ForumsWEPRTeen Pregnancies

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Just like the posts about Abortion or Homosexuality,i want to know what you guys feel about this.

  • 266 Replies
395 posts

Some people just go along with what society tells them. It's all free will.

4,097 posts

Some people just go along with what society tells them. It's all free will.

After hearing something long enough you'll believe it. That's what society does, you hear it so much that it starts to come naturally. Whether it be religion, having the newest ipod, or that teen pregnancy is bad (related to the thread).
332 posts

Look, I'm pro choice. Just saying that gets you an ear full by pro life nut jobs. I believe in the Greek way of killing all infants who showed disabilities or birth defects. I believe that uncontroled births in India, Africa, and Mexico is causing over population in an area that can not support them. What is better? To die of sickness and starvation at the age of 10, or be put out before you even know about pain.

See, I didn't know this. I thought you were just saying a mother could think "well, he's getting kinda annoying" and go for an "Abortion" at age two.
I actually support part of this. I'm extremely Pro-choice, and I believe in assisted suicide with euthanasia, although I believe it should be the choice of the person receiving the injection, not an adult. That leads to controversy though, because then people claim the child doesn't know enough to make right the decision. Only time I'd support euthanasia on an extremely young child is if they are terminal and in extreme pain, with no hope of recovery.

Some people just go along with what society tells them. It's all free will.

Not really. Take N.K, where almost all its people have practically been brainwashed to love Kim Jong Ill, hate America and still believe that the Korean war is still going on. Its not really free will when they have no exposure to actual information that would let them stop believing in everything they've been taught. In our society, its free will, but not all society's have that.

27 posts

please can you go send me on yahoo

395 posts

Not really. Take N.K, where almost all its people have practically been brainwashed to love Kim Jong Ill, hate America and still believe that the Korean war is still going on. Its not really free will when they have no exposure to actual information that would let them stop believing in everything they've been taught. In our society, its free will, but not all society's have that.

That is all very true, and I feel really bad or those people. Well, Jong doesn't have too long a time left so things will change, hopefully for the better in this case since it can't really get worse.

In our society though it is free will and some teenagers choose to use it irresponsibly and it end up costing them. Not good, not good...
46 posts

let the pregnant suffer, its their own fault -.- they know that they'll get pregnant if they have sex

55 posts

i think it is the teens choice if she wants to raise the baby or not, it is retarded for people to say that it isnt moral, when it is their choice, if she wants an abortion i dont see the problem, if she wants to keep the baby, i dont see the problem either!

8,051 posts

if a human kills any living human it is murder

if you make the mistake you have to follow up and take responsibility. just because you don't see it happen doesn't mean the problem goes away.

383 posts

Hey their proplem not mine.

434 posts

I think that it is not good at all. It is the boys fault for not using protection. But if they really do not want the baby after they become pregnant then they should get an abortion.

703 posts

The media is pushing sex into people's lives. Instead of kids growing up and experimenting with sex at their own pace, they feel like its "uncool" to not have sex. People have sex because it is something they can brag about because for some reason people are insulted when they are called a virgin. I am not saying that teen sex is wrong in general, but it is when teens are having sex because they want to lose their virginity instead of loving each other, or because they simply want to have fun despite how they may not love each other.

Good points.

Actually, today's world are free, as free as you can imagine, East and West merge, I mean their culture, we using English now, and many things will become more and more similar, and Chinese will be next, 1.3 billion population and 0.5 million all around the world.

Today we know that you can't become too stupid (information is everywhere, anything you want is around you), because we can express ourselves in forum like this, and get more suggestions, we know that 100 people opinions are better than 1 person.

Some facts about internet and their IMPACTS

1. In politics, now you can't lie and think people are stupid. For example, you are in presidential candidacy, and someone put your speech on youtube, than after 3 years serving as president you screw up the country. They have too many proofs on youtube, even you think youtube is not competent or think it didn't exist, it would be stupid, world have really change, you can't shut them out, it would be better to gather your people then try to shut them out.

2. In sex, you can see 80% of internet are porn, or porn-like. It will 'damage' your brain, relationship and 'what you think about other human', you might think they are 'sex object' and not 'so human enough'.

You can get any porn easily, sex with dog or horse, 50 people have sex with a girl, I mean, what in the hell happen? What will think about it? What will think about your mate? sex is fun? sex is uh-oh stuff only? what the last thing do you think before you have sex with your mate? AIDS and other sex-related diseases?

uh btw, don't open youtube 2.0 it's a virus itself, I was download it and the virus attack me. Avira saves me from that virus, I donwload it from

3. In economy, now, people around the world doesn't really care how big you are, if you can't give your users something or services, you are done for. They don't care if you are coca-cola, sony or any major big 500 company. It would be better spend your time here or playing games, rather just visit a big company website and see their 'company profile', 'newsletter' or any other non-sense stuff.

4. In language and culture, google translator, it can roughly translate any language on internet that we used every day, and of course it just 'roughly' enough for us to understand, but what we got here? People will understand each other more, they tend to learn other languages and cultures, and even going abroad to study and travels, these kind of things can't be done in 50's or 60's when people are stupid enough to do war here and there and bombing other countries like hell. Today? me just a small example, I have Thai, Vietnamese, Russian, Englishman, Switzerland, Laos and Japanese here studying Chinese now, most of them are wonderful people who can speak several languages and have cool personality. They said to me 'these kind of relationships can't be done before, but now world looks smaller, and nicer'.

You guys can also watch 'Eric Schmidt' on youtube, he is the owner of Google and youtube, I wonder why only no one watch this movie? oh I know, it because 1 hour video. But it's worth watching.

So, what will you do after you got pregnant? tell your parents? escape from house? become a bump or prostitute? How's your future looks like? will the boy that have sex with you responsible enough? will he feed you and your 'son of a bitch' (Actually this phrase is wrong, there is no such thing as son of a bitch, their parents are), so there is only parents of an idiot-with-no-future.

What will you do after you get pregnant? say hi to your friend?
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