn. It must have served solely decorative purposes, at least I can’t imagine a humanoid that would be able to relocate in an armour with such huge spikes freely enough to call it practical. Anyway, first I made it red-hot in my makeshift smelter and then I spinned it around, thrice for a good measure. The trickiest part was getting two appropriate cogs. Fortunately, I’ve found that flamboyant steampunk breastplate in a set with a plated leather pilot hat. It was for the first time that I appreciated such ridiculous freaks of fashion. After dismantling from the armour parts needed for my machine (and thus removing the ballast - two birds, one stone), I decided to keep it. It was quite lightweight and, surprisingly enough, not gnome-sized. That armour wasn’t placed on the stand but it lied on a floor and I can estimate that no longer than a quarter. It’s disturbing that it seems completely undamaged and yet I didn’t find a single bone belonging to its former owner. Well, it’s just another reason to leave this god forsaken place and as soon as possible.
It’s simply a miracle that none of the undead occupants heard my labour. Or if they heard, they simply didn’t recognize such noises as an easy prey, but rather an army of paladins effectuating the process of purification. Only once had I a high-pressure moment, namely I’ve seen a ghost. Its ethereal shape loomed up from a nearby wall. I acted as if not seeing it, continuing my work. I can swear that I’ve seen a frown on its face before it disappeard. Good that most of the tales I’ve heard about ghosts were well exaggerated.
I’m finishing last preparations and soon I’m taking off with my plan. Direction – the surface.

2,876 posts

The little metal man's eyes light up, leaving a trail of light as he walks deeper and deeper into the mineshaft. Suddenly, the ground starts trembling and the darkness enters the metal man's eyes.

- This is it. The end. Crushed in a mine and to be forgotten. Gah! I knew I shouldn't have followed you!

But suddenly, waves of a dark green light pulsate through the tunnels, as the tremors stop. A distortion follows each pulse going straight to the man. And with each distortion, he hears the whispering of the screams of joy and rage, and euphoria and sorrow, and bravery and terror. The man immediately realises that he is not alone. For better, or for worse.

After a few seconds of pure darkness, the metal man's eyes light up once more and they continue onward.

It has been a few hours and the man is still following his metal buddy, he feels tremors much more, but also the sound. A deep, dark humming sound that never seemed to stop. The man, after being so long in the darkness, enlightened by only the weak light from the metal man's eyes, started seeing things. At first, it started as just blurs in the vision, something reminiscent of heat haze, but they grew in detail. Some were made of green light, some dripping what seemed like blood and others whispering or passing by with clanking armour.

Apparitions, people from a long-gone time. Some gone mad and screaming. Carrying chains as if they'd been tortured, crying tears of blood and with torn clothing. At first, the man was afraid, but he knew what had happened, and may still be happening. Whatever has been here, must have done this, and someone must have sent the metal man to find help. And there's only one man to put an end to this, only one who knows, and, perhaps, only one who will ever find out about Wolvesben and the horrid deeds that have been done here.

As the humming gets louder and louder and the tremors shake more and more violently, he knows that he is getting closer, until...

He sees the light.

2,876 posts

*is close to the top of the Tallest Tower*
Knight: we're close to the Phantom Gladiator! Don't expect it to be an easy fight, there will be lots of Underfire, and he can summon more ghosts to aid him...

me: ugh, nice!

*we reach a door*

Knight: listen, I don't know what is going to happen as soon as we open this, all I know is that the Phantom Gladiator is on the other side... are you ready?

Me: yes... *feels tense*

*the Knight opens the door, and, in less than like, half a half second, a stream, a wave, a dense attack of Underfire is thrown towards us, but we quickly get down in the ground and dodge it*


*we both get inside, face-to-face with the Phantom Gladiator*

Phantom Gladiator: STAY AWAY FROM MY UNDERWORLD EMERALDS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *he casts a spell which makes many weapons laying on the ground hover in the air, and they get ready to attack*

Knight: Remember: the more you kill, the stronger they get!

