*we get close to the chest which contains the Underworld Emeralds. A shiny, cool and powerful-looking green chest with golden details, which also makes some weak bright green effects in the air close to it*
Me: This is it... I wonder how many are inside?
*opens the chest slowly... and we can see them... 11 of them shining inside the chest!*

Puuvr' Kûnhqy (who literally just appeared out of nowhere, behind us) : hehehehe, so... you guys are seeking for my Underworld Emeralds...
Knight: PUUVR' KÛNHQY! *rushes towards him, Puuvr' Kûnhqy sends a blast of Undermagic at him, which sends him back, he hits the wall close to the chest* ouch.
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: Hmm, I think this place is too small for a decent fight *the walls, the ceiling, a small part of the floor and many other pieces of castle coming from an unknown place start to hover in the air, making many floating tiles... they are big enough to stand and fight on, but not that big. Each one of us, the chest and Puuvr' Kûnhqy go to a different tile*
Knight: Okay...
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: *summons some Underworld Archers, warriors whose arrows "explode" and deal area damage* Defeat them!
*many arrows start being shoot towards the flying rocks/castle pieces we're standing on... we run, dodge arrows and jump from piece to piece... below us, there's a dark void... or is it a void?*
Me: We can't dodge forever! Let's attack! *hits an Archer, who falls down into the void*
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: Time to fight! *an indestructible transparent green forcefield appears arround him, some green beams of light coming from the Archers converge into the forcefield... We must kill the remaining Archers to open it! Also, an epic battle/boss fight song starts playing somewhere*
*A few boss bars appear, "Archers: 8/9", "Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 66,666/66,666 (his HP)"*
Ugh, I can't stand it! I LOVE ADVENTURE!!!! *Runs up to the place where the boss battle is being fought. The tiny robot transforms into many pieces of armor that fit perfectly on me.* Alright, time to fight! *Shoots fireballs at the archers. Some of them get destroyed instantly, others are wounded.* Archers: 5/9
AAAAAAAH! *rushes towards one of the Archers and hits him with the Icy-Shadow Blade, he dies shortly after that, and takes his bow*
Me: hmm... interesting... can I use it? :O *tries to shoot another Archer, doesn't get the area damage effect, but still hits and kills him with the arrow itself*
Archers 3/9
*The Knight slams his axe on a rock that was hovering above 2 Archers. The rock falls and collapses both... Archers: 1/9 *
EVERYBODY, GET READY TO ATTACK HIM! WE NEED TO DO AS MUCH DAMAGE AS WE CAN BEFORE HIS FORCEFIELD REGENERATES! :O *the last Archer, who was still bleeding from Dragon's last post after being wounded, finally dies... Archers: 0/9*
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: UGH! *his forcefield breaks, and weakens him a little bit (-50% attack strength for him)* >:|
*he uses a weird spell which creates 18 green big "rings" that fly in random directions, at random speeds, and that at random periods of time shoot a random (1 - 6) number of random-sized lasers which travel at a not-very-quick speed at random angles. They do medium-high damage, some of them pierce the rocks and some of them reflect back when they hit something*
Me: WHAT IS THIS?! o_o
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: Hope you like the Underlaser Rings spell
Me: we're not gonna last for a long time like that! Let's... erm... focus on attacking him? *rushes towards Puuvr' Kûnhqy, taking some damage before getting to him, then, start fighting him, dealing some damage at him*
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 61,743/66,666
Knight: this is very weird... *hits a nearby ring with his axe, which makes the ring explode in a not very powerful way, but that still does some damage to the Knight* erm... ouch?
*but then, my Dragon, Tenryu, comes flying swiftly at the Boss Battle, and just after arriving, casts his most powerful skill: Gamma Ray Burst*
Me: YAY! TENRYU! *gets away from Puuvr' Kûnhqy, to avoid being hit by Gamma Ray Burst as well*
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: What is this?! I can't move! o.o *a golden pentagram appears on the floor where he's standing on, and another one in the air above him, then, a very powerful and big white beam of light shoots from the one above, covering Puuvr' Kûnhqy, that lasts for ~5 seconds*
Puuvr' Kûnhqy: >_< *his forcefield regenerates and all those weird rings disappear*
"Puuvr' Kûnhqy: 20,791/66,666" (Puuvr' Kûnhqy is weak against Holy Magic, and his defense and attack have been nerfed by the Gamma Ray Burst)
Ha ha ha Puuvr' Kûnhqy! Now do you see the power of dragons? *High fives Tenryu* Alright, I've never done this before, but someone get me some white food coloring! (Btw I am a stupid I completely forgot about something else about me on AG!) *Shoots more fireballs at Puuvr' Kûnhqy. Wait, those aren't fireballs! They hit the forcefield and leave a cold and shadowy area of damage.* Maybe if fireballs are usually ineffective... maybe ice-shadow balls can freeze the forcefield, causing it to crack! *Shoots more ice-shadow balls, making more frozen spots on the forcefield.* I think it might work! Now hurry up with that white food coloring!