in fact, cows have got 2 "stomachs"; When they eat grass, it goes in the 1st stomach for some period, then the kinda vomit it and chew it again. this is where the methan is emitted. When they finished chewing it, it goes into their second stomach, etc; There'salso some methan in their dejections, which is bad for the rivers... but this is another subject
I agree zombieslayer,the next ice age could counter act it.But global warming is real and the average tempurature on Earth is raising by 1.1* F every year.The next Ice Age isn't for 20 million years.
Not to mention with in 1 million years the moon will be so far away from earth(it goes 1 cm farther away every year)it will get whipped into Venus's or Mars's Gravity,thus we won't have tides and tides are cruicial to the cooling of beach areas and other areas many miles in-land.
Well the global warming is true, and the next ice age is possible, because of the Atlantic current that might stop, but this MIGHT happen in couple of hundreds of years.
um i reallly dont understand why an ICE AGE would make it all better. i mean it might counteract it and so what. you really think it'll just be easy to live through centuries and centuries of an ice age? -_-
Aren't studies showing that global warming would actually bring on an unnatural ice age? I think the logic goes that if the polar ice caps melt due to warming, then the water temperature in the planet gets much colder. It would also be considerably harder to heat the water (water has a very high specific heat) and so heat would not be retained in the planet as easily. I am certainly not terribly confident of my abilities to present this argument well, but the point still remains - an ice age wouldn't be a solution, it would be a result of global warming.
well moegreche, you're right about that if all the ice melts, the water will be slightly cooler, but (and this is worse) ice contains no salt and so water will be less salted (i don't know how to explain this but I think you can get it) scientists think it will porbably highly perturbate the gulf stream effect in the atlantic. this would result in a cooling of africa ans europe
an ice age is a heavy word as some regions should be spared... but it's true that sothern europe would be greatly affected by this. i don't know about the consequences for america...
I really don't believe that pollution is a huge contributor to global warming. Is it there? Yes. Does it have an effect? A minor one. But I believe that we as humans are not powerful enough yet that we can change the atmosphere of the planet itself to a major extent. Rather, this is just a natural climate change, something that happens on Earth from time to time. The medieval warm period, I use as an example. And that wasn't caused by pollution.
I thought this topic had been definitely closed and all issues had been solved. Obviously I was mistaken... megamickel, did you read all the previous posts that were left on this issue? Basically, we brought forth evidence that humans are the only responsible for global warming. the natural effect is really minimate and never such an intensive warming had been detected in the past. WE are amplifying theis natural effect and the consequences could be dreadfulo if we don't react quickly enough. The proofs are there!! If you don't trust me, read the Giec reports and all their scientific evidence!!! Their results can't be denied!
BTW, I don't know where you heard about a medieval warming period: natural warming is a process that only occurs every 10 000 years or so, and I know that in france in the middle ages, climate was much cooler; it even sometimes snowed in summer!! (today, it hardly snows where i live, even in winter)
... I'm not reading 20-odd pages worth of posts. There's no SCIENTIFIC data directly proving we are responsible for global warming - it's all speculation. Environmentalism as a concept doesn't appeal to me, since I live in the here and now, focusing on what we need to do now to continue living the way we are.
And for the medieval warm period: Article And it was subsequently followed by the little ice age, which I believe is leading us into the current stage of global warming. Global warming will then lead us to another cool period, which will give way to more warmth. There have been records of warm and cool periods throughout history, and yet we attribute global warming to ourselves? I choose not to be so much of an egotist.
On the contrary you are an egoist, since you only think of your well being and not for the other generations. And there is a group of experts named the IPCC composed of the 2500 most renowned scientists on this planet and created by the UN ( I hope you know what that is). They posted a report on global warming and they did bring evidence. here is the link to their reports. i guess ou won't read them, but still I'll give you the link...
the only scientific proof I've yet to see.. -- Yearly Tempretures at an average have gained near 1 .4 Degrees or so. On no, Last April Twenty Third It was 80 Degrees, its gonna be 81 now! duck and COVEH! Dont' think so. Global Warming is a climatical change which goes on for what we don't know because science wasn't strong enough to say what it was when it happened. The world is always changing. The only thing I say is.. Conserve Water and Dont litter. THOSE have HUGE drawbacks. But the whole gasseous Fumes have nothing to do with me. The only reason its taught in schools is beacuse its even better not to use so much gas. But thats a part of the world now, and it has no climatical drawback.
Also, megamickel, I did go to see the arcticle you showed, but since it's in wikipedia, i can't accord much credibility to it as this community is manipulated by people who want to preserve their own interests. sorry