ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

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There it was, the start of another day, the sun casting arcs of light against a small home atop a lonly hill. That was the house of dingsly. Mostly every one just knew him as ding. He had close choped black spiky hair, and had round small brown eyes. he had soft features, and very thin lips. His left ear had a small piercing in it. He was around 6'2, and weighed around 180 pounds. He was now pulling on his clothes...those of a mercinary. He wore brwon boots, that came half way up his shin, and cargo pants that he tucked down into his boots. He then put on a large black baelt with a silver belt buckel in the shap of a skull around his waist. From there he pulled on a chain mail shirt, that came down to about his calfs, and down to his wrists. From there he took a deep blue shirt, with a black cape. It had a collor that buttoned in the front and covered his neck. It was a beautiful jacket, with gold butons and cuflinks. From there he took out a cape from a trunk, it was long down to his feet allmost, made from some silken material. It was black, withan emblem on the back the resembled to dragons fighting each other, on blue, the other red. And the finall thing he needed, his sword. His sword was about 4'ft long, and was golen hilted. The blade turned inward and back out sharply, makeing a saw like effect accross that blade. And there was ding off to start another day. He was especially good, in close combat and fighting off more then one person at a time. He was rather quiet uselly, and no one seemded to know of his past. he never spoke of it really. Most people didn't know his name, Dingsly was thought to be his last name but no one was sure.

He was now setting out, walking out of the sorry excuse for a house he lived in, threating to fall down at the smallest gust of wind. England was were he was. He spoke over 5 laungeges from being all over the world. He had a hard weathered ace, with stoney eyes, and a rather grusome scar across hi neck in a diagonal fashion.

The morning was beautiful, birds chirping, sun shining, and a lazy brezze rolling across the meadow. To bad there was nothing beautifull about what he was heading out to do. That something was to kill for money. It didnt matter to him whom he killed, as long as the gold was there. He worked for a man named hecter, a rather plumb man who couldn't lift a sword, let alone fight a battle. He knew the most about ding, seeing as he raised him from a baby. Ding used to have a brother, an archer. The two of them out on the feild were unstopable. But one day, tristian (His brother) shot an arrow into kinglsys left shoulder, and before he realised who had shot him, he killed his brother. He know had tremendis dificulty moving his left arm, finding more then simple tasks a challenge.

Ok, So I did post this allready, but I added more detail, and a mager weakness for him. Enjoy.

1,463 posts

So when is it gonna semi start?

Btw I think the flash series idea is geniusly awesome!

Can't wait.

5,845 posts

We've known each other, for so long, you hearts been aching but, you're too shy to say it... *background music*

eh... I am currently making a Pazx + Garrow rickroll (Garrow will sing like a chipmonk) and a comic strip for my prologue...

I've memorised the code. I remeber v=oHg.

now on-topic: Looking forward to everything!

9,434 posts

This is the rickroll code I recognize: oHg5SJ
So kingryan and Pazx, you might as well give up, trying to redirect via Google links.
Or this is what will happen to your contestants.

Thanks, had to adjust your line of pick-up, but thank you for the extra information~

when is it gonna semi start?

Gonna start Sunday or Monday, when Cenere has written the starting stories. He's ill, so there might be a slight delay. Just keep an eye on this thread and your profile.

Thank you. And you're not too late, it's 12am AG time, so the last few still have a couple of hours...
10,816 posts

Wait, fst6, can Rawr do all his transformations?


I was mainly wondering if he walks on his hindlegs or all four?

Pazx, he could be like Turner from Lugaru and do both! omg win!

I am more excited than I should be for this competition. Far too excited. BUT MY EXAMS ARE IN A FORTNIGHT.
9,434 posts

I am more excited than I should be for this competition. Far too excited. BUT MY EXAMS ARE IN A FORTNIGHT.
Just the first round that will interfere with them, then?

