I know the cartoon of Pokemon is pretty bad but the games are great but you have to admit, a world where Pokemon existed would be pretty cool. Comments people? I'm not saying it should be like that, just that it'd be cool if it were. Also, feel free to talk about the games and asking for trades here.
Hmm, I do not even know the difference between the region, if I have to be honest. I have only seen the first season and half the second, so not sure if it is different. I would choose Orange Islans, because... It is islands?
I know. Because of the channal hosting the show "forgot" to show the rest of season 2, 3, 4, 5, and half of 6, I only know some of things happening. I have looked it up on Serebii.net, but it is not quite the same. But I tend to see Kanto as rather light and flat, with a lot of fields, and Johto as a rocky place, darker and more mysterious.
Yeah greg that would be pretty cool but isnt there like the best one that would take over us all ?
Well, pokemon tend to mind their own business, and if it was a world of coexistance, it would not be a problem. Most of the legendaries would rather be left alone, and most of them sleep untill they are needed, or woken.
thx cenere im seriouss i dont want to sound stupid i used to be more into pokemon idk what happened but yeah i think sometimes it is the humans influence who currupt the pokemon
Well, again, my argument is coexistance. If we grow learning and knowing that pokemons are friends, well... And of course bad trainers have "bad" pokemon, but that doe snot mean that a pokemon would take over the world.
I'd probably be one of the not-homosexual male coordinators (seems like there really isn't too many), and then show off devastating double attacks that would easily kill any human being. For example, dark ball + electro-shock. Now wouldn't that just be hunky-dorey?
Oh, cool!! It would be beautiful and deadly, really. Non-gay coordinators... Hard to find, I must say. On the other hand, if you have a powerful, strong pokemon, no one will bully you for being a male coordinator.