Me: so let's focus on the boss *rushes towards the Phantom Gladiator, who takes a translucent green shield and blocks me*

Phantom Gladiator: young mortal... I have 7,000 years of practice on melee combat, you can't just *the Knight jumps very high towards the Gladiator, with his axe, very sharpened, ready to do a critical hit, and also about to get an extra damage buff for killing all the flying weapons recently... HE'S ON A KILLSTREAK!*

*a spear appears on the hands of the Phantom Gladiator, to kill the Knight*

Me: NOOOOOOOOOO! *holds his spear, and tries to manipulate it against the Gladiator*

*the Knight does critical-hit the Gladiator, in the head, with such power it breaks his helmet in half, right after that, the Gladiator gets weak and I send the spear towards his body, right after that, I hit him with the Icy-Shadow Blade as well*

Me: *phew*

Phantom Gladiator: NOOOOOOOOOOO *he vanishes, and all the weapons that were on him fall in the ground*

Knight: let's take those Underworld Emeralds!

2,876 posts

*My tiny robot catches up the the knight and armorplayer* Darn, I missed all the action! Did you find any useful materials? *Sees the fallen Phantom Gladiator and his broken armor.* Ooh! Can I use some of this stuff?

Alright, I'm going to try to write a lot to be cool like you guys and make some sort of sense.

In a world of technology, magic had been completely forgotten about. Robots were the most popular thing in the world. Scientists and engineers built giant robots and robotic suits for people to use in war. Tired of the humans' wars and angry that none of them believed in his kind anymore, a Phantom Mage started to outrage. He tried to cast destructive spells on the humans, but he had no power now that no one believed in him. His rage grew stronger and stronger, and it became a source of power to the Phantom Mage. Soon, the sky was black on Earth from a storm that the Phantom Mage was about to make. The humans got out their robots to defend themselves. But even the robots were no match for the Phantom Mage. They were tore apart by pure dark energy. Soon, the world was chaotic and the Phantom Mage was an evil overlord. Eventually, he let the humans live in peace, but he warned them that if they stopped believing in magic again, he would destroy the world again. One of the humans decided for themselves to like robots and still think magic is powerful. Out of the remains of the destroyed robots, they created a tiny remote-control robot.

Of course, all of this happened in an alternate universe, so nobody has ever heard about it.

2,876 posts

*we get close to the chest which contains the Underworld Emeralds. A shiny, cool and powerful-looking green chest with golden details, which also makes some weak bright green effects in the air close to it*

Me: This is it... I wonder how many are inside?

*opens the chest slowly... and we can see them... 11 of them shining inside the chest!*

Puuvr' Kûnhqy (who literally just appeared out of nowhere, behind us) : hehehehe, so... you guys are seeking for my Underworld Emeralds...

Knight: PUUVR' KÛNHQY! *rushes towards him, Puuvr' Kûnhqy sends a blast of Undermagic at him, which sends him back, he hits the wall close to the chest* ouch.

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: Hmm, I think this place is too small for a decent fight *the walls, the ceiling, a small part of the floor and many other pieces of castle coming from an unknown place start to hover in the air, making many floating tiles... they are big enough to stand and fight on, but not that big. Each one of us, the chest and Puuvr' Kûnhqy go to a different tile*

Knight: Okay...

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: *summons some Underworld Archers, warriors whose arrows "explode" and deal area damage* Defeat them!

*many arrows start being shoot towards the flying rocks/castle pieces we're standing on... we run, dodge arrows and jump from piece to piece... below us, there's a dark void... or is it a void?*

Me: We can't dodge forever! Let's attack! *hits an Archer, who falls down into the void*

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: Time to fight! *an indestructible transparent green forcefield appears arround him, some green beams of light coming from the Archers converge into the forcefield... We must kill the remaining Archers to open it! Also, an epic battle/boss fight song starts playing somewhere*

*A few boss bars appear, "Archers: 8/9", "Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 66,666/66,666 (his HP)"*
Ugh, I can't stand it! I LOVE ADVENTURE!!!! *Runs up to the place where the boss battle is being fought. The tiny robot transforms into many pieces of armor that fit perfectly on me.* Alright, time to fight! *Shoots fireballs at the archers. Some of them get destroyed instantly, others are wounded.* Archers: 5/9
AAAAAAAH! *rushes towards one of the Archers and hits him with the Icy-Shadow Blade, he dies shortly after that, and takes his bow*

