who thinks communism is good, bad , or misunderstood? i think communism was currupt by that monster Stalin an therefore, it became hard for that form of government to be truely used as Marx had intended it.
Because he wasn't, and his 'Socialism in one country' is completely bankrupt. Socialism cannot occur in one country, and Stalin's Russia is no exception.
'Socialism is one country' is a tactic not a principle. Since the German revolutions and many others failed, the hope of a world revolution was pretty hopeless. So what was Stalin to do other then just to strengthen a country itself until opportunity came?
I'm not defending Stalin's monsterness completely, but the Western propaganda surely is an over board.
I know that ideas and theories of philosophers are some thing with an almost good looking shape but when those ideas are about to become real, there would lack some few sub-theories. those sub-theoris are terribly horrible.
The theories are quite simple and never failed. Everything to put place those theories went wrong.
you can't find a communist country which its people live in balanced economical society and it's the worst paradox with basic theories and practical governs.
There has been no 'communist country'. (Btw take note that this term does not make sense since communist calls for he desegregation of a state. And the Soviet's standards of living were surely a lot better then the former tsarist Russia under Nicholas II. Those economic conditions might have been the best possible since Russia was very agricultural and not industrialized. Although the civil rights is something to argue about. Not that I'd defend them.
Hmm I personally think communism is bad because it lets people never have the chance to become rich and it has censorship...
Acquiring wealth can be viewed as a dangerous hobby. It is just done for enjoyment, and does not so largely improve ones standards of living. It is dangerous as it is one men being more powerful then the other. For you to be rich, you must have others working under you, which of course is not fair.
Also, there is no infinite amount of wealth, so the more YOU have, the less others get.
But democracy is also bad because we have people with massive amounts of cash who dont pay bills according to their amount of money properly.
Democracy is the not right term here. >_> You mean capitalism?
I believe a mix of socialism and democracy would work the best..
Technically, communism is a democracy.
I dislike Communism because it is too easy to exploit. It is supposed to create a classless, stateless society. But it's very easy for a corrupt person to take power and claim to be leading the world to Communism.
Thats why we put rules in the Constitution to prevent such thing, and not give so much power to the leader as we transcend into communism.
He was a horrible dictator and represented the bureaucratic counter-revolution that occurred in Russia following the Civil war of 1919-22.Why did he have to have the party purges in the 1930's, killing off any memory of what Bolshevism stood for
Stalin was paranoid with his so-called "Old School Communists" and the military, it isn't so honorable for somebody to kill their own comrades who deserve more than a little credit for the rise of communism in Russia. Stalin also was not a good leader after all for the people, who would often be tortutred and killed simply for disagreeing with his views.
well all I can say is this: The so-called "Man of Steal" was certainly not a man of Marx, in fact I can safely say that he just made a new form of government ( not communism )in the form of once widely spread Stalinism. If the people are oppressed, they have no voice, and they are ruled by a tyrant, the country that can be matched with those attributes is either a Fascist nation, Absolute Monarchy, plain old Despotism, or is simply a poser for communism.
My main problem with Communism is that it provides no incentive for people to excel, because they get nothing out of it. No matter how well someone does, their excess profit goes to "the greater good". They don't see a dime of it. So the result is that they eventually stop trying. And if enough people stop trying, the whole system collapses because nobody is putting anything into the pot.
Thats why we put rules in the Constitution to prevent such thing, and not give so much power to the leader as we transcend into communism.
A constitution means nothing. The US constitution guarentees, Habeas Corpus, and a fast and fair trial. Think the constitution applies at all right now?
North Korea's constitution practically repeats the US First Ammendment: Right to speech, religion, press, etc. Yet it is without a doubt the most unfree state in the world right now.
And if you have a constitution, you need a power to enforce it. How would a classless, stateless society exist? What happens when someone tries to rebel against the system? No government is in place to stop him/her. Let's say you then get a tentative leader to put down the rebellion. Do you think this leader would really give up his powers to bring back the classless, stateless society? Not a chance. Marxism is too flawed to work. There is no way such a society could exist without someone trying to take power.
The only incentive that exists in capitalism is that of the capitalist to make more, not any for the workers. And the intensity of work would decrease, of course. There wouldn't be as much needed to be produced.
Your forgetting people have power...in a communist society, anyways. There still is authority, its just controlled by the people.
I'm not really educated enough to answer the "withering away of the state". A 'constitution' is my way of it.
And its pretty bs to say leaders never gave up their power. They never had reason to.
There is no way such a society could exist without someone trying to take power.
There is no significant amount of people in our society thinking about they are going to overthrow the government so they get all them power to themselves
Why would someone try and take power? Why would people allow them to? What would they do with their power? Have everyone make great statues of themselves? Lol, why the hell would people deal with it?
Do you think this leader would really give up his powers to bring back the classless, stateless society?
Another way would be to overthrow him. When conditions for communism are met and there is no need for a leader, its a great incentive for people to rebel.
The only incentive that exists in capitalism is that of the capitalist to make more, not any for the workers. And the intensity of work would decrease, of course. There wouldn't be as much needed to be produced.
Well, in real capitalism, if a worker does a good job, they should move up in the company(get promoted/a raise). There are many true American success stories like this...
In Communism, because the government runs everything, everyone is stuck in their job and they can't do much about it, no matter how well they do in their assigned position. Because they don't get paid by merit, they find no reason to excel in their field.
the motivator for communism can be seeing your country prosper, caring for others and prehaps working for self-saticfaction. There is no need to be brought up in a world where money is everything, and in that case the people them sleves become currupt and leave nothing for the less fortunate when they easily can. Communism is ment to help all and is ment to let people see the real reason why it is we are all suppose to work. Rather than just telling someone " if you do this much i'll pay you more than than what he gets MUCH more," as if they were a greedy little child. Greed not always such a good attribute. IN MY BOOKS however...
...Well, my point is that "the greater good" in most communist societies can be translated as "the greater bad". as they pay everyone a fixed income, the surplus goes straight to the pockets of the elites. Communism is the most greedy society I know.
Unfortunately, not everyone has the mentality of "the good of all." Most people are self-centered and care more about themselves. Thus they set out to work for themselves. If there are no direct benefits to me for my actions, I'm not going to work.
There is no significant amount of people in our society thinking about they are going to overthrow the government so they get all them power to themselves
Again, you are daydreaming. It's another utopia you are trying to establish where everyone thinks the same. It can't, and won't happen.
well if you read some of the earlier posts,Communism is misunder stood by the masses because of Stalin. The average person simply isn't smart enough to see beyond his own greed; Communism is the perfect philosophy for a world in which we take only what we need, nothing more, and nothing less. For you people who believe in God, is that not what you are taught? Not to be greedy and not to put yourself above sociaty?