ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
10,816 posts

[quote]DOOM! They're all gonna die!

Nah, it'll be a happy ending. It always is. [/quote]

How about an ambiguous ending? I'm a fan of those.
13,657 posts

The first loud scream struck everybody. Phil and his friends stared with fear at the scene, Delairi next to them shifted to her big cat form, ready to either run or fight. Billy drifted slowly from one side to another.
As it faded, the group stood frozen. "Is he dead..." Charlie asked, but no one answered. Azu seemed less affected by the cruel scream, but he was still on guard.
"... It is occupied now. We can figure a way out." The dragon put down the lifeless boy and began directing people. Then the next scream came.


She wondered how the sound could come out of it. She grabbed at the being with her other hand, finding threads of life shaking under the flesh. It was silent again, the feelings of fear and pain and confusion making her smile. It tickled a little. She enjoyed the emotions for some time before getting to the actual action.
She forced some of the power into the body, making the being scream out again. She pushed some more, wondering why the being fell limp. The power wouldn't fit, and she discarded the body, throwing it aside. She looked at the group, thrashing at the sand. The sound of magic was loud, but there was something beautiful about it, fragile as well. She could not use it.
She turned her attention towards the open area before her.
'Power cannot be taken or stolen. It should be given freely.' The cold voice told her, and she remembered her training and her master telling her it, the book in which it was written. She nodded.
Waving her own magic out, she called for the forgotten being hidden in the memory of this world. Her soldier.

10,816 posts


Strop: "Does not compute! Please reboot with Last Known Good Configuration!"

9,434 posts

Stop it with the cliffhangers already!

Nah, just continue them. They give me a lovely tingle up and down my spine. I like your writing still, Cen~

Now write more. Please?

4,375 posts

Wait a mnute, who was the lifelss body? Who was talking? GAH! My tiny brain can't handel this!

13,657 posts

Wait a mnute, who was the lifelss body? Who was talking? GAH! My tiny brain can't handel this!

Well, Kai got hit by Strop and fell over. My guess is the pain became too much for him to handle.
People are talking. The cold voice, well... Not telling you:P

I live on cliffhangers.
13,657 posts

The alien looked slightly annoyed when he was ordered to shoot at the air. "What a crappy plan.." He muttered. Dervysh shot beams of darkness into the sand,

nothing really happening. Vixen cheered on, though. The swordsman Dingsly did not move. This place was creeping him out, and he could not even help much.

"Oh... Pain..." Strop woke up slowly, his whole body screaming out in pain. Pretty much like someone had set his blood vessels on fire and put acid all over

him. It took him what seemed like a eternity before he got up. He never got on his hooves, the injuries of a kind making it stupid. Fractured bones, and he

would probably have some nasty bruises. How this had happened was on the other hand something he could not analyse.

That... Nergyl growled as his consciousness came back and became clearer. No f-ing black spot should be able to beat him up! His rage build up, but it took

longer for him to get up than he had thought.

The Lady looked over her shoulder at the wakening victims of her terror. The winged being looked like it wanted to attack. The other would probably be a

problem as well. She took a look towards the group, but they seemed unorganized, stupid, using up their powers on nothing. There was a shrieking sound behind

her, the winged being attacking. With a move of her hand, it was smashed against the Tower. The other whinnied. She threw it against the Tower as well.
She smiled, focusing on the magic before her, the death that gave life.


Wow, two uploads on one day!!

13,657 posts

Oh well, it is readable...

I think that I got all? I am not sure if I got any right...

4,375 posts

not sure what you ment by that cen, but sure you got it right! After all your writting it!

Poor dragon...:-(

13,657 posts

What dragon? Nergyl?

More the characters. I hate to write about characters I have little relation to, because I have no idea of how they should and would behave. I have enough problems with Cen fx, because he is a little new to me, and I still have not figured out completely how he thinks.

5,420 posts

I have enough problems with Cen fx, because he is a little new to me, and I still have not figured out completely how he thinks.

I find that kind of funny mainly because "Cen" not based of of yourself,like Strop is with Strop?I would think it would be a bit easier to figure out how a character based off of yourself would act,but who knows it may be a bit more complicated then that.There are some things in a writers mind you may never be able to understand,no matter their level of sanity.
9,434 posts

Oh, poor Strop... *mental pain*

And crimson, I think Cen is just an aspect of Cenere's own personality, and thus they only share some traits, not all.

Like me and Zoph. You guys don't even know her, but still. Well, most of the time she aint fit for a PG13 forum anyway, so that makes sense...

13,657 posts

Well, I am probably more synchronized with Kai. He was my first character to fit me, so I am having a greater affinity with him than Cen.
Cenere on the other hand is newer to me, and he is acting a little off when it comes to some of my personality. And still those two characters are closely related and very different.
*starts ramble*
Kai is.. Stubborn. Very stubborn. He acts for himself, rarely follows the rules, and usually gets in trouble rather easily because of it. He has a good sense of justice, though, but it usually depends on the situation. And he has an urge to travel. Restless. With a temper.
Cen is stubborn as well, but in another way. If people are right about something, well no reason to keep annoying them with his oppinions. He would only be stupidly stubborn about something if it is close to him. Like going to the doctor even if he is ill. He do follow the rules, and is trying to make other do as well, because to him, it would make the world easier. He still have grand problems with living alone, not only because he cannot cook for life, but because he is insecure about being on his own, and often misses his family. He would probably rather stay in bed than go anywhere when it is cold (Kai loves snow), and though he has a temper as well, he usually keeps it in until he is out of sight for anyone.
Kai would probably punch someone if he gets angry. He would like a family, but he is not sure if it would be a good idea as he is traveling and doing missions for the Government.
Both are slightly self destructive, Kai more external (cutting, hurting himself, eating painkillers and getting drunk), while Cen is mostly internal about it (mental pains, usually just punches at the wall, screams or starts hyperventilating).
And... I think I better stop now...... Making a fool of myself...

13,657 posts

And crimson, I think Cen is just an aspect of Cenere's own personality, and thus they only share some traits, not all.


... You know the rumble

What will win?!!
I knew there was a less complicated way od saying all that...

Hmm, I think I should humiliate both of them... Because I can.
2,301 posts

More stuff!

but I would like to put it up other places than here
Such as...

But if you don't want to use Xzeno, that's fine. Your compliant of not getting the feeling of him is a very good point, mostly because I have never developed him in any meaningful way. As for airstrikes, Xzeno was created for a game. His airstrikes have little to no story reason for existing beyond 'Rangers are just cool like that'. The reason no plane (or anything but targeting equipment) is required for such an attack is that this would force him to be highly dependent on air support, which is not as fun to play as it sounds.

But the rest do not!
There was too much seriousity in it, it seemed.

One of the reasons I'm so keen on a plot existing next time around is that I wanted to enter a character that was slightly more developed. (Though I wouldn't enter a major character - I have plans for them.)
How happy is the question.

How about an ambiguous ending? I'm a fan of those.
Yeah, by happy ending, I mean the good guys don't lose. Sure, they will get into a spot of trouble, but they always manage. This is because if a story about the good guys ended with them losing, the reader would not be pleased.

I find that kind of funny mainly because "Cen" not based of of yourself,like Strop is with Strop?
Public Service Announcement: Xzeno is in know way modeled off of me, in case anyone wondered.
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