Everybody is talking about the first black president, but nobody is mentioning Barack Obama's mother. Barack obama's mother is from the plains, and is 100% white. So unless his father is 100% black, then Mr. Obama cannot be considered the first black president.
Obama's father is NOT 100% black. He's not even 50% black. Only one of Obama's great-grandparents is actually black!!!
Therefore, even though Obama may have a good tan, he is the 44th white president of the US.
Windshift, he is more white than black. According to Agent, his mom is white and his dad is... 1/4 black? That's an interesting statistic, though.
I posted this because it's the cold, hard truth, which has been altogether ignored for the vague promises of "hope" and "change" for the past 3 months.
(From page 1) If that is true, then all the better! If the fact that Obama isn't black has been ignored, then voters either completely believe or view Obama as black. The voters voted for a black person, even though they were wrong. So the truth isn't as cold and hard as it seems. To the average voter, Obama was black.
Now, that only covers the voting process. We can take pride in voting for a black person, but we can't take pride in actually having a black person as president.
people who hate based on color see him as black, people who love based on color see him as black, people who voted for him see him as black, he's internationally viewed as black, he sees himself as black, the man is black
That's the part that's critical for me. It's a choice all of us mixed race folk come up against in how to describe ourselves on all those silly forms. I generally tend to go with whatever a person self identifies as.
Well, i dont fee the need that race must play a role into this election. With the state of our economy, shouldnt we focus on issues and not the color of his skin?
Guys race was made by society, we are all "black", all people descended from Africa, all skin is brownish only in different shades, race was made so people could be prejudiced and make fun of others for being different, so technically he is the 44th black president not the 44th white president.
Besides, he may be biracial but I have explained how he really isn't, skin color is made by the melanin in your skin so if you are close to the equator your skin is dark so that you don't get sunburn as easily, same with lighter skin, it adjusts to how dark you must be in order to not get sunburn as easily. Since in some areas the sun beats down more than in other places, and that is why skin can be different colors, and I believe that I've proved my point that he is not any race and that it was made by society.
armor_warrior, I don't disagree (and of course you're right that everyone on the planet is African if you go far enough back the family tree). But as long as it's still regarded in society as having some relevance or influence (if if only at a cultural level which of course relates more to nationality than race in many respects) there will be meaning in the way one chooses to identify oneself.
Based on the way we have developed our categorization in the United States, I would say he is Black. But because I say he is black doesn't mean its an OMG moment, he's just black, not even full black, and many people are black so its not a big deal. I don't care what race, ethnicity, nationality our president is as long as his background, and early life educated and shaped him in a way that he will want the best for our nation, and will actually help. I believe this is true in this case. I'm happy because he is the first president i have seen who really wants to make our country number one again. And it also happens that he is the first black president.
There is meaning to the way that one identifies themselves, I would say that I am white even though all people descended from Africa but that is made by society so I was trying to say that it doesn't matter what race he is since we are all the same if you go back far enough.