ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
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OK,well since I have enough time to make the text for the story.I shall show you guys that for right now,and then show the comic strip later.

Darkness......that is all Sasquatch saw as his mind drifted into a drowsy state.He heard something all the while."Wake up......wake up"
He could barely hear it,like an echo in the distance.Then it got louder."Wake up..Wake up".It got louder and more frequent,until...

He slowly opened his eyes seeing his sister shaking him rapidly.He grabbed her arms off of his shoulders,as he said "WILL YOU STOP ALREADY!!!"
She looked at him in shock.
"Your awake....and no longer speaking in acronyms"
He looked at her awkwardly
"Hmm...I guess your right,but where are we?"
Looking discouraged, she told him the last thing he wanted to hear,
"I'm not quite sure where we are.All I know is that its dark,damp,and sickening"
He looked around and noticed that she wasn't kidding.The area around them was extremely dark, and he had trouble breathing the air,if it could even be called that.It was almost like the inside of an unlit warehouse,that has not been opened for years.The walls went on forever like a never ending prison.
"I have a bad feeling about this"he said quite nervously.
"Fear from you is quite a rare site"she responded.
"I am not scared!!!"He yelled quickly in response.
"Right,well whatever you are,we need to figure out what this place is,and how to get out of here"She looked at Sasquatch.
"I get the feeling we may not find out for a very long time.If you haven't noticed,we don't know how we even got here,and this place is almost pitch black except for a few dim street lights.On top of that where do you think we should even start going.These walls seem to go on forever,and the streets are so small that there is no way we could even get Over Growth summoned in here"he pointed out.
Looking discouraged again she looked at him and responded "I guess your right,and seeing as how you typically don't make much sense,I am quite surprised.I think the first thing we need to do is get some light in here though.Can you make us a torch?"
He summoned a bell pepper,using the powers of his curse,and lit it ablaze.The leeching effect barely stung him here,unlike in the place he typically dwelled."Alright there's your torch,but I don't get how this will help us-"He then saw something in the far distance falling from the sky.It looked almost like a giant hawk of some sort.
"Should we check it out?"Sasquatch asked quickly.
"No,I don't think it would be good to wonder off into the dark,with no knowledge of our surroundings"She answered.
"Fine then I suppose for now we should just wait,and see what is to become of us"He said in a deep voice.
"I don't know what we could possibly be waiting for,but one thing is for sure.I have a feeling that strange image had something to do with it"Sasquatch looked at her in amazement.
"So you saw it too then!?I thought it was just a dream I was having at the time.I wonder what it means"He pondered.
"I think we may find out soon enough."

-End of Storyline-

This may take a bit longer to turn into a comic strip then I first thought.I guess this is what happens when I get carried away with my story lines.Oh well no turning back now.I will see what I can do for the comic strip,but it may not be in great detail though.

2,770 posts

Sorry but I never saw this, don't suppose I can enter..

368 posts

I'm sorry, what exactly am I doing at this point? Sorry...
Did you call me a *##!*)(*ER#$*)#@*#)@!??????
Well ($!)(*$)#(*$#@&(*&(*&% you!

10,816 posts

@Zophia: the more severe form of 'dang', but Orlestat never says dang.

For the other, I think I'll switch the tone up a bit...Strop's a bit of an eccentric...and I feel like invoking Chomsky nonsenses.



Baby-blue eyes stared blankly, and the black form from whence they came stirred, a bandaged hand gingerly patting a horsey nose. Yep, still there.

Strop sat up and scratched his head, his ears swiveling aimlessly. It was as much as he could do right now to be aware that he wasn't aware. Or maybe he was, but he wasn't aware of it yet. Shaking his head, he sniffed, taking in his surroundings. Damp light filtered through the dark curtain of air, weighing down on him. Gradually, the background drifted into view; looming stone walls that twisted in and amongst themselves, so tall as to scrape the heavens themselves.

This was the town of ArmorGames. But not ArmorGames at all. That sinister feeling that snaked its way through his veins was eminently manifest here, voices echoing in his head, seeping through the walls...into his ninja suit.

Gross! Strop sprang to his hooves, swishing his tail free of excess moisture. He sniffed again, then on a whim, licked the wall.

It tasted of purple.