Me: hmm... interesting... can I use it? :O *tries to shoot another Archer, doesn't get the area damage effect, but still hits and kills him with the arrow itself*

Archers 3/9

*The Knight slams his axe on a rock that was hovering above 2 Archers. The rock falls and collapses both... Archers: 1/9 *

EVERYBODY, GET READY TO ATTACK HIM! WE NEED TO DO AS MUCH DAMAGE AS WE CAN BEFORE HIS FORCEFIELD REGENERATES! :O *the last Archer, who was still bleeding from Dragon's last post after being wounded, finally dies... Archers: 0/9*

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: UGH! *his forcefield breaks, and weakens him a little bit (-50% attack strength for him)* >:|

*he uses a weird spell which creates 18 green big "rings" that fly in random directions, at random speeds, and that at random periods of time shoot a random (1 - 6) number of random-sized lasers which travel at a not-very-quick speed at random angles. They do medium-high damage, some of them pierce the rocks and some of them reflect back when they hit something*

Me: WHAT IS THIS?! o_o

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: Hope you like the Underlaser Rings spell

Me: we're not gonna last for a long time like that! Let's... erm... focus on attacking him? *rushes towards Puuvr' Kûnhqy, taking some damage before getting to him, then, start fighting him, dealing some damage at him*

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 61,743/66,666

Knight: this is very weird... *hits a nearby ring with his axe, which makes the ring explode in a not very powerful way, but that still does some damage to the Knight* erm... ouch?

*but then, my Dragon, Tenryu, comes flying swiftly at the Boss Battle, and just after arriving, casts his most powerful skill: Gamma Ray Burst*

Me: YAY! TENRYU! *gets away from Puuvr' Kûnhqy, to avoid being hit by Gamma Ray Burst as well*

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: What is this?! I can't move! o.o *a golden pentagram appears on the floor where he's standing on, and another one in the air above him, then, a very powerful and big white beam of light shoots from the one above, covering Puuvr' Kûnhqy, that lasts for ~5 seconds*

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: >_< *his forcefield regenerates and all those weird rings disappear*

"Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 20,791/66,666" (Puuvr' Kûnhqy is weak against Holy Magic, and his defense and attack have been nerfed by the Gamma Ray Burst)
Ha ha ha Puuvr' Kûnhqy! Now do you see the power of dragons? *High fives Tenryu* Alright, I've never done this before, but someone get me some white food coloring! (Btw I am a stupid I completely forgot about something else about me on AG!) *Shoots more fireballs at Puuvr' Kûnhqy. Wait, those aren't fireballs! They hit the forcefield and leave a cold and shadowy area of damage.* Maybe if fireballs are usually ineffective... maybe ice-shadow balls can freeze the forcefield, causing it to crack! *Shoots more ice-shadow balls, making more frozen spots on the forcefield.* I think it might work! Now hurry up with that white food coloring!

2,876 posts

He sees the light.

And it's beautiful.

The man picks up his little metal buddy and sprints towards the light. Suddenly, the tremors and the hum start fading. The mineshaft tunnel's ground gets replaced by bricks. A broken wall stands, a clear line between the tunnel and hallway. The man walks over the rubble and into the hallway.

The hallway is illuminated by bulbs filled with fireflies. On each side, there are dozens of armour stands, filled to the brim with armour. Somewhere on the path, a gaping hole is visible, leading the tiniest shred of daylight into the hallway and leaving a two-man-tall mound of dirt. As he passes the stands, he hears the clanking of metal armour and a ruckus coming from beneath the mound of dirt.

Every step he takes, he becomes ever more sure that he will never take this path outside again and constantly reassures himself not to look back. He sees black spots on the floor. Blacker than the darkest void he ever looked at. He avoids the spots, but, as he goes on, the density of the spots grows and grows, until he couldn't not step in them.

He steps in the first spot. And... he knows his name.

He tells the metal man to go back.

