World War 1, no one lives from that war, and if it were not for it, World War 2 wouldn't have even started. Luckily for us Americans, we stay out of things until we are brought in.
It was WWII. The most lives were lost and the reason was sheer hatred. Racism was the cause of this war. This war further the racial hate between many races and countries. This was the largest and most pain staking war. During this war all the new weapons were created. Poison gas, antiaircraft turrents, machine guns, tanks, and airplanes. Also the turrent attached to the airplane was introduced.
World War 1, no one lives from that war, and if it were not for it, World War 2 wouldn't have even started. Luckily for us Americans, we stay out of things until we are brought in.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble MistahDude, but WWI had nothing to do with WWII. They had significantly different causes and objectives. Also Hitler played different roles in both. In WWI he was no more than a foot soldier, while in WWII he was a dominating dictator. Also america was being wimps during this time period, Woodrow Wilson was pussyfooting because he didnt want america to notice how ignorant of a president he was. He didnt even know how to calculate to find different between two sums. He was scared to go to war. He didn't like confrontations. I hope this was informative enough for you.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble MistahDude, but WWI had nothing to do with WWII.
Actually, because of the restrictions and treatment of Germany after they lost WWI, Hitler was able to gain power and win over the people. So, WWI did have a lot to do with WWII.
Woodrow Wilson was *****footing because he didnt want america to notice how ignorant of a president he was. He didnt even know how to calculate to find different between two sums. He was scared to go to war.
What the hell are you talking about Wilson for? He was voted out just after WW1's end. And yes Deth is right. WW2 was essentially the unfinished business of WW2 with some political ideology thrown in for good measure.
Deth666, wtf are you talking about. Yes, the after effects of WWI did leave the condition in which Hitler gained power, but no it did not lead to WWII. WWI's issues were different in every aspect compared to WWII. If you were educated enough to go view a history book then you wwould know this. FireflyIV, wtf are you talking about also. Woodrow Wilson served two consecutive terms relating to the years 1913 to 1921. World War I lasted from 1914 to 1918. His terms were the exact time of WWI. He was an Isolationistic president. He hated conflicts and this led to the "great depression", but the great depression was blamed on Herbert Hoover. He didn't have anything to do with it. He was just at the right place at the wrong time. So thank you and please learn something before you argue with a well educated person, not an ignorant loser.
Yes, the after effects of WWI did leave the condition in which Hitler gained power, but no it did not lead to WWII. WWI's issues were different in every aspect compared to WWII. If you were educated enough to go view a history book then you wwould know this.
Um, WWI kind of did lead to WWII. Basically to put it simply the Germans were pissed about the Treaty of Versailles in which they gave up large chunks of their territory, some of which went to Poland. WWI also partly led to Italy joining the Axis because they didnt get as much territory as they thought they would.
So it wasnt really WWI that led to WWII it was the Treaty of Versailles.
WOW... ok, the Treaty of Versailles pissed off the Germans, but it also made them admit that they cause WWI. This pissed them off and the League of Nations was founded which pissed them off even worse. All this was blamed on Germany, but the treaty of versailles is in some blame. The other reason are a quite long list and I don't really feel like typing it all, but in conclusion WWiI didn't lead to WWII.
If Germany was treated fairly after WWI, Hitler wouldn't have gained power and he wouldn't have started WWII. There were a bunch of reasons why WWII was started but without the events of WWI those reasons wouldn't have existed.
Ok, first thing, listen to yourself. You don't know what your talking about and you just admitted that WWI didnt lead to WWII. Lets quote you. [quote]If Germany was treated fairly after WWI, now look at what you just said "after"
The European conquest of the New World. Not really a war, but, In my opinion it was something worth the while -- A war over land, I suppose.
With 95% of the entire population dead through random AfroEurasian diseases the rest of the world was already tolerant to, I think the most devastating effect on the planets culture and people was that hundreds of millions of people died during the Spanish acquisition (and later French and British) acquisition of the New World.
If you want the war that most changed the world... I'd probably go with something further back in History like those wars of Africa's defeats leading to the Slave Trade, etc.
But if you want something that involves the most death, I'd go with WWII.
The reason I'm saying WWII didn't change the world much is because... well, It didn't. Just lots of death, no real conflict resolved, and for the most part the countries mainly involved suffered no huge consequence and are still leading economic powers today, so no biggie.
If there was no WWI then there could be no after. Therefore, my point is still valid. Why are you trying to argue common knowledge? Maybe it's you who needs to read a history book. I mean, what do you believed caused WWII?