ForumsWEPRDo You think USA could ever be invaded??

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813 posts

I do not think any country could invade the US. Every house you go to they have atleast a gun in the house. In the South its different. Theres bout 5 guns or more in each house. Does anyone agree with me?

  • 231 Replies
2,132 posts

This is the nature of capitalism, though. If someone can provide cheaper labor without any ramifications, then it behooves small businesses or families to take advantage of this. Most of these types of jobs are bottom-of-the-barrel jobs that most Americans wouldn't want anyway. The unemployment rate is so high because people refuse to just get a job - they want to receive unemployment checks while being shuffled around in bureaucratic nonsense.
It has been argued that children of illegal immigrants are flooding schools and thus raising taxes while not contributing to the overall tax pool needed to cover expenses, but this is a red herring; the problems of the U.S. economy are far more fundamental than this.
In fact, these are essentially the same complaints that Americans had when Irish, German, and Russian immigrants started flooding into the country. The solution is to strengthen our economy, improve trade relations with our neighbors (which will improve their economy) and let these theories of macroeconomics work so that the standard of living of everyone in the Americas can improve.
If you don't want to be affected personally by having a job scrubbing toilets for $2/hr taken away from you, then go to college and work in a degree-based field.
Well, how do you think those jobs were filled before this invasion? That's right - by Americans!!! Wow, what a concept!!!

Well, many Americans won't do those jobs at $2/hr, but if you paid them a decent wage, you would get a line down the block. The only thing fueling this change is greed - the employers want to lower their bottom line by paying people under the table. And do you think the illegals pay income tax? NO!!! Every dollar that goes in their pockets is that much less into your precious social programs that you tout so much...
3,880 posts

Well, how do you think those jobs were filled before this invasion? That's right - by Americans!!! Wow, what a concept!!!

That "invasion" has always quite existed. The point is, immigration is a big boost for small businesses since those new here have no other choice but to work for these businesses. Thus, they are free to give them any wage they'd like. There is no competition to raise the prices either because there is a very large supply of these workers.
68 posts

Maybe I'm just repeating old words, I haven't had the time to read each post and I ought to, but I have to say that the 'occupiability' of a country has more to do with the resilience and solidarity of the culture than anything else. The 'invadability' of a country is determined by the military's strength and organization and the dissemination and effectiveness of domestic propaganda and communication infrastructure to rally people to defend the state.

The US has an incredible military, in terms of the sheer force that is at its disposal - from nuclear weapons to anti-ballistic missiles to fighter jets to tanks to aircraft carriers to submarines to the marines to the reserves - and in terms of its organization - satellites facilitating long range communication and guiding cruise missiles, divisions and subdivisions capable and competent in regards to making their own independent decisions when time is of the essence, a primarily meritocratic hierarchy, etc.

The American Propaganda Machine - familiar manifestations of which can be seen in the forms of NBC, CNN, and especially FOX - is able to reach millions and millions of Americans and makes good use of that capacity. Long before any other nation would begin an invasion they and their people would be demonized and dehumanized in the eyes of countless unthinkers, who would be ready to line up at recruitment centres to help the military defend their 'freedom', 'democracy', 'rosperity', 'national pride' and other emptied catchphrases. Upon the beginning of any invasion every American would know about it within the hour and begin to make their choices.

What those choices would be is another matter entirely, a matter hinged around the question of what choices are available. Do the people themselves have access to protective infrastructure such as bomb shelters? Are local militias organized within each town? Would a significant portion of any local population have something to gain from looting during the chaos instead of helping defend their neighbours? Do people even care for their neighbours? Can the entire population be expected to be on the same side?

Could the USA ever be invaded? Any country can be invaded, yes, given the existence of a stronger and/or better organized military force that has prepared a plan and is ready to execute it. Is there any such military force and any such plan? I have my doubts, half of the world's military spending is spent by America, and the rest of the world is unlikely to band together for the sake of a coin-flip war, but there are many other factors that will have greater significance in the future. My answer is no, but not a no I expect to last forever.