He steps in the second spot. He knows his name.

He knows his surname, his mother, father, brother, where he lived, it all comes back.

He finds out he didn't have a rough night. He was in a party sent to examine the mine and clear Wolvesben. They were attacked by wolves and he was left behind as bait, nothing more than a sacrifice, the worst of the group.

The man wanted to know more, he started running forwards, and forwards until he arrived at a pier and beyond that pier, a dark, vast lake. In a moment of clarity, he turned back, seeing the robot's light. Something pulled him towards it. A dash of desperation, a cry to turn back, a tear, dropped for his salvation.

But it was all fake, nothing but a scheme. Forgotten by the wolves and his group, there was only one thing left to do. Arms wide, he embraced the lake, or so he thought.

The moment the darkness of the lake touched him, he realised his mistake, but it was far, far too late. The lake had had trapped him, and there was no escape.

No matter how much he screamed.
No matter how much he begged.
No matter how much he fought.
He was embraced.

2,876 posts

ARMORPLAYERGC while eating popcorn and giving some to abcdragon. Pfft. Couldn't save some for me...
Me: OKAY! EVERYONE! THAT FORCEFIELD MIGHT BREAK AT ANY TIME! EVERYONE, BE READY TO HIT HIM AS HARD AS YOU CAN! *prepares to cast Supercooled Dark Matter Shards, while the Knight prepares Bleedy Axe Slam and Tenryu prepares to cast Lightning Storm*


Popcorn? I might be able to work with this... *Starts crushing up the popcorn into a fine white powder and mixes in some water to make coloring.* Alright! Now it's ready! I'll break the forcefield, you guys cast your attacks, then I'll finish him off with a holy attack! *Shoots more ice-shadow balls at the forcefield, eventually covering the whole forcefield.* It's weak now! AAAAAAAAAAA! *Flies up into the air, preparing not an ice-shadow ball but a physical attack. I shoot straight down from the sky like a hawk catching its prey. I hit the forcefield with my claws, shattering it.* ALRIGHT, GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!
*The Knight quickly runs towards Puuvr' Kûnhqy and casts the Bleedy Axe Slam at him, which deals high damage and makes him lose even more HP over time, and he quickly runs back to avoid being hit by the other attacks*

*Just when the Knight is safe, Tenryu casts Lightning Storm, which also deals high damage (and makes lots of noise), one lightning hits Puuvr' Kûnhqy's hand, and his Underworld Scepter is launched very high up in the sky*

*Even before Tenryu is done with his attack, I cast Supercooled Dark Matter Shards, which creates a crystal of Dark Matter, at a -270°C (-454°F) temperature right where he is, and it shatters the crystal violently, breaking it in many sharp shards, even sharper than glass shards! Most of them hit Puuvr' Kûnhqy! Even I take a little bit damage from it (I mean, they just flew everywhere :P)

Me: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAT AN AWESOME ATTACK WE DID THERE! :O *sees the Underworld Scepter still in the air... it's going to fall into the Void... no! not today! I want to see what it does!* *jumps from a rock in the direction of it*

Me: I... MUST... GRAB IT! *looks down into the Void... WOW! I can see... it's like a monster! I can see many big dark red eyes looking at me... and some giant teeth there making an evil smile... UGH!*

Me: IIIIII... AAAAAAAM... SOOOOOOOO.... CLOOOOOOOOOOOSE... *is getting dangerously close to that void and monster, but then, Tenryu swiftly comes and grabs me just before I hit it... but the Scepter fell on it... as soon as the Scepter touched the Void, I could hear the monster making an evil noise... maybe some kind of laugh... and the Void literally started to "sink down", like if it were a liquid and disappears with the monster*


Puuvr' Kûnhqy: what... have you done? (Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 16/66,666 (still bleeding and losing some HP))

Knight: We defeated you.

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: He claimed my Scepter... *sigh* (Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 12/66,666) Take the souls of the other 11 Knights back... the more I have, the more this is going to hurt...

Knight: What?

