This little thing called intelligence. Killing most animals is like killing a rock. They are virtually machines to survive, human has developed intelligence thus setting us apart.
You should think about that ....Were machines to survive too dont forget it
I think they shouldnt, if animals start having rights becaose they are alive after that plants will also get rights becaose they are alive and who knows where we would get..
*Reads pig example* LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL LMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAO That is priceless. And point to you for knowing the right answer to the question in the title. INTELLIGENCE sets us apart.
whats the difference between transporting cattle in a cattle car to a slaughterhouse where they will die for something they didnt control, like being a cow, and the holocaust where people were transported to deathcamps where they were killed because of what they were brought up to believe, jewism. tell me the difference? Thats the main reason i think i would be a vegetarian... im not but i have thought about it
whats the difference between transporting cattle in a cattle car to a slaughterhouse where they will die for something they didnt control, like being a cow, and the holocaust where people were transported to deathcamps where they were killed because of what they were brought up to believe, jewism. tell me the difference? Thats the main reason i think i would be a vegetarian... im not but i have thought about it
How about the fact meat helps us survive, is a natural thing to eat, and is a complete protein? Not only does it taste good, but the correct amount helps build muscle.
Because it's the difference between nature and being human. In nature, might makes right, so we get to eat the cows. In being human, might doesn't make right. What Hitler did was wrong. And is completely different than killing cows.
Right to life, and happiness. Animals may or may not have been here first. Treat them with respect is all we need to ask. Hunting for sport isn't as ok with me. Hunting for food? Totally agree. Humans kill incessantly lately, making many species extinct. We also pollute the only Earth we have, killing animals that way too. (INSERT rant about bp oil spill here.) Treat all living creatures with respect. But if they attack you first, you have the right to defend one's self.