For Me Its The Shadow Thieves By Anne Ursu.
I am American and So Can You! by Stephen Colbert. This books pwns!
now I am reading I Am Legend and Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (all 5 of them)
I am American and So Can You!
i am reading wheel of time series and tedd dekker books
Brisingr by christopher paolini 3rd in the eragon series so far its been great
Eragon by Christopher Paolini, my friend is reading Brisingr and my other friend read it in 2 days, he got it the day it came out.
Harry Potter and the Prologue by JK Rowling
I haven't heard of Harry Potter and the Prologue, is it available in America?
The Killing Hour by Lisa Gardner. I've only just started it though.
At the moment i am reading The Spook's Battle, the fourth book. Really good books for 10-16 year olds in my opinion.
The Spook's Battle is by Joseph Delaney btw. :P
I'm currently reading 4 books. Java: how to program. It's a collection of books a couple thousand pages total.The body language dictionary: about 700 pagesSams teach yourself Java in 21 days: about 800 pagesintroduction to Java: about 500 pages.I know I read too much :/~BI
None I finished mine im getting one tommoroow
im reading the titans curse the third book of percy and the olympians
Im still reading the same book I was when I made this topic. Shadow Thieves.
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