Puuvr' Kûnhqy: Well... (Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 4/66,666) *sigh* (Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 3/66,666)... At least you don't have The Underworld Scepter! (Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 1/66,666)

Knight: WHAT?! (Puuvr' Kûnhqy: -1/66,666) *a small piece of that Void appears close to Puuvr' Kûnhqy, and pulls him in, after he's in, the void disappears*

*we get money and XP for defeating the boss*

2,876 posts

Hey, armorplayer, you didn't let me cast my holy attack with the white coloring! Oh well, it'll be useful in the future. *Levels up from level 20 to level 22* *Gains 100 coins* Hey, where the heck did these coins come from?! They just appeared in my bag! (Note: I have been carrying a bag because first of all dragons don't have pockets and second of all we're in a roleplay so it's kind of necessary)

Me: I'm sorry! We didn't know that would happen... that Void was creepy, did you see that? It looked at me... >~<

Knight: I couldn't understand why Puuvr' Kûnhqy gave me the souls of the other 11 Knights too... it just makes no sense! And did you see that? his HP just went negative for a few seconds... something weird happened there, and I have no idea what...

Me: I wish I had grabbed the Underworld Scepter... that Void... I could hear it laughing when it got the Scepter... and it literally "sank" away after it got the Scepter... *looks down at the ground where the Void was... the ground is very "dry-looking" and kinda rock-y, the ground is also very cracked... with some weird bright green and glowing liquid filling the bottom of the cracks, and the corpse of a man where the lake was (the guy from sciller45's story)*

Tenryu: I think we should leave this horrible place and never come back!

Knight: I agree. *takes the chest with the Underworld Emeralds inside. (The chest was closed when he took it. We had left it open before the fight...)*

*Then, suddenly... the Void re-appears at a distance... in all the directions except for his original position (that is, the bottom, and the entire castle had no Void, but all the other directions had it)... Then... many dark red eyes appear on the Void, and those teeth he had... and the smile!*

Me: Guys... I have a bad feeling about this...

Void: (with a very weird, faded out and kinda slow voice) Yooooou're not going anywheeeeeeeere *all the eyes look at us, and right after that, all the rocks we're standing on start falling*

Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *rides Tenryu, the Knight also rides Tenryu*


Void: You caaaaaaaan't... *The castle starts falling apart, and the Void starts growing, coming after us, and many black ghosts appear, summoned by the Void... they fly after us...*

Tenryu: Knight, do you still have the Underworld Emeralds? If we sacrifice them at that tower that is still standing over there, we can create a portal to lead us out of here!

Knight: Let's do it! *we fly towards the tower, and the Knight throws the chest at it... a weak explosion... a green portal appears...*


*we fly towards the portal, and it closes right after that...*


*we all open our eyes... laying down on a green and sunny field... was that a nightmare? The heat... it feels like we've been sleeping here for a long time*


*the Knight gets up... with the Souls of the 11 Knights in his pocket...*


It was real... :O
No. This can't be real. The Void wouldn't let us ever go somewhere this peaceful. It's all an illusion. It has to be an illusion. *I start flying, high into the sky, towards the sun, to outer space. Higher and higher, but no sign of it not being real. Suddenly, I hit what seems like a barrier, cracking it.* Ow! That hurt! But here's a sign...that it's all an illusion. *As I chant that repeatedly, not letting the peacefulness convince me, I sprint forward. Another barrier. Cracked.* Guys, we need to get out of here! Come help me break this! *I keep smashing into the barrier, making the crack bigger and bigger.*

2,876 posts

Outside of the void, Elder wakes up, covered in a disgusting, black liquid. He tries to get up, but the liquid holds him down, tensing up like the layer of skin on the top of a warm glass of milk. He realizes that he is being dragged by the liquid down into the lake again.

Hearing his cries of desperation, the robot comes to his aid and shines a light on the fluid, which then immediately retreats into the pool.

-Oh, my. How long have I been stuck in there? It felt like years, yet not a single bit of rust on you.

The robot shows the time - barely a few hours have passed, yet he felt every moment of its embrace.

Elder looks around. There is no sign of a lake, other than that pool. He sees bubbles coming from the black fluid and it pulsating and tensing up. It was obvious. Someone was stuck inside.