Do I think that the USA could be occupied, if it was successfully invaded?

Yes, definitely.

1) That propaganda machine could easily be redirected to other purposes, and the generally uncritical minds of the populace would be all-ears. Fearfulness and obedience in regards to omnipresent authority figures have already been instilled in the American psyche, and this would be extremely convenient for any occupying power.

2) Material comforts: Americans are so addicted to materialistic lifestyles and wordly comforts that many would gladly swap their supposed values and collaborate with an occupier if that meant less hardship. Guerrilla fighting requires guerrilla fighters - lots of them.

3) Lack of cultural homogeneity and presence of extreme cultural polarization. Different groups, ethnic, linguistic, political left/right, poor, rich, hippies, hicks, metrosexuals, homosexuals, heterosexuals, etc. ad infinitum - could easily be turned against eachother.

4) Geography: you might think that this would help any resistance movement in that there is too much land for any occupier to keep on an eye on at all times but A) China or India, even Russia, (I'm assuming that any invading force would have a lot of manpower) would have enough people to actually have a presence in every little town anyways - easily and B) Any resistance that was able to build would be at a disadvantage for resources and would have a hard time moving around to build up momentum - an organized military force would quash them in mountain passes, open plains - you name it - while they were on the move.

There would be a resistance, certainly. Many Americans are extremely intelligent and extremely determined - intelligence and determination being the two key factors in having a successful resistance - but not enough.

But who would want to invade the US? That would disrupt the international economy greatly, which would interrupt the flow of money into the pockets of the few and powerful that pull vital strings in all countries around the world. China wouldn't want to do it - ultracapitalists are in power (I'm not willing to debate anybody too ignorant to concede this point) and trade with the States is pushing their development. Russia wouldn't want to do it, they'd stop selling their oil and gas. Europe wouldn't want to do it, they're too interconnected with America to declare war without endangering millions of citizens in America itself and inviting open revolt within their own countries. India wouldn't want to do it, a few people are making a lot of money in India because of the way that trade is set up right now. Even if India did want to invade the United States, China and Russia would stop them for aforementioned reasons. The Middle East couldn't do it. Africa couldn't do it. Latin America couldn't do it. Southeast Asia definitely couldn't do it. Canada couldn't do it, as fun as it would be for Canadians. Antarctica couldn't do it - penguins are lethargic.

The world is just gonna have to wait for the USA to invade, occupy, disintegrate and destroy itself. I'd give it twenty or thirty years.

584 posts

I don't think any one country could invade the U.S.
1) There aren't any extremely powerful countries like Great Britain or Russia that border us.

2) We have the largest missile defense shield known to man.

3) The U.S. has tended to make allies of every powerful nation.

4) Even if it was invaded, it would be put down that week, if not the same day.

5) The U.S. is highly populated in all border areas, so it would be difficult to occupy. Also, the U.S. is so massive, it would take half of the population in an invading country to try to occupy it.

It would take nearly every country to agree to do it at the same time. Not necessarily because we are so powerful, but because we have so many allies, that they would come to help defend us. Also, many countries rely on our large trade base for many of they're supplies, including military supplies, and to sell us items for money to buy more. If the America were to spontaneously combust, the world economy would probably collapse. Besides, citizens are born guerrilla fighters we've seen in previous wars. Sometimes, that can be a bad thing though. Just look at 9/11, the plane aimed at the White House was taken down by the passengers on the plane! Also, having spy satellites and such we would probably know about any invasion a week before it happened, and citizens probably would too.

2,132 posts

I have been thinking about it, and if all the totalitarian governments and dictatorships in the world teamed up, here's how it would work:

1) Middle-East countris could invade Israel. The US would send troops to help.

2) Russia and North Korea could invade through Alaska.

3) Venezuela could sail up the Pacific coast and invade through California.

4) Cuba could invade through Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.

With part of the US forces sutck in Israel, the rest of the forces would be spread out over such a wide area that a successful invasion just might be possible.

Again, this could only happen if all these countries teamed up and supported each other.