Strop furrowed his brow thoughtfully and ruminated on it. This was definitely an extension of those strange things going on in the town of AG. Now if he could only find his bearings, he could figure out exactly what was going on. He considered trying to find the creepy kid in the hologram, but figured he wouldn't bet on his chances.

Not that he was a betting horse anyway. His was the kind to have places bet upon...but that was digressing.

There was just one thing to do right now. Actually, more than one. First, he fished around inside his ninja suit. Unable to find what he wanted, he dug in further, the eyehole swallowing his arm whole and then some, until his fingers located the mysterious item in a region he suspected wiser not to contemplate in this time of great need. Success! On the downside, he was now tied in a knot with his head on the pavement and his legs folded somewhere behind his head.

But a ninja can do anything! Having reaffirmed this, Strop stood back up as if nothing had happened and examined his spoils. Yes, it would come in handy, handy indeed. So he promptly stuffed it back inside his ninja suit and squirmed around while everything straightened itself out.

That being that, all that remained was the rule of left. Or maybe it was right, but either did the jingle go again? Unable to quite remember it, Strop made one up on the spot:

Two wrongs don't make a right,
But keep left and you can't go wrong,
It's no woe even if you lack sight,
You'll be right so long as you sing this song...

Left it was! Humming obliviously to himself, Strop started strolling, trailing his fingers along the wall. Of course, the rule meant nothing if there were circular elements to this labyrinth...but what were the odds of that?

Once again, Strop was not a betting horse.
4,196 posts


It was like being trapped. Trapped in a box. A box that wouldn't open. Delairi ran down the streets aimlessly, looking for open space...looking for some kind of freedom.

This world just wasn't right. It felt wierd, the air was heavy with a magic that she didn't understand. A magic full of algorithms and Pythagorean equations.

As she kept running, she pondered the blue flash. What was that... she thought, It is unlike anything I have ever seen before, some kind of spectre...or shade. If I hadn't been so weak I would have blasted it to smithereens. But then gave me interesting information...

Looking up, she saw the tower reaching up in the distance. The dark clouds that loomed overhead seemed to orginate here, and they swirled around the tip of the tower like some ominous warning.

Thinking to herself, Delairi realised she had more common sense than to go to that place. It seemed to hold death within its walls. Although she was curious to find out what was at the tower, she promptly turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

After weaving through the streets, she eventually came to a dead end. Frustrated and not willing to go back, she summoned up a blast of magic and shot it at the wall. The wall exploded with such a force that threw her to the ground.

Grumbling, she stood up and saw that large path she had just created. She headed for it, quickly crossing the space. But as she got closer, the walls seemed to spring back up. They broken bricks became whole again and the wall grew back to its normal height.

Cursing, Delairi blasted it again, but once again the same thing happened. In the end, she gave up and went back the way she came, looking for somewhere to get out of this miserable city.


Charlie will come later....maybe in the form of a Pivot...


13,657 posts

I'm sorry, what exactly am I doing at this point? Sorry...
Did you call me a *##!*)(*ER#$*)#@*#)@!??????
Well ($!)(*$)#(*$#@&(*&(*&% you!

*look delusional*
Again. Write actions after kidnapping. Nothing more. Just like other posts says...
And not only you..............
10,816 posts

Okay okay guys, remember this is a forum, and we don't swear excessively...or vent our feelings too much...and play nice etc. etc.

13,657 posts

Hmm... Sorry Mentorso, and all other the swearing might have hit... Just stressy... Anyway, Klaushouse will take fst's spot, I think...

13,657 posts

Azu (Klaushouse's contestant):
When the bear finally wakes, he is no longer where he lost consciousness. He feels captured, the walls too high, the street all dark. All alone...

And somehting about a flicker, but....

368 posts

Sorry, I feel slow, but what kidnapping?

*shakes head*

9,434 posts

The idea is, that all the contestants were kidnapped from their home world and brought into the tournament.
So you just have to write about Razar's first reactions to this new place, following what Cenere posted about his arrival.

Read the first couple of entries that are already posted.

Oh, and ignore Cenere's little flip. It was just because fst6 unexpectedly dropped out of the tournament, BUT we fixed it by recruiting Klaushouse instead. So it's all good. If no one else drops out.

Sodas aka crazynaitor had also said he'd enter, but with the ban and all... Cenere was getting a bit frustrated, since he's the one keeping all this under control and writing the basic storyline.

