The climate around the world is increasing because of green house gases, blah blah blah. Nater, you should really go out and sniff the roses. It is happening right in front of you.
Oh ya, also, Ninjacube: Don't be a fag. Just because someones Armator is an animal does not make them overly concerned about warming. She may be, I would not know, i am just saying, don't make unjustly assumptions.
I don't think it exists either and also I didn't realize that my last comment would be taken offensively. I use sarcasm alot on the topic of global warming.
@ Graham: Please read through the posts, and you will see that there has been plenty of evidence brought forth. I am not going to go back and bring it all forward again.
@ Ninjacube: I just thought the polar bear was cute... lol. It has nothing to do with global warming. Although yes, I do know that global warming is happening, and that it is affecting the polar bears habitat.
@ Ricador: What is your evidence that global warming is not happening?
My argument that global warming is occurring is presented in pages 26-28. The part that I feel very strongly about is located on page 28. Since then, I have done a research study and experiment on global warming and its effect of ocean acidification in the ocean. The fact is, the increasing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is caused by humans. And another fact is that this is detrimentally affecting the Earth in very different ways.
In my experiment I exposed sea urchin larvae to increased levels of CO2 caused by global warming that are projected for the year 2100. Urchins grown in increased CO2 grow slower, are less healthy, and have a higher mortality rate. The fact is, increasing CO2 is harming our oceans.
I'm sure that the sea creatures will die if we have more CO2, but what I'm saying is that there will be the same amount of C02 as there is today as there will tomorrow.