3,880 posts

I have been thinking about it, and if all the totalitarian governments and dictatorships in the world teamed up, here's how it would work:

Only a few of all those country are totalitarian governments. This would be North Korea (Btw, Kim Jong III has been missing for 3 months ^^). I wouldn't consider Cuba totalitarian although they are a dictatorship. None of the Middle-East, unless if I'm missing something. Venezuela, nope.

Really, the US isn't the only republic now a days...
3,880 posts

(Btw, Kim Jong III has been missing for 3 months ^^)

Sorry, 1 month.
2,132 posts

Only a few of all those country are totalitarian governments. This would be North Korea (Btw, Kim Jong III has been missing for 3 months ^^). I wouldn't consider Cuba totalitarian although they are a dictatorship. None of the Middle-East, unless if I'm missing something. Venezuela, nope.
Well, as Cuba and Venezuela are still Communist, I kept them in the list.

And I know that Kim Jong Il is dead, but the North Koreans will just "elect" another leader.
3,880 posts

Well, as Cuba and Venezuela are still Communist, I kept them in the list.


And Venezuela is a republic actually, just like USA. "Oh but America is the only place in the world that has great democracy and people's rights!"...Ehh no. And yes, the president, Hugo Chavez, was voted in.

Politics of Venezuela takes place in a framework of a federal republic, whereby the President of Venezuela is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly. The Constitution designates three additional branches of the federal government--the judicial, citizen, and electoral branches.

And I know that Kim Jong Il is dead, but the North Koreans will just "elect" another leader.

Their little tradition was the male of the family. Mmm, I really have no idea what will happen since his dead now. (Probably).

Funny how N. Koreas full name is Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The Politics of North Korea take place within a nominally democratic multi-party framework; in practice, North Korea functions as a dominant-party state. It is widely considered to be a totalitarian dictatorship[1] and the Economist Intelligence Unit, while admitting that "there is no consensus on how to measure democracy" and that "definitions of democracy are contested", lists North Korea in last place as the most authoritarian regime in its index of democracy assessing 167 countries. [2] North Korea's political system is built upon the principle of centralization. While the constitution guarantees the protection of human rights and democratic government, most power is within the hands of a ruling elite dominated by Kim Jong-il, the de facto leader of the country.

Mmm, I really don't want to talk about something I really don't know about.
375 posts

Usa can be invaded have you ever seen the movie redcawn lol thats exactly what they do i know its a movie but still

1,523 posts

I have been thinking about it, and if all the totalitarian governments and dictatorships in the world teamed up, here's how it would work:

2) Russia and North Korea could invade through Alaska.

Good thing Russian's a totalitarian government/dictatorship, right? I think that ended sometime, oh, say, 27 years ago? And invading through Alaska would require taking the Aleutian Islands using the same tactics that the American military used during WW2: island hopping. Each individual island would have to be secure before they could advance to then next, and when they finally got to Alaska, they wouldn't exactly have a strategic battle field.

North Korea would be able to drill for oil, but that's about it.
1,523 posts

Well, as Cuba and Venezuela are still Communist, I kept them in the list.

Sorry for the double post, but it seems we're stuck in the Red Scare. Why don't we just start a few coup de tat's and throw in a couple Pinochet's here and there, just like the good old days? Sounds like a plan to me.
3,880 posts

I think that ended sometime, oh, say, 27 years ago?

Longer then that actually ^^

Gorbachev had plans of decentralizing the Soviet and allowing more rights. As a result of and no more strict state controlled media, and freedom of speech and press, many things about the government were revealed. And then BOOM.

Well it was actually, mostly because of the failed economic plans that led to the collapse. (Dam Stalin)

As of your plan...
Would be much easier just to send A Bombs at Washington DC.
120 posts

Korea + china = could invade U.S.A.
But im canadian no problem there.

1,523 posts

But im canadian no problem there.

Yeah. Canada bordering America isn't a problem at all if it gets invaded. Also, Canada doesn't trade with America. At all.
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