I laugh at dead threads! considering since i just posted on one!
And what could you POSSIBLY do to teach some one who doesn't care? What problem are you really trying to solve here?
Talo, from your last few posts it seems your really for teens having sex? As i agree if they do have sex, it should be protected, schools shouldnt be handing out condoms. That will just lead to teenagers thinking its okay to have sex. Which, it is...just in my case it should be before marriage. More sex ed programs would be better.
Sex is seen as bad, and so no one is allowed to buy condoms
Marrriage is a religious thing. Most kids these days aren't all that religous. I am all for the WWJD kids who don't have sex, but we are talking about the ones who don't have any morals and have unprotected sex leading to a life destroying event.... Kids.
Sex is seen as bad, so if you buy condoms, people think you are having sex and make you feel bad. I know people who are afraid to buy condoms b/c they are too young, so they have unprotected sex.
As a Christian, my personal values are to restrain from sex until I'm married. However, those are my ideals, and do not need to be pushed on others. I do feel, however, that sex is taken too lightly. People are allowed to do what they want, but anyone that decides to have sex must know and be ready for the consequence of having a child. This goes hand-in-hand with what other people say about sex education. Condoms and birth control are fine to lower the chance, but in reality, the consenting teens need to be willing to accept whatever will come out of that night. If they are, they may do as they please.
OMG BigP0 I love you right now. You summed up everything perfectly. Now if everyone thought like that on this issue the world would be alot better off.
Your religion teaches that sex is evil and to only have one partner. Only brain washed idiots follow a religion because thinking hurts your head. Funny how the same idiots are the one's getting girls pregnate, so the two should cancel it out. So all idiots should join your religion, and no one will ever sin again.
Your religion teaches that sex is evil and to only have one partner. Only brain washed idiots follow a religion because thinking hurts your head. Funny how the same idiots are the one's getting girls pregnate, so the two should cancel it out. So all idiots should join your religion, and no one will ever sin again.
Ouch...Sex is evil? Thinking hurts my head? Christians are the one getting girls pregnant!? My life has been a lie! Thank you talo, for opening my eyes.
No, actually, That post looks like you did it out of anger and blindness, if it was me you were addressing, and a few others i suppose, i suggest you go and research my religion on this subject before criticizing it.
You didn't read it right, I said that the ones causing teen pregnacies are idiots. It just so happends that mindless sheep are also idiots, but they don't cause teen pregnacies. Just agreeing with the statement that they all should join Christianity so then you have no more pregnancies.
You didn't read it right, I said that the ones causing teen pregnacies are idiots. It just so happends that mindless sheep are also idiots, but they don't cause teen pregnacies. Just agreeing with the statement that they all should join Christianity so then you have no more pregnancies.
That doesn't relate to what BigP0 was saying. He stated his christian values then elaborated on what can be done to solve the problem. He was just throwing in the fact that he was religious, it has nothing to do with his idea. And the whole religion is a cult thing you have going is an entirely different thread.
All I was trying to commmunicate with that statement was that my morals, maybe not even so much as my religion, prevent me from experiencing this problem, and I only said it so people would know I haven't seen this problem first-hand. Remember when I said my beliefs DON'T need to be pushed on others? Responding with:
yes, if only we all could follow like mindless sheep, all our problems would be solved.... bravo
doesn't even acknowledge that you understood my post.
Just agreeing with the statement that they all should join Christianity so then you have no more pregnancies.
That statement was never made. I was giving an idea of what two consenting teenagers should expect and be prepared for, even with all the protection they have.
Sorry if I confused you, but I thought my post was pretty clear. Just because you see the word Christian in a post doesn't mean the poster is telling everyone to follow their beliefs like mindless sheep. If you want to discuss the thoughts I actually posted, then I will be more than happy to do that. If you want to attack my religion because you figured out what it is... wrong thread.