368 posts

Oh, ok. I get it... *revelation*

Razar got up slowly, then got back down. His back really hurt, and he had no idea why. The flicker had blinded him, allowing him to become attacked by god knows how many men, and one of them managed to somehow hit him in the back of the head. Reaaalllly hard. The next instant, just before blacking out, Razar kicked the man with all of his remaining might right between the legs. So why did his back hurt? It seemed to be a mystery.
Razar sat up more slowly this time. When his body was at a 90 degree angle, he started to stand up slowly. Then, he realized that there was a rock digging into his lower back, and while he was getting up, it started to dig in more. "Idiot", Razar scolded himself. He stretched out, and yawned.
Razar started to look around him. This was weird... he didn't recognize the place. He had been all around Shevecan (his planet). This must have been some other planet. He looked up and sighed. He was in a city, with short buildings. He noticed that surrounding him was a small ring of water, leading into a fountain, and that he was on a mound of well kept grass. Razar felt very embaressed, as he realized that there was essentially a crowd of people watching him. Mostly, they were children, and they were all staring. "Oh, heck no. God no."
A man started to push his way through the crowd. "Are you Rahzahr?" he asked. "Yeah, but it's Razar." "Okay, great, thanks! Could you please follow me?" said the man. Razar could physically see the sarcasm in the man, and noticed the man's care in treating a man who was invited to a tournament of extreme violence, and elite fighters. The man clearly had no idea what he was doing. If the man had been escorting sasquatch, there would be no question whether sasquatch's bell pepper would be smudged.
Razar noticed that there was a bulge in the man's pocket. The man was armed. Razar noticed that if he could get enough evidence to convince himself, he would demonstrate why he was here. Razar started to examine the details of the situation. Most normal civilians seemed to veer away from the man, yet some shady looking characters seemed to make prolonged eye contact with the man. Then, to "seal the deal" Razar read a sign with a picture of a massive seeming building that read "Mixed World Tournament-Arrival (32nd page)" Razar assumed that pages were street numbers, and they seemed to be walking along page 97. Razar also (with closer examination) noticed the the sign had a big (general) arrow pointing in the opposite direction.
"Excuse me, but we're not going to the same place." Razar tapped on t he man's shoulder. "Oh, no, we're not. Jecan sent us."
It was almost similtaneous. Razar stepped in front of the man's foot, and used the hand that was already on the man's shoulder to push the man forward. The man (in one millisecond) felt propelled forward. In an instant, Razar's other hand grabbed the man's shirt, pulled the man back, and lifted the man over his head. Happening, in under two seconds, the man's nerves and brain were discombobulated and out of sync. The forward motion, and reverse, with an extremely fast lift, had shocked the man's system. He was now essentially paralyzed, but only momentarily. "Don't even try." said Razar as he proceeded to throw the man like a javelin through a window that with previous observations, was the window of one of the man's friends.
Razar walked back to the sign, memorized it, and proceeded on in the direction of the tournament.

*While I was starting to write this, I was listening to the song "Battlesong" by Deltron3030 which is about an intergalactic MC battle. Coincidence?
*I do write these on the spot.

368 posts

Whoa, hold up!!!! Why did CrazyNaitor get banned????

13,657 posts

.... Okay, I officially suck at being the GM....

9,434 posts

Whoa, hold up!!!! Why did CrazyNaitor get banned????
The "Sodas aka crazynaitor" didn't tell you enough? He was pretending to be two people. Which is against the site policy. So ban ensued.

Also, mentorso, I think you have missed the essence of how this tournament is supposed to run. Basically, you seem to have misunderstood the whole setting. :/
Now, I do not intend to sound mean, because it is well written, and you are a good writer, but it is not acceptable as an entry, because it does not follow the boundaries of the world the tournament takes place in. I would to explain this to you properly. Is there any chance we can be on MSN at the same time or something like that?
Otherwise, try reading Strop's entries, and the other couple of entries that have already been submitted.

The main point is, that the characters do not know they are partaking in a tournament, nor that they were going to end up in another world.

I sincerely hope this won't make you give up, but we need you to follow the frames of the setting, which you hardly do in any way. Please, allow me to help you understand the world better. Ask questions. And read Cenere's descriptions as well as the previous entries.
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