ForumsArt, Music, and WritingStrop's sporadic scrapbook

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10,816 posts

Right, so I pulled out of the previous GFX round due to not being able to finish on time. Since then I've been working on the image on-and-off and now it's finished only about a week late.

The picture shown below is half the size, the fullsize one can be found by clicking on the picture.

The full resolution pic (1280xs1024) is low quality...the high quality version is 1.1Mb and doesn't fit on photobucket xD Lame. Except I feel justified with the size...this was hand-drawn from start to finish.

I should have tidied up the sketchlines more, but wasn't actually intending to spend this much effort on it. Meh.

  • 1,567 Replies
10,816 posts

the face might be seen as having a more bovine influence

I can see where you're coming from on that. With the top of the head and ears not visible, some cartoon horse heads look like cow heads, but then again cartoon cow heads tend to have exaggerated brow ridges and noses, so I guess it goes around!

usually you see people with a more canine'esque infatuation.

You sound like you've visited the furry subculture, indeed the land of a plethora of profligate foxes and wolves.
13,657 posts

isn't wrist pain normal for someone who uses a keyboard alot? i've read that keyboards aren't healthy for your hands... its on the back of some of them actually as a potential health hazard... so an avid gamer who uses a keyboard alot might succumb to such a pain b/c of over use... (is it carpal tunnel?)... u've prob been told that before...

Well, I do use a keyboard a lot. It is the tool of my trade, so I pretty much have to. The problem here is that it does not seem to be what causes it.
More so, because it is not only wrist pains, but finger pains, elbow pains, shoulder, ankle, knee... Let's keep it a joint pains, eh.
Which is very annoying, especially when a wrist pain kicks in while I am lifting a plate or something. Happened not long ago. Was unpleasant.

Strop, the Strip-legs look odd. Very, very awkward.
1,322 posts

You sound like you've visited the furry subculture, indeed the land of a plethora of profligate foxes and wolves.

my old roommate up at college enjoyed fridays on 4chan... >_>. even used his droid internets b/c the school would block laptop access to the site.

believe what you will but I have never sought out anything of the sort.

and a lot of stuff I see drawn by other people that gives human qualities to a type of animal have dealt w/ dogs/wolves/foxes. maybe they also dealt w/ such things.

I list dogs/wolves as my favorite animals but.... not in that manner.
10,816 posts

Strop, the Strip-legs look odd. Very, very awkward.

I agree. I mean, they're okay until about the ankles, and then there's no way in hell those boots are getting on. But I decided for the purposes of this one picture that it didn't matter.

my old roommate up at college enjoyed fridays on 4chan...


believe what you will but I have never sought out anything of the sort.

Hey, I'm not gonna knock it!

I list dogs/wolves as my favorite animals but.... not in that manner.

Yeah I get exactly what you're saying, hahahahaha. No seriously, I believe you. I know what goes on.

Anyway. So I'm catching up on stuff:
3,086 posts

Wow, that's has a great effect
Are they characters?

10,816 posts

Yeah on the left is Crimsonblade and on the right is Leon. They're the final two candidates in the elimination stages of the Way of Moderation.

3,035 posts

Hmm....and now I wish I had been in the WoM, if only to have my character drawn by Strop.

10,816 posts

Shoutout to Cen whose suggestions helped me correct a couple of images to make them look more awesome.


...and fixed!

378 posts

Hey Strop, i just wanted to know if this was good or not =)

378 posts

Uh mabye this

10,816 posts

I'm guessing you did that with a mouse, in which case it's not a bad effort. Did you use a photo reference as well? The lines (while wonky) do give some impression of actual 3-dimensional shape, but I daresay you should probably focus on mastering shape with lines before moving onto colours, as the colour tool you've used is unwieldy with a mouse and won't help you much unless you already understand how to draw 3-dimensional objects.

If you get a chance to use actual drawing tools, it's always worth practicing a few simple drills:

1) Try drawing two straight parallel lines as close as you can to each other without actually touching. Draw lots of objects that require straight lines, like a picket fence.

2) Divide some paper into ten or so sections, then shade them progressively so that the first section is completely white and the last section is completely black.

3) Draw a circle. Try to make it as smooth and even around as you can. Once you get used to that, pick a light source, then shade it using cross-hatching.

4) Vanishing point perspective. Rule a straight horizontal line, this is your horizon. Then pick a vanishing point. From this point, you can draw an object where all the lines oriented in the direction of the vanishing point will eventually converge on that point, thus giving you the impression of perspective. For more advanced practice, use two vanishing points on the horizon.

378 posts

I did use a reference and did use a mouse Thanks for the help!

10,816 posts

Alright guys, I've said I play the piano many times on this forum before, and this is my thread. Also, I've already 'unmasked' myself here by posting photos of myself on the official faces thread in the Tavern. So I figured this would be a good time to plug some duet stuff I did with my brother while I was holidaying.

My brother and I have both played piano for more than twenty years each. Performance and music exams were part and parcel of our every day life growing up, only it became strictly recreational for me when I started studying medicine, and he continued to study it formally. Now he's in the middle of a Doctorate of Musical Arts.

Recently, my brother bought got a melodica. At first a cheap plastic one that cost $38. And because he's a bit of a nut, he went and recorded himself butchering some old timey pieces.

My brother playing Fantasie Impromptu on melodica. Warning, not for the faint of heart or fragile of ear!

I've heard and played Fantasie Impromptu too many times to take it seriously anymore. Personally I think it's overrated and understand why Chopin wanted it burnt, as opposed to published. But when I saw this video I lol'd. And wanted to play this melodica.

So I inherited the cheap piece of plastic (to try out) while my brother got himself a very expensive one. And while I was there we decided to jam on it together and his friends (who are also musicians) got very enthused about it and asked us to play in a concert, which was meant to be held by a bunch of fellow doctorate musicians. Apparently they had all bailed, so we had to try and fill in somehow. Turns out on the day that they all showed up, and were playing all this serious music, and we were playing...

Rondo Alla Turca.

Flight of the Bumblebee.

On melodicas. Woo. At least the audience found it entertaining.

After that (qualified) success, we turned our attention to something we've wanted to do for a long time but never really got around to: piano duets. So we arranged a few pieces and sat on the piano and banged out a few recordings:

Stars and Stripes Forever. Sousa's best known flagrant Americana. Done on New Year's Day.

Comedians Gallop. The afternoon I was leaving, my brother said to me "so you wanna do something?" A couple of hours later, this resulted.

Currently I'm working on a few original works. Somebody with a rather eccentric (i.e. awesome) taste in music made some pretty extravagant promises if I could arrange some Shostakovich, which is easier than it sounds, so I guess I've got plenty to do on this front now!

9,821 posts

Oh my god. I watched all of the ones you linked to + the Arabian Nights cover. All of them are awesome. I have a fetish for weird instruments, so I enjoyed these a lot. . . . Do you know if your brother owns a theremin?

10,816 posts

Do you know if your brother owns a theremin?

I know he doesn't. It's hard to source that kinda thing.

In other news I finally got a Smartphone. Went with Android because it suits me better.
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