I dont care what anyone else thinks but war is vital to society think about it if we didn't have war we wouldn't have the kind of commercial jets radio and t.v. to name a few so if u say war is pointless then ur retarded
I believe that war only means to solve war, war is almost pointless except for the examples that BASHA gave(and a few more). But even if it IS true that war has brought about the development of several technologies, couldn't those technologies have been developed and researched on without war; it(war) may push certain technologies along, but it only serves to delay other ones. Many people have been saying that war is meaningful if the purpose of one group is to protect, but I would like to ask those people a question: what are they protecting it from, the answer, obviously, is the attacker of whatever it is that they are protecting, so take away the attacker, and you take away the defender, take away the defender, and you take away the war; so if there was no war, there would be no need to defend anything, no need to waste time in doing so. Although, my examples only apply to war in more recent times, war(or more specifically, fighting) is human nature and is part of "survival of the fittest" in nature; fighting is instinct, the same instinct that kept us alive for millions of years(weird reminders from HL2 start to pop up, for all those who play it) and I guess, even if it is almost pointless now(unless some super advanced alien race invades Earth), It would be wrong to throw war away, it would be like throwing part of ourselves away and throwing our instinct away. Fighting teaches us to defend ourselves, war(although unnecessarily) is just the same thing happening on a larger scale; so I guess it wouldn't be right to stop war, but it still dosen't solve anything.
I've never been a big fan of statistics, since they can kind of be manipulated to support many different points, but I think this is a good one: The total cost for the Civil War was about $6.6 Billion. That's counting the actual money spent to pay soldiers and buy weapons, the wages lost from the prolonged period of enlistment, and the devastation done to the country during the war. If the U.S. had bought every slave, given them 10 acres of land to farm, and built a little house on the land, it would have only cost about $3.8 Billion. But would that have really solved the issues that plagued America in the middle of the 19th century? Or was war the only solution?
War is totally useless except for overpopulation but there are better ways to solve that. War costs a lot of money, you can't trust anybody and you have the risk to die any moment.
well war is not to stop overpopulation lol its to show the other countrys your might and they shall fear you because its about might and whos got might this dude got respect
well war is not the answer. but when you mess wit the U.S. then it is and we ALWAYS win. so no war does not solve anythiong. But it does say that the U.S. is the best and most deadly fighting country in the world.
war solves nothing just think about this all the wars we have been in they have started and now the war in iraq is from us so no the war solves nothing
We always win, eh? Might want to tell those that were involved in the Vietnam war, I dont think they realized that...
I am definitely not pro-war, of course it would be lovely if we could all dissolve our conflict over tea and crumpets, but sadly, I dont see it really working that way. Maybe if the US wasnt so aggressive to push its ideas on the rest of the world, we'd be in a better spot. Canada hasnt been doing all that bad, and they dont really do the whole war thing...
We always win, eh? Might want to tell those that were involved in the Vietnam war, I dont think they realized that...
Yeah, and the soldiers currently operating in Iraq.
It's precisely the kind of militaristic "stronger than thou" attitude that inflames tensions and in fact generates more problems through warfare than solves them.
But then again some people are generally prone to such attitudes. Perhaps war, in this case, is an inevitable consequence. Besides, it's merely a structured form of physical conflict to relate the structured nature of our societies.
It kills the bad (and a lot of good)people. And that's the only good thing. For instance it costs loads of money that could be spend on improving health instead of destroying. Also people don't know who to trust and can be scared all the time for bombings. So I think war doesn't solve anything.