ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMazzelh?

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Why, hello, ArmorGames Community.
Look what I have: a mazzelh sorceress.
Yeah, I'm just pleading for attention. And fyi, I did draw that myself, and I will punish anyone who steals my art.
Still... What do you gamer creatures think?

  • 591 Replies
5,642 posts

I just downloaded gimp and accidentally closed the layer window. . . .how do I bring it back?

3,176 posts

Calm down toad, just bring up the downloads window and select it again. Unless you deleted the downloaded file, you should be just fine. And take a chill pill too =P

9,434 posts

Yeah, just open the window thingy... It's pretty easy to get back, but I'll admit to freaking out a bit the first time I accidentally closed it.

1,780 posts

Well I haven't checked on this thread for a few weeks and I must say, it's gotten better and better.

9,434 posts

Thank you, kevin.
I still miss the beginning, though~

*randomly stumbles upon an old piece of writing* Huh. I guess I can post that here.

Quite a long time ago, in a shallow grass sea on Yaltama two mazzelhs made a nest together under a bush in the far end of their colony. A time later, the female laid three eggs.The male ran off to get used to the idea of becoming a father soon - he planned to come back later that same day, but he accidentally fell into a lurp. Lurps are rare holes that breaks the limits between worlds. They're almost invisible, until you fall into them as Tethal did. The next part of his life, he spent magically transformed to a humanoid mazzelh in EpzÃcan. During those five epzÃcanian years, he began hearing voices started to drink to block those voices out. He seemed insane...
In Yaltama, MuÃ'n took care of the eggs alone, and all three of them hatched in the beginning of the warm, dry winter. She took care of them with help from the other mazzelhs in the colony.
Two of the cubs were males - they both had short tufts on their ears but were otherwise normal. Their sister, however, had a blueish fur and longer fluff than normal cubs. Their mother named them thrr, rrrra and zrrrr, the Yaltan version of their names being: Nihja, Orihn and Yazzelh.
The female cub was mocked by other, older cubs for her unnusual colour, and though her mother tried to help, it only got worse. Her brothers pretended not to know her whenever there was other cubs around, and she felt very isolated. In the end, she ran off.
As - unlucky as her father, she fell into another lurp. Well actually she kinda jumped. This lurp led to a place in the vast world Hrowan, a place mainly populated by hrowanian mazzelhs. Hrowanian mazzelhs comes in many more shades of green than yaltan mazzelhs, so in this world her colour wasn't so strange. She joined a wandering group, and lived with them in the forests of that island, slowly getting used to not being such an outsider.

9,434 posts

Read those unreadable symbols as i. AG can't display that specific kind of i...

5,642 posts

.....riiiiiigght. Lol, Somehow it seems like I should say something but nothing comes to mind.

9,434 posts

Heh. I think I mainly wrote it down to remember it. Not exactly written well, if you look at is as a story that is supposed to be read...

5,642 posts

lol, you have all this time to look and make your own stuffs, but not enough to look at my crap. .. .i'm truly heart-broken Y.Y

9,434 posts

Priorities, thoad, priorities...
It takes at least twice as much energy for me to focus on stuff I've said I'll do, than stuff I just randomly want to do.

Uh, another thing I wrote down mainly to keep it in case it slipped out of my memory. It was never meant to be read by others, but who cares.

Once upon a time, on a planet in a lonely verse - there was two mazzelhs.
Actually, there was many more, but those two mazzelhs were about to become very special.
The two mazzelhs, a male and a female, wandered about in the fields of their homeland; they were lovers, had been so for a long time.
>The Beginning.
One day they stumbled upon one of the Arspt channels. They fell out of time and space - out into the eternity, or the Sea of Life as some call it. So immensely tiny two mazzelhs are out there... They clung to each other, afraid. Afraid they'd loose themselves.
Something happened to them that cannot easily be explained - no one quite know how it happened, but a force struck the two, and changed them. From normal mazzelhs, they grew, they gained powers... And the female gave birth to an egg while the two of them floated in the eternity.
>The Egg.
The egg became a world - how such a thing happens, can best be explained with, that in eternity everything happens. And the two mazzelhs were sucked into their own egg, and inside they found rest on a grass seed. How the grass seed got there it is best not to worry about.
Amazz, the female, looked around inside the egg, and decided it was too empty. As she came to that conclusion the seed grew, to the size of a small planet. Arazz, the male looked at the dark surface of the seed, and thought of light. It came, in the form of a red crescent upon his head, a red moon. The red light reacted with the surface of the seed - grass sprouted all over it, covering the whole planet with long billowing grass.
The two mazzelhs looked at each other, puzzled by what had happened to them. But they found no explanation.
Amazz snuggled up to her mate, seeking comfort, and as he snuggled back the moon crescent touched her forehead, from which a tree sprung - it resembled a flohn tree, with a sand brown trunk, widespread branches and goldenish green leafs.
>The Azzen
The two were now what later mazzelhs call gods - the Mother and Father of all mazzelhs. Why? Because Amazz and Arazz lived like they would have in the world they came from - they got hatchlings.
Their first egg became the world. Their next three the gods for its inhabitants.
Two daughters and a son; Deiazz, Nunazz and Yorazz. Deiazz is now considered the mazzelh goddess of fertility amongst creatures, like Amazz represents life, growth and fertility amongst plants. Nunazz is the goddess of the elements - magic, soul and forces. Yorazz is the god for all creatures and their ongoing lifes - Arazz is the god of endings, of decay, of death.
They raised their cubs... And then more.

5,642 posts

Priorities, thoad, priorities...
It takes at least twice as much energy for me to focus on stuff I've said I'll do, than stuff I just randomly want to do.

if it wasn't for me knowing that you actually had a life, unlike me, I would be even more heartbroken. . .but thanks for making me laugh!
3,176 posts

Zophia, you know how to make an old codger cry ='(
That was so great, it makes me wish they were real

9,434 posts

if it wasn't for me knowing that you actually had a life, unlike me, I would be even more heartbroken. . .but thanks for making me laugh!
Laughter is good~

Zophia, you know how to make an old codger cry ='(
That was so great, it makes me wish they were real
They are~ If one defines imagination as part of reality. An ungraspable part, but still a part~

I just read it again myself. It's actually much better than I remembered it to be... I don't like how I ended it, and the little >marks cause some slight unease, but besides that it's a good read...
(I just gave myself constructive criticism. . . Meh, no one else do, and since I couldn't remember the text I think I'm allowed to.)
5,642 posts

(I just gave myself constructive criticism. . . Meh, no one else do, and since I couldn't remember the text I think I'm allowed to.)

lol split personality?
9,434 posts

lol split personality?
You have no idea.
My girlfriend have an even more split personality than I do - which adds some interesting aspects to a relationship, I dare say...
And not kidding, my best friend have a somewhat split personality too.
To some level most people probably do... We just have it slightly more accentuated... I think...
Showing 436-450 of 591