Global warming? Bah, I'll believe it when our summers actually start to get warmer. Last year we had one of the coldest summers in a century or so. I am not saying there is 'no way' global warming is real, but as of the moment, I am doubting it's factuality ( < word?).
Global warming does not necessarily mean that summers are hotter, just that weather is getting more dramatic in general. And if you look at it, summers are getting hotter in most places, and winters are getting colder. It is the fact that it is becoming more extreme, not necessarily warmer.
Well yes, weather is getting more extreme, much to the delight of those who believe in Armageddon. If that alone can be classified as global warming, than yes, I believe in global warming. As far as weather becoming warmer, that is not really what I am seeing, based on my research. But, it has come to my attention that that does not matter in this subject (kudos to the polar bear )
o please don't talk about the polar bears they are over 15000 in population right now and they only recorded that data in one small region of northeastern canada
read the first 2 paragraphs if you think everything is melting
I just realized I may have spammed Hopefully I can repair the damage done by making a point.
Global warming is causing unpredictable weather patterns. As we are beginning to see many droughts and floods, areas seeing record low temperatures are just as good evidence for global warming as areas seeing record high temperatures.
That being said, I do believe global warming is happening. But not on the doomsday scale being predicted by Al Gore and others.
As the global temperature increases, countries near the equator will begin to be able to produce less kinds of food. However this will be offset by the fact that other countries will be granted the ability to grow foods they could not before.
@Graham I'm not so sure, off the bat I don't like that he didn't link the specific articles that he was referencing but some basic searching of the site in question (, which is more of a news site then the "sciece website" that he claims it is) shows that it's not a peer reviewed scientific journal and that the articles that they were using didn't cite any of the studies that had been done to prove them.
On top of that, this is one year of data versus about a hundred years of data. Which, while not much still has to be weighed into consideration. I don't have any of the exact numbers, but then again I'm not a climatologist, which I'm guessing you aren't either, and I know that Rush isn't.
Then there was the fact that the first article that I did go to on the DailyTech site said that this wasn't a stop of global warming but rather a delay of it due, not to any of our intervention or a lack of a problem or anything of that nature but rather due to changing ocean currents (a natural phenomenon which occur rather regularly if I'm not misunderstanding this) which are very similar to El Nino/La Nina.
Yes, what they've seen does mean that our models may not be right, and yes, this may mean that "global warming" doesn't exist. However, this one year of data does not prove that irrefutably and more study has to be done before we can reach a conclusion.
That said, why should we not start taking steps to correct in case that global warming is in fact a problem that we do have to deal with instead of waiting to know that it is (it would be proved when temperatures on Earth leave the range of human habitation in my opinion, which would really be far too late for us anyway) since we can also solve other problems that we face now in ways that would correct for "global warming". For example we could start switching to nuclear power and other 'clean' power sources like hydro and geothermal to slow global warming and also reduce our dependence on foreign fossil fuels, or we could further develop electric and hydrogen fuel cells as means of transportation. Will you please tell me what's wrong with that, as it would be a solution to problems that we're facing now (crazy expensive oil if you hadn't guessed) as well as having the benefit of having tremendous public support since it *might* help us 'fight global warming,' what's wrong with that?