mariojr89, YOU ARE COMPLETELY RIGHT... ALMOST! Yes, the Earch has always gone through a process of heating and cooling. You fail to realize that Global Warming itself is not the problem, it is how fast Global Warming is taking effect. Yes it is true people can adapt to new lifestyles over time, but with Global Warming speeding up the heating proces as fast as it is now... by the time we adapt to conditions, there will be financail problems throughout the world. Not to mention that such drastic changes will make many plants and animals go extinct. Oh sure, we will have new speceis evolve and adapt to the climate change... in about half a million years.
Also, many of you think that farmers can easily "change the way they farm." That is so completely wrong, how are they going to change the way they farm? Grow something other than corn, potatos, green beans, and every other food taht we eat to survive? Sure farmers may be able to switch to a crop like cotton, but we can't live off cotton.
Sure, maybe humans won't go extinct if they end up having to grow less crops, but prices for EVERYTHING will sky rocket, not just food.
When prices sky rocket, people need to work harder for money. Companies will have to pay their workers more money (considering raising prices), and will not be able to afford needed suplies for their companies, thus meaning less producion and more lay offs. More lay offs means... less people will have jobs (obviously). And if less people have jobs, well you should not need me to explain anymore. If you do then you do not belong in this thread and need to leave.
--LONG POST- Stay with it if you want a bit of reason--
This topic is filled with stupid people. Not ignorant, STUPID people. Ignorance is simply unknowing. Some of you are stupid for not researching this topic at all and still are rattling off opinions about it as if your words are law. Very few of you are 'smart': Tot, God, and NoNameC68... You, are smart.
"Data can only go so far"-fride76
You OBVIOUSLY have no idea of what data is! It is information. If data can only go so far, then you base all of your opinions on beliefs.
@Sisu- Sunspots? Are you kidding?
Here are my points
1.Global warming IS happening, and happening too fast, as NoNameC68 said.
2.Don't base your opinion solely on the bible if you want to have a discussion.--If you base your opinions solely on the bible, and feel you need to post, post "bible" and don't post again.
3.The ice is melting, polar bears are dying for lack of land, and the sea level is rising. But when ice in water melts, doesn’t the water level go down? Yes, but nearly all of the ice that is melted by global warming is ice that is on land and therefore the water level rises. Just clearing that up.
4.Looking at history will show you how things SHOULD be, not how they WILL be. Because of greenhouse gases released into the air by humans, this time, everything is different; unnatural.
5.Finally, An ice age will NOT "counteract" global warming. Global warming will eventually CAUSE an ice age. --I won’t go into detail here, just look it up--. An ice age is exactly what we DON’T want.
1. This
2. This
3. This
4. No, you have this wrong. The long term cycles of global warming and cooling are still in place, but human activities are making them more extreme. we must factor long term weather patterns into our predictions if we want them to be anywhere near accurate, but we must also factor in the influence of added variables, such as pollutants like Co2 and Methane.
5. I assume you are referring to the research reported in this article: ""
In that case (Correct me if I am wrong) the weakening of the gulf stream current will only have significant effects on the coastal parts of the European Union.
4.Dude, that's what I was saying. You should have referred to what NoName said. I mentioned his comment about changes happening too quickly. Of course natural cycles are still happening. They are just happening in an unnatural way.
5.No, you are not wrong, but those findings were a possible scale-model of worldwide currents.
--Also, you misunderstood my statement. That was my fault. I said global warming "will" cause an ice age. This language was too strong. I meant it is a possibility that this will happen. I said what I said mainly to refute a comment by... some one, I can't find it now.
By the way, sorry I left you off my list of 'smart' people. I just missed your comments I guess. And...what do you mean by 'this'on #'s 1-3?