Even if Global Warming is fake(which I don't believe), people should still reduce greenhouse gases, they pollute the air, and affect people quite a bit, so reducin green hhouse gases will make us somewhat heallthier.
the RIGHT thing to do is not pollote but the SMART thing to do it pollute cus u only live for 100 years and by the time globalwarming takes effect you would be dead so why not pollute?
well.... hmmm children? they will die in 100 years and your grandchildren will die 2 and u woudent even know your grand grandchildren so... why not pollute?
we cant stop global warmimg we can only delay or speed up the effects. 1/4 of the greenhouse gasses produced came from the sea anyway so it was still going to happen
Actually, some people say that the World is going to flood. But, the Bible said that the World will not flood again. So it is about religion. Sorry if something else is happening. I just read the first page.
To all the people giving up on the World: Chevorlet trucks are already starting to make electric and different non-gas powered vehicles. Same for Ford and a lot of other companies. If America stops polluting. Then we get about 20 more years. ( I'm in America, it's bad. Lol).
If you beleive that you should polute because you will die anyways, you are simply selfish. There is nothing else to say. The reason you should not polute is to save the future from having evin more harm done.
well you will die in 100 years and the globalwarming will take effect in 10000 years so you will not be effected and your children wont and your grandchildren and your grandgrandchildren no polluteing doesent do any harm to you
Why would anybody want their relatives to suffer, How could you not CARE? The world has been around for thousands of years, and id be really ticked off if we managed to destroy it within 100!