lol all i say is that dont abuse animals/pets.... Like most animals are lacking brain size, lobes in the brain, and other crucial brain parts that use humans have. Its impossible to give animals rights when they can't understand what rights are themselves. They know when they are happy, mad, sad, hurt, and they can understand how to do tricks and recognize people. But they just don't have the brain capacity/ know how of understanding what being a model citizen is... I mean we dont go around humping anything that attracts us do we? (this is a reference to dogs mostly) =P. But ya abuse is intolerable and ppl should be hit for hitting... How would you like someone 8.5 feet tall and very buff kicking your stomach, and throwing you against a wall? Probably wouldn't like it that much would ya?
I think animals are like humans only they lack the IQ and the basic mental charactaristics in a human which makes them so different from what they call "animals"
animals should have rights but not 2 the extreme like not killing then at all since plants also technically can feel if u say killing animals is wrong then so is killing plants which means we have no food
Not necessarily. It's actually more accurate to say that rights follow from respect, but not the other way around. We grant something rights because of some kind of respect.
To possess a right simply means that someone has an obligation toward the possessor. A right is not a "thing" that you are given and need to hold onto if it's to be respected. It's not like a license, legal contract or certificate that is useless to you if you don't have the capacity to understand it. Nor is it a blanket form of respect. It's simply a word that helps describe the recipient component of a moral relationship with a moral agent, in the same way that the word "employee" describes a employment relationship with a employer.
There animals like the tiger (favorite animal) that are in danger of extinction and if they continue hunting it, it would disappear. The animals could have rights not same as the men, but they should have some.
Every human should have rights. Even the animals especially the ones that are in the endangered species list. All the animals should have rights endangered or not endangered.
What exactly are we doing that bothers animals that nature doesn't do? Humans chop down trees for houses WHICH WE NEED! Nature creates forest fires and burns down whole forests. On that point, humans are in someway helping animal habitats. In many cases, we stop fires from spreading.
I'm sorry but that statement overall pissed me off. Yes, we do need the wood and I'm not gonna give the alternate resource excuse (which we could, but alot less effective), the problem is that we are doing it WAY too EXISISVLEY. That's pretty much the problem, you neglected that we commit to deforestation, not just chopping down trees.
ANYWAYS, back on topic. The "rights" of animals is in balance, though there are so many different loopoles inside their rites, that many people tend to abuse them. Carnivals should be shut down, or at least have better conditions for the animals.
lol freaco... shoving a fire cracker up the ass of cat... lol a site to see. it would be brutal yes, but how the f'ck did u think of that lol. Anyways i think lab testing is worse than abusing. It would be like putting u in a cage freaco, then pouring all these untested chemicals on you. They could burn through you, could cause major radiation to your body. Make you get cancer... Mutilate your children.. All those kinds of things. Those are the major things im against. Lab testing and abusing animals.. thow they both fall in the same category