Wait, fst6, can Rawr do all his transformations?
I am tempted to overrule that he can't, since I don't recall it being mentioned previously in this thread.
9,434 posts

Oh, my bad.

Can morph into other things (Nothing insanely powerful)
List of things plz?
1,463 posts

I can already tell that this will be totally epic, even if Phil and The Phil Squad get beaten.

I Renamed the rest of his team, lol.

10,816 posts

I am tempted to overrule that he can't, since I don't recall it being mentioned previously in this thread.

I hope he can. It would be absolutely hilarious.
9,434 posts

Less than half an hour left. I doubt Xzeno will get the info up in time.

Btw, I'll be constructing structured character sheets of everyone within the next day or two. The sheets will look as follows:
Image reference (only if the character has been drawn):
Build (body structure):
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such):
Items and/or natural weapons:
Preferred combat tactic/technique:
Allies (if any):
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses:

These are for the purpose of helping Cenere with having an easy overview of everybody, as well as providing an easy way for all of us to make believable depictions of the other contestants.
If you wanna help me get them done, fill in the information about your character. I will edit them so they are easier to read in context, as all the sheets so far have been very varied~
When they are done, they will be posted.

Examples (thanks to Strop for filling his out for me. :3):

Name: Ezale
Image reference (only if the character has been drawn):Here.
Height: 10 inches/26 cm.
Weight: 4,2 pound/1,9 kg.
Build (body structure): Round and fluffy.
Size: Small.
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such): Long fur, fluffy and soft in a rich green tone.Head/feet/tail fur is shorter and a bit darker. Bright blue eyes. Thin prehensile tail that is longer than she is tall.
Clothes: None.
Items and/or natural weapons: A little metal point, attached to her tailtip. It has four flat and sharp spikes and a pointy end. Besides that, her only weapon is her short yet pointy teeth.
Personality: Neutral. Won't assume anyone is either friend or foe before they have indicated it themselves. Will happily form an allegiance with someone. Tends to seem nervous and constantly on guard. Rarely sleeps for more than short periods of time. Values all life, yet is not afraid to kill, and in a stressed situation she won't hesitate to preserve her own life.
Preferred combat tactic/technique: Jump, jump, dodge, jump doge, jump, slice! Ninja-like jumping abilities, fast reflexes and a thoroughly practiced slicing technique. Will usually go for the throat or the eyes of an opponent.
Allies (if any): None, but she is willing to make alliances.
Strengths: Knows fighting techniques, and is experienced in close combat. Is rather dexterous. Knows how and when to hide. Learns new languages quickly. Can jump more than four times her height when using her tail. Fur can function as a parachute or help her float.
Weaknesses: Does not have any hands, and her legs are quite short. Can't take much damages, a hard blow (after human standard) is enough to knock her unconscious. Has no actual defenses. Is afraid of fire and hates swimming, though she can.
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses: Keen senses (can be both a blessing and a curse). Small size. Long semi-waterproof fur. Is intelligent.
Name: Strop a.k.a. Strawpony
Image reference (only if the character has been drawn): Here.
Height: 180cm
Weight: 73kg
Build (body structure): Athletic and statuesque; humanoid
Size: Average
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such): Bay thoroughbred- short (glossy) brown fur with black stockings (all forelimbs) and hooves, and tip of muzzle. Glossy black tail and mane. Deep blue eyes. White blaze over length of forehead to poll.
Clothes: Wears a black ninja suit that covers everything except the eyes, ears and tail, with white bandages over the hands and cannon.
Items and/or natural weapons: Longbow and quiver with holster/straps. Has a range of arrows for every purpose. Hooves.
Personality: Complex- exuberant, dedicated and straightforward but also cautious, measured and mysterious. Is a bit of a rock-star especially with his showy style and technique, but few people understand his true ways: a gentle caring being who seeks only to gain power to spread justice.
Preferred combat tactic/technique: Close-combat and melee. Uses an international mix of muay-thai, taekwondo, kung-fu, wushu, karate, capoeira and ninjutsu. The arrows are mainly auxilliary tools. Rarely sets traps but will use the environment well and will familiarise himself with his opponent before engaging.
Allies (if any): Is open to forming alliances, depending on the context.
Strengths: Meticulous and observant. Great dodging ability and good agility. Takes a decent amount of damage and has a strange affinity for physical pain (masochistic). Has good medical knowledge.
Weaknesses: Relatively average strength. Too simple to use high levels of trickery. Very little magic knowledge. Being a rock star is bad for stealth. Dislikes swimming. Dislikes killing even more.
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses: A strong user of the power of lulz.
Name: Orlestat
Image reference (only if the character has been drawn): Here and here.
Height: 170cm
Weight: 72kg
Build (body structure): Broad and muscular; avian humanoid
Size: Compact/medium
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such): Peregrine falcon- buff down with brown stripes over plumage, tail and brown 'helmet'. Strangely irridiscient blue dorsal surfaces including wing. Bright yellow orbit, hooked beak and talons with black claws.
Clothes: None. Ever.
Items and/or natural weapons: No items. He can't carry them nor wear them. Sharp beak and claws. Wings.
Personality: Withdrawn, reclusive and perfectionistic. Very uptight about certain things and philosophies which paradoxically gets in the way of his agenda. Has a number of complexes that cause him to internally struggle with his actions.
Preferred combat tactic/technique: Melee, adapted from Shaolin kung-fu. Controls qi and can freely project it throughout his body.
Allies (if any): None. Prefers to work alone.
Strengths: Powerful attack points characteristic of the falcon. Extremely fast. Highly disciplined and familiar with the way of martial art. Has good control over air. Qi can turn his wings into slashing attacks, and reinforce focal physical defense.
Weaknesses: Conscience struggles with asura (the martial path of killing). Appears to be possessed by a raven spirit whom he finds maddening. Strongly averse to water. Burns easily (provided he cannot blow it away). Weak on magic defence. Can't perform most simple human tasks since he has no hands.
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses: Has a natural love of combat.

