I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
I just believe that everyone deserves a chance at least
if the mother of the abortee does not want to carry a baby around for 9 whole months, it should be her right to demolish the fetus while she still can.
on the plus side, abortions play a big factor in stem cell research.
Adoption and abortion are too similar in their spelling.
I feel the same way about the dog food brand eukanuba. sounds too much like euthanasia.
I support adoption for sure, I just don't think it's reasonable to force a woman to bear and give birth to a child with laws. If her morals make her decide to carry it even if she knows she'll have to give it up for adoption (or leave it with the father 'cause they broke up or something and he wants it while she doesn't (or any number of other scenarios)), good on her. I just hate the idea of being legally obligated to carry something for 9 months because of an accident, or birth control not working, or even ****.
The way I see it is that it's nine months for an entire life; although I'm not a women so understandably I can't really be a credible source on this. However I think the government should put a lot of emphasis on adoption over abortion.
The way I see it is that it's nine months for an entire life;
With my current age, that would have been around one 26th of my life. Sure, 9 months aren't really a long time, but when one is young it really seems like it is. And it's not so much the time it'd be, it's more the being forced to by law that irks me about making abortion illegal. You'd be bringing another life into the world. If you aren't ready for that responsibility, having a way out... Well yay.
although I'm not a women so understandably I can't really be a credible source on this.
Glad you added that. I think the father of any accident should have a say in the matter, but ultimately it's not the guy carrying it and having to give birth. :/
However I think the government should put a lot of emphasis on adoption over abortion.
As long as they put emphasis on the importance and function of contraception instead of preaching abstinence, it shouldn't be necessary to take it there. Though... I don't know this, but I certainly hope doctors who have women coming in to have an abortion informs them thoroughly of what their other options would be like.
Would be nice if all the "Thou must not abort it!!" would be more interested in spending their time and effort helping kids who are already in the world, though. As far as I've heard the adoption agencies aren't all doing well.
If only people would practice safe sex... Less overcrowding, more resources to go around and the such...
People should have a choice, yes, but then again, people should have a chance. I guess this just goes down to what you classify as a "erson", but I would much rather, from a fascist viewpoint have someone in the workforce and able to contribute than someone putting more of a drain on the economy.
Oh! And guess what? *dun dun-dun-dun* Blastulas(basically a hollow ball of cells formed a few weeks to a month after the egg begins division) are no longer needed be destroyed for stem cells!
The wonders of science have provided a way to denature tissue cells into stem cells simply by reversing the process used to turn stem cells into tissue cells. (at least according to my biology teacher)
I don't agree with abortion. If you have pressure on bringing up a child, that's what adoption is there for. With abortion, you take a life away. People say it's like "murder". Others argue what rights unborn babies have. All I can say, if anyone does go through with abortion, then more often or not you do get upset or depressed. And for people who say that future may be better if that one child was aborted, do you ever think that life might have been better if you got aborted? That's not the way to think. Everyone contributes to life, and though they probably will make mistakes, through their life they will contribute. And in the end, that's what life is. Being able to be part of the human race. I'm sorry, I'm going all philosophical now, but you have to understand.
If you have pressure on bringing up a child, that's what adoption is there for.
All that means is that adoption agencies, many of which already struggle with an over-abundance of people who need adopting and not enough adopters, will go way over capacity and many children won't find good homes.
then more often or not you do get upset or depressed.
Do you have any figures for this? Anyway - the same could be said for raising a child that you don't particularly want or have the ability to care for properly.
do you ever think that life might have been better if you got aborted?
Quite honestly? Yes I do, I'm visually impaired and that meant that all the way through school I was costing the system extra money, that's not to mention the impact that my disability may have had on those around me.
Firstly, letting a child live in a foster home and letting him have a chance in life, in my opinion, is better than not giving a child a chance of life.
Secondly, I'm afraid that I have no exact numbers, but about 70% of the time do people seek help for their conscience about abortion.
And lastly, Avorne, if you really think that way, then please stop. You might have needed extra money through school, but think about all the good things you've done for other people, all the things you've achieved, and overall, I'm sure that without you, people would be worse of. Your life effects everyone, and without it, although there will be a couple of people who may be slightly richer, that does not mean they are happy.
