I do not think any country could invade the US. Every house you go to they have atleast a gun in the house. In the South its different. Theres bout 5 guns or more in each house. Does anyone agree with me?
Ya us peepz in Canada would be kinda in trouble, but then again you guys are already in the trillions of dollars in deficit.... Thats why our dollar is getting to be soo high. But either way, how is you country gonna raise more money for war. Like I agree that you have like a catrillion missile Silo's so you could pretty much have an advantage over the attackers. And btw so wat if they all have guns, like wat is that gonna do? Your gonna step onto your streets and get shot, cuz thats what would happen. But anyways im pretty sure we'd help if you guys got invaded, or anything like that. You are right next door to us, and the country that invaded you would probably invade us next lol. It probably will never happen thow.
Well that would be difficult to do if you were actually being invaded. The other side would most likely target industrial areas and of course military installations knocking the US factories out of action. Of course this is all hypothetical but the strategy involved would no doubt be similar.
Also, if whatever country the USA was getting their loans from thought that the US was going to lose the way, then I doubt that that money supplying country would continue to give the US loans.
I odnt hink money would be so much of an object there. Most countries have reserves of $$ to keep them going in crisese and no doubt a country as rich as the US would have some spare cash. But, for me, from a strategic point of view if the US was invaded b enough people with enough men, being sch a large land mass it would be difficult to defend the whole of it. Especially with the whole long range warfare idea. They could bomb cities from the otherside of the planet knocking out your installations prior to invasion.
I'll defer to you on most military issues as you are actually IN the millitary, though not USA, you've undoubtedly had more education on such things than I have. So, if you say funds wouldn't be a large issue, then I'll believe you.
I don't think it would be a problem considering that all of our factories are in china .
No but realistically, you are right. There would be a lot of strategy involved in an invasion of the united states, because with out tons of planning and creating confusion, the United States would be very difficult to invade.
So, if you say funds wouldn't be a large issue, then I'll believe you.
I dont want to just claim i am right because i am in the military, although as u said not the US one, but for a country such as the US you do have a hell of a lot of $, despite your debt you do have vast reserve funds for emergencies.
don't think it would be a problem considering that all of our factories are in china .
Well this is interesting because you do create a lot of your own military arms domestically, especially most of your high profile tech, (some of which is manufactured in Britain) as you dont want a communist country like China to see the design. However its true lots of your materials come from China by plane and sea and so a step a potential invader would take, would be to try and block trade routes with their navy and air force and try to cut off the US supply routes to the rest of the world.
One of the USA's biggest weaknesses is their cockyness. US naval commanders were adamant their ships in Pearl Harbour were safe from an air attack, and we all know how that turned out. But yes it would be very difficult to invade.
How do you know? Any solid evidence backing it up. You never know what can happen in the future. The US would be fools to rule out an invasion completely especially since practically everyone around the world is anti american.
we keep getting smarter and stronger
Again any evidence for that or is it all just hot air? Unless you werent aware there is an economic crisis going on at the world in the US housing market which has affected the US and the rest of the worlds economy badly. Despite the fact the 2 companies in question have been nationalised and this should be a turning point the US economy is still recovering and so you arent getting stronger at the moment.