Well, I do my part for keeping the plane green. I have 100% renewable enegery.
Yeah, it is true. I have about 200 gerbils running on wheels to power the small appliances, and 100 small children on treadmills to power everything else. If they collapse or get sick, I have a reserve of 50 or each in a closet.
I REALLY have renewable enegies at home: I have two sets of solar panels which heat my water, in summer as in winter (i live in the south of france and we always have sunshine!!) + photovoltaic panels which aliment electric heating, lights...
Wow, that is really great. You do more than me. I always recycle (including bringing bottles and cans home from school to do so,) but I never thought about using solar panels. How do you get them? Do they require a lot of work? I have bad winters, does that mean anything?
Solar panels are easy to get (at least in France) but they're a bit expensive. there's a liquid that runs into them and heats very quickly as soon as you have some light (UVs) It then goes through water and heats it via contact. Obviously, they work better with a lot of sunshine, but they work non the less when it's cloudy but you won't get extremely hot water. Anyways we have an electric heater wich takes the relay if water temperature drops under 50 °C.
Photovoltaic panels are a bit harder to get. They work similarly to solar panels, but they produce electricity directly. they're very effective during the day.
i agree a ice age will counteract it but a ice age would be allot worse due to the fact that we are dependent on technology oil faren trade a ice age will bring famine war will break out over natural resources it will go nuclear and it will be the end
What happens is that after a period of rapid warming (this happened around 10,000 years ago), it melts all the ice and throws of the ocean circulation. When this happened 10,000 years ago, it quickly threw the climate back into an ice age.
Indeed, Carlie. While I think that we should cut down on C02 emissions and things like that, we cannot directly relate global emissions to global warming. It appears to be correlated, but it could just be a third factor, such as cyclical variation is global climate. But I won't even pretend to know the factors or implications of this cycle, but looking at very old trees seems to be evidence for this.
I did state some of the above post before. Anyway, I think the one worst pollution source is not factories or cars, and definetly not airplanes, but rather carlessness and having no will to help the listed issues.
Or, you know, farmland animals. They put ungoldy amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere each day. But I forgive them, because they are delicious. Just remember that deliciousness when we are all suffering heat waves one minute then in a deep freeze the next. I know I will.
You're right devoidless, i didn't mention about them earlier because i thought it would be to deep...
anyways, cattle produce loads of metan which is a gas 50 times more powerful than carbon dioxid. It has been calculated that a single cow produces around 400 litres of methan PER DAY!!
people eat too much meat nowadays, and so we produce more and more cattle...