He started running away and dug with his hands through a mound of dirt on his way. He went and collected all the fireflies in the lantern into one single lantern glowing a meek light, albeit stronger than the light from every lantern glowed in that castle.

He held the lantern firmly in his hand and the robot firmly in the other (its light shining brightly) and stepped on the edge of the dark place.

-This is it. Time to enter the void. He says while he steps off, into the void.


Somewhere in the countryside, a slime wakes up a man in woven clothing. He smells the fresh, countryside air

- I know this. This isn't real. Just the void's trap.

The man opens his eyes. Everything is the same, but wrong. The sun moves much faster across the sky than usual. The man feels ripples along the whole place. He runs across the countryside, moving closer and closer to the source of the ripples.

The sun sets beneath the horizon and reveals a dark, starless sky. His lantern nearly gets blinded by the darkness and the metal man gets covered in darkness. But a glint of light remains in the metal man's eyes.

- "fireflies" he hears someone say.

The man, blinded by the darkness and only following the ripples, is lifted off the ground. It seems as if the dark liquid got denser. The man opens up his lantern and his fireflies float up to the skies and become stars for a while, before coming down and entering the man's body.

Light flashes out of every orifice of his body. Elder rises above the clouds and sees the trapped persons. His light flashes brighter and as his light descends below to the people, he says.

- This unholy place fears one thing. Light. Heat, fire and rage it uses to its advantage. For light is the only escape! You must follow the light!

Then, the darkness comes over him, battling him as the light flickers. Fireflies escape from his body and go up to the sky, making a path from the stars. With his last breath, he says:

- Follow the light!

2,876 posts

*A voice can be heard in the distance.* "Follow the light." Am I hearing things? I'm busy right now. *Smashes into the barrier one last time and it shatters. Not the whole thing, just a small part. All I can see is darkness, then an eye. A huge dark red eye opened.* I was right. And I have a feeling that voice said the same thing about this place. "Follow the light." *I take out the white coloring from my bag and apply it in a way that it looks like stars on my body. As I start shining, I say* I. am. the. LIGHT!!!! *I become a huge ball of light that is quickly expanding. Soon rays of light break out of me, smashing into the barrier and breaking it completely. Other rays hit the void surrounding us. It screams and fades away into nothing.*
Me: What's even happening here? I think the Void is more powerful than we expected! I don't think this is over... we're still not back yet, are we? *sees a sheep, and walks close to it*

Tenryu: Erm, I don't think that is a good idea...

*gets closer to the sheep... its bleat... it is not a normal sound... it's very creepy and kinda slow and doesn't sound quite natural, just like the Void's voice*

Me: I'm afraid...

*some wind blows, and its blowing sound sounds like it's saying "ruuuuuuun... ruuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn", and as it blows, the grass becomes a little bit red-ish*

Me: We're not in the Underworld anymore, the Underworld has a bright green aura, this place's aura is dark red... but this is also not the regular, usual Void... the usual Void is dark-purple-blackish... we don't even know where we are... (what is even the name of this Void?)

*it starts raining, even though there are no clouds anywhere nearby... and the place starts being flooded... the water level is rising...*
How is this happening? I thought I drove the void away... Or is it everywhere, in the grass, in the wind, in the sheep, in the rain...Well, I just wasted my white coloring. There's nowhere else to go. The void will find us. If we kill it, it will just return. There is no escape. *The water rises up to my knees.* There's nowhere the void won't follow us. *The water rises up to my wings.* Wait. There's one place I know where the void can't find us. I can take you there if you don't mind becoming insane. *The water rises to my neck.* It seems to be our only option. I'll say the words to take us there. *As I'm almost submerged in water, I say* This sentence is a lie. *The world becomes inverted and twisted. Colors flash randomly and everything is merely a blob of color. Suddenly, everything becomes normal. Well, not normal actually. Not normal at all. Everything is weird, people and animals flash with rainbow colors, and there isn't very much gravity.* Everyone, welcome to Paradox World. This is the one place the Void can't come, because, well, it just doesn't make any sense here. It drives the Void absolutely crazy, so it wouldn't dare enter this world.

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