I am a 13 year old Christian, I am ashamed to see people my age who want sex and aren't informed, they just think that they'll have sex and leave the person, they are wrong. Their is a health class at my school and it seems like an informing one but all I hear from people who go to that class is "Did you see any pictures?" and that is my point, if you are young enjoy it have fun and hang out with friends don't worry about drinking or smoking or having sex just enjoy life, be informed but don't crave sex.
I won't be having sex until I am married because of the huge step it is in a relationship and because of the responsibility. I say if you don't want a baby then don't have sex with or without a condom, either way you way just become a mom or dad.
which makes ages like 18 to have sex seem even more ridiculous, if you're going to be taking away freedoms, and setting up arbitrary ages to gain those rights, then at least choose arbitrary ages that make sense right?
We're talking about pregnancy, not sex. You can easily have sex these days and not become pregnant.
My mom was 16 when she had me way back in 1976, which in my home town was kind of a late start. To be fair my grandmother never taught her anything about sex and did not allow her to attend sex ed classes. SO of course she didn't get to parenting early like everyone else back there.
She made a CHOICE to not go about the situation the way statistics show. She joined the military, got an education, didn't have more kids, and got me the hell out of that town. I won't deny I have my issues; being a human being that's really no surprise.
But my IQ is in the genius range and I have a list of achievements in my life that I consider to be "made of win," as it were.
My point being, of course teen pregnancy is a serious issue. I can tell you from personal experience that it is a great struggle. Of course the ideal is to have less of it. But teen pregnancy does not necessarily mean detriment for the child. And as I should hope is obvious from my mother's situation, education is truly the only solution to the problem.
Because the simple fact of the matter is, given the hormone issues going on, teens will always have sex. Not ALL teens of course (I was a late bloomer myself), but the enough to warrant making sure the educational and support systems needed to address the issue are never taken for granted.
Kudos to the "younger teens" who realize they need to wait until they are ready (whatever that means for you personally). I don't know if it's still the same, but I knew many a 13 year old (back when I was one) who bragged about being active already and it made me sad they took such an important issue so cavalierly.
The thing is, most teens today don't get the picture in the long run. When the females get pregnant, they have a short time of school left, then when they give birth, its bye-bye school for them. They have to take care of their child. Or, if they were evil enough, they would get their parents to take care of the child, which I'm afraid to admit that's a half-half smart situation.
Just look at me! I have guts to say I'm a 26-year-old Virgin! You know why? I'm waiting until I'm finished with college, then until I get to a real job! And for my wife to agree with me and stick by me until that happens, this is REAL COMMITMENT! And once we get into a great house in a great community, that's when we will have at it. But right now we have to wait. We don't want to be in the situation where my wife has to stop her college education so she could take care of our child. I myself am glad that we made the choice to wait it out.
There are stronger things than having sex. Think about it.
Finally an example, ShintetsuWA I don't plan to have a kid until I get either a masters or more likely a doctorate degree, the point is that there are things that are much more important than sex, so if I will be a 25 or older year old virgin I will say that with pride, because I will be smarter and a better parent than those who do it at 13.
I think that lack of long term thinking is not just a "teens today" issue. It's just a people in general issue.
Just curious; did you just say that you are 26 year old married virgin? Or was the wife a hypothetical future wife? Just trying to get my incorrect inferences under control and I love a good statistical anomaly (since I am one).
For my own part, I'll never get married again most likely (allergic to government paperwork). But I'm also not having children (I'm everyone's favorite nutty aunt instead). I'm also well past my teen years.
That was a good thing, so far you are one of the only mature and responsible person that has set a good example on this thread that has actually had experience with marriage, and I guess that I was wrong about the wife thing.
I say if you don't want a baby then don't have sex with or without a condom, either way you way just become a mom or dad.
Condoms reduce the risk of pregnancy by 98% if used properly, and 85% based on the average users following of the rules. However when paired with hormonal contraception, you have over a 99% typical effectiveness rate.
I am ashamed to see people my age who want sex and aren't informed, they just think that they'll have sex and leave the person, they are wrong.
Most who support abstinence only ideas seem to not realize how people have an inherent need to explore their own sexuality, there are some anomalies, as there are in all things human, but most people cannot overcome such primal drives. Instead we ought to focus on safer sex (i.e. contraceptives) or alternative methods, such as mutual masturbation.
Because the simple fact of the matter is, given the hormone issues going on, teens will always have sex. Not ALL teens of course (I was a late bloomer myself), but the enough to warrant making sure the educational and support systems needed to address the issue are never taken for granted.
Exactly, we should better our sexual education curriculum and get rid of the foolish and outdated abstinence only curriculum.
Hey, whatever works best I'm all up for it. But if you teens are going to be interested in this as you are like in the School Thread, then its a waste of time. You guys said that all school is stupid right? Then whats the point of this? More than 20 people who posted in that topic just contradicted themselves.
26 year old married virgins; also awesome. Not my path (though I have been married) but y'all have some serious willpower. And again, I do love a statistical anomaly.
Most sudies I've read show that areas where kids receive complete education have lower teen sex and pregnancy rates because they truly understand the risks and consequences. So they are not only being safe when they DO have sex, but are having less sex anyway. Seems like a win/win to me.
Personally, I opted for surgery. I'm 32, I KNOW I don't want to bear children (I may adopt when I'm older and more financially secure), and I lived with my boyfriend for 4 years. It seemed the logical choice for me.
Teen pregnancy is occurring more and more frequent nowadays. I think the reason for such frequency is because parental guidance is becoming lesser and the media being able to influence a lot as well on corrupting the young minds of today's youth. Plus, the morality among the youth today is less.