The is always the choice to gain peace when in the face of War.
But what shall we do if we're in a state of peace?
Sounds stupid, indeed, but it is indeed a much more intelligent thing than you may first think.
Mongol Empire, wanna know how that happened? Ghanghis Khan rallied the neighboring Tribes against an innocent enemy - China, the reason he done this was to expand the empire (which is quite fair, but done it in ways I wouldn't have) and of course, to only gain peace within their boundries, the reason they were fighting is because they couldn't negotiate, but also because resources were scarce and morales were low.
Ghanghis Khan flipped it over entirely, instead of low morales, he boosted the spirits of his people, making them prosper and fight against the Chinese, this helped Resource Flow and conquering the enemy.
Why'd the fight - to stop fighting eachother.
Did it work - Yes.
What would happen a few generations after we stop fighting? I mean sure we might be fine, but honestly now, you need to feel why you're doing it, a simple law and life doesn't do anything.
Americans would cross the sea for Democracy, but wouldn't cross the street to vote.
That's not
my quote, but it is true, from what I hear, anyway.
Knowing that, voting for say, a president, he manages pretty much everything on a country-wide scale or special occasions, then again - judging from what's up a bit, you would go across the sea - risking your life, to fight against an enemy who may or may not be right or wrong (don't go into that). So... prospering for your people and technology isn't as important as killing people for your country? I know I'm sounding like a douche - but hey, I'm making this up as I go along, and all I'm trying to do is make you see why people often fight.
All you need is open-mindedness, as well as thinking hardly about whether it is the
right or wrong thing to do, sounds a big like I'm sucking up, I'm not, my 'right' and 'wrong' is probably far more complex and for you, confusing than other people. I'm 12, and I hate the fact other people can't see as I do...
- H