9,434 posts

Haha, I had no idea you had made so many.
I think my overruling on that ability will be, that his other forms doesn't really give him any abilities, but he can use all of them. Meaning they function as camouflage or a way of scaring people. Does this sound reasonable?

9,434 posts

And we are now way past submitting deadline. Sorry for triple post, I would just like to give the final list of contestants:
In Alphabetical Order
Billy the Destroyer
Dervysh and Vixen
Fallen Child
Nergyl Child
Pazx and Garrow
Phil and the Phil Squad
Sasquatch's Squad

Cenere and I are both very pleased to see that there is exactly 16 contestants/teams. This means none of them* will be eliminated before we reach the player vs. player rounds.
*: with the possible exception of team mates.

5,420 posts

OK so now that, that's done,I want to have a bit of fun with the prologue.Since I came up with it on the spot.I didn't really do much with it at the time.So this time I shall tell what happened before they were fighting the jalapeno people.

On the day this event happened Sasquatch was in the Tomb of the lost Flaming Bell Pepper,which was covered in vegetation and had no background to it,because I am lazy,with his sister.When he grabbed the Bell Pepper it set a trap off.This caused all of the temple to fall apart and so he ran outside quickly.When he got out of the tomb the valley in front of them set ablaze and an army of jalapeno's came out of the ground.After this is where we left off before.

Here is a photo taken at the beginning of all of this:

5,845 posts

Items and/or natural weapons:

After seeing that, Pazx + Garrow both have katana (Pazx's is enchanted btw) shuriken, and anything they find on the ground :P. Pazx also has claws and Garrow has extreme cuteness.


Back to paper!!
13,657 posts

*kick off boots, yelling through very small appartment* I'M HOME!!!! *throw self in bed*

Showing 271-285 of 1813