Firstly, letting a child live in a foster home and letting him have a chance in life, in my opinion, is better than not giving a child a chance of life.
A miserable and depressing life is better than no life at all? How does that work? In life, as in most other games, one starts out at a neutral value and works up or down from there. By playing and losing you're surely doing worse than if you never played at all?
Secondly, I'm afraid that I have no exact numbers, but about 70% of the time do people seek help for their conscience about abortion.
Planned Parenthood has a little section on their website, I'm afraid I don't have a link, that claims that this perceived 'ost-abortion trauma' is in part made up and also that any long-term emotional issues that arise from having an abortion are similar to the ones that some women experience after having a child.
And lastly, Avorne, if you really think that way, then please stop. You might have needed extra money through school, but think about all the good things you've done for other people, all the things you've achieved, and overall, I'm sure that without you, people would be worse of. Your life effects everyone, and without it, although there will be a couple of people who may be slightly richer, that does not mean they are happy.
But, if I hadn't of been born then I wouldn't have affected anyone's life either way, positively or negatively - which is better than affecting a number of lives negatively through my continued existence.
Therein lies the problem, the system is not infinitely rich, while some foster homes may be good places to live, most are not. Our society has developed as is for a reason, a child needs a stable home and parent(s) that love and nurture him/her. In turn that child grows up and brings another stable adult into the world. On the other hand, a child who is shunted from place to place, home to home, forced to live in less than ideal conditions is more than likely not going to be inclined to become a well adjusted adult. Our system is flawed at a base level, and unless we go Brave New World and start institutionalizing society, simple putting a child up for adoption will not guarantee it a peaceful life.
Firstly, letting a child live in a foster home and letting him have a chance in life, in my opinion, is better than not giving a child a chance of life.
Like Avorne and Kyouzou said, foster homes aren't necessarily the best way to raise a child. Plus, do you think that most of them have no problem with growing up as an unwanted child?
Your life effects everyone, and without it, although there will be a couple of people who may be slightly richer, that does not mean they are happy.
The world would have been slightly different if someone that does exist didn't, but you can't know in what way, so arguments with "what if" or "it could have a good life" are futile and imo not a valid reason to prohibit abortion.
Also, I know that you want to give all those unborn people a chance and that you feel sorry for them etc., but I'm sorry to say that prohibiting abortion globally is irresponsible also for those who already live, those who already try to do something out of their lives and who could have a better chance if we wouldn't be so occupied in giving unborn ones a chance they might not even have.
I'm against abortion on a personal note, as in i'd never abort my kid. I'm pro-choice with everyone else making that decision and it's their bodies, their baby.
I sometimes struggle knowing women get abortions late in pregnancy considering the kid has started to form and all that, but as i sad, pro-choice.
I Agree With abortion, as long as the child is confirmed to have a Mental, Physical or Social disability. No Child should have to suffer with Autism or MS or ADD.
I don't think it'd right to kill a baby just because your life might not be all that peachy. If it's a chance the woman/kid will die then yes. But a lot of people with Autism live great lives, so shouldn't really be deprived. Also ADD should so not be listed there, ADD is so easily treated. I have ADD and it doesn't affect me in the slightest - just gives me a very short attention span.
I Agree With abortion, as long as the child is confirmed to have a Mental, Physical or Social disability. No Child should have to suffer with Autism or MS or ADD.
If the issue is money, let the child be born, then give them up to the state or Adaption places.
And what if the parents don't want a baby?
I think abortion should be legal in the first few weeks. Like I said in another thread, in Switzerland it's legal to abort in the first 12 weeks. After that period of time, you can only abort if the birth would cause medical problem for you. I think that this is a good solution.
if woman that does not want a child has 1 growing inside. then it is most likely that the woman will not care enoufg about the child to give it a proper future and love. if a woman does not want a child. it is probably beter for both her and the unborn child to get a abortion.
but it must be done fast after they found out about the child. not after 7 or 8 month's when the unborn child alrdy has brain activety. then i whold call it murder. but befor that its a good thing.