ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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13,657 posts

This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
9,434 posts

Yer darn right he would!
If he backs out completely, you're in to keep the number at 16. So better get some info ready so you can enter quickly~

Ah, Spore... Well, looking forward to your entry, whether it'll be animated or written.
368 posts

Xzeno, welcome...

I am gone *swish*

13,657 posts

*mourn the loss of Mentorso*

Another switch..... Okay, post information, Xzeno, at least the name and the &quotrologue", so I can get he introduction finished....

*cursing silently*

4,375 posts

There ding lay, wraped in shadows, on a stone brick floor. He keeped his eyes closed, even though he knew he was awake. He must of been haveing another dream, about his brother. He was constantly plagued by them and must have passed out on the way into town. With his eyes still closed, he reached up to feel the back of his head expecting a lump, but there was none.

"hrm......What in the...?" He finally had opened his eyes, expecting to see trees and the town luming ahead, but instead being greeted by the sight of slim encrusted walls and streets. He was sitting in the middel of one of these "allys" With an odd feeling. He hated tight spaces and was determend to get out of...were ever here was. He ingerly got to his feet testing for any broken bones or bad bruises, but when he found none, he reached for his sword. he panicked for a split scond when it wasn't there, but then he noticed it lying were he was just sitting. He scoped it up and cliped it back onto his belt. He drew it, weighing it in his hands. He had a feeling it would be one of the only things standing between him and what ever was in here. He chose the right path and started forward.

He constantly came to breaks in the path, forks here, a cross there. he plunged into them without so much as a second thought, his mind was to busy currently. This place, was entirly new to him. he had been many places, but nothing like this. "Hello?" he paused for a moment holding his breath then yelled "HELLO!" There was no awnser, like he knew there wouldn't be. He was in here alone, and couldn't thnk of a reason we. He hadn't left his house if his memory served him right. His house...then a strange blue....child, well it seemed small but juding by it's voice it was quite a great deal older then himslef. What ever this place was, he intended to reach the tower, no matter what "contestants" may be here. If it was some twisted game, he was going to play, untill he won....or died.

Ok, well i think I did better on this one, oposed to the last attempt. XD

O, and strop......Are you wearing the pink dress? i can't picture you without it on now! Dang Zophia. hehe

13,657 posts

Ooh, nice one, Skater!
Oh, and I should read KingRyan's too, I just forgot.
Nice entries so far, though I already miss Mentorso...

10,816 posts

Hm, lots of things to address:


What exactly does the color purple taste like?

That's for me to know and for you to imagine! This is a reference to my first entry for strop, when he was wondering about the weird marks on the wall and how they seemed foreign. Tasting &quoturple" is a foreign experience to him and there's no other word he can use to describe it...


The main difficulty of this thread is that it runs long and there are a million posts a day, so information gets lost very quickly. We ought to work out a way in which to make all the info more accessible. Maybe post the rest of the essential info on your profile?

I know Strop was hoping to get a showdown with Razar and one of his own characters. :P

Darn right I was! But that's okay...perhaps we can work things out in a separate setting.
10,816 posts

Last thing:

O, and strop......Are you wearing the pink dress? i can't picture you without it on now! Dang Zophia. hehe

That's also for me to know and for you to...find out...maybe. Not!

Strop is wearing his ninja suit for the competition, since that's what he wears while on-duty in AG.
368 posts

Darn right I was! But that's okay...perhaps we can work things out in a separate setting

Yeah... Lets take this outside buddy. *Raises fists*
1,973 posts

The calling fades a little, then gets stronger, then once again it fades. Seemingly it lures him into a trap. To late he notices the thin black strings here in empty space. They tighten around his body, taking him somewhere through a darkness. The next thing he sees is a distant light growing stronger and stronger. A flicker...

As I get closer to the light, my insides flip. The light seems to be from a celestial body of some sort, but that flicker.....that flicker.....

That is definately not a star! The darkness does have power over me because it is strong against my people. I think back to when I was young. A young light necromancer among my people. Something like this has happened before to my people, and my villiage. The elder thought of the solution. Darkness can only be defeated by showing it the light....

Showing the light to this darkness is one of my specialties. My body can naturally produce a blinding light, which sends the dark strands into oblivion. I have no thoughts on what to do, so I just float away as fast as possible. I still wonder what the light is, but that knowledge will come in due time.....

I am doing in this in 1st person if you haven't noticed (:

And I will definately provide some pictures later
5,642 posts

+++Nergyl Child+++

"Heh, looks like I got myself into some trouble." I (The Nergyl child) said and stood up in the pitch darkness. I thought to myself. Whatever the hell Brother is trying to pull on me, it better be good, I walked toward the light when a certain frequency hit my ears, "Gah, that, that noise it. . ." I started to flail around, hands on my ears. Brother knows that frequency. . .Infuriates me! He wouldn't do that, he would be dead! I fell on my knees at the terrible screech, when I saw the flicker come towards me. When it came near, the sound stopped. "What is this? A leash for a Nergyl?!" I yelled. "hmm it looks like you'll help me," I said and I followed it.

+++Fallen Child+++

I let out a growl, "Brother, what kinda sh** are you trying to pull?!" I walked towards the small dim flicker I saw around 10 feet away from me. Just one step in front of the other, nothing much more simple than that I guess. I've taken about 20 steps at full stride, with my leg length, I should have reached I-, I thought for a moment. "Heh, your one hell of a playmate!" I said to the flicker, nearly insane, and I started running full throttle towards the flicker, and was about 5 feet away from it. "Can't get away from me!" By then, I was really far into the darkness. "Where's brother you curr?" I yelled, and started to pick up my pace, now on all four of my bladey, metallic legs. After around 20 minutes of hot pursuit, I was finally ready to pounce "I'll kill you!" and jumped at it.

+++both (talking as Nergy/Nergyl Child)+++
"Unf!" I grunted when I my brother hit me. "Get off of me! Where the hell were you?!" I snapped. "What? Where the hell were you?" he snapped back. "Is this one of your stupid pranks again?!"
"No! Why the hell would I put myself in complete darkness, when I can't see a dang thing!" We continued to argue each other when the dim flickering person caught our attention. We thought that it was saying "Come" but couldn't quite figure out just what he was saying, if it was a he after all. I looked at brother and he looked at me, and we both started to follow it, at the fullest amount of Nergy/Fallen possible (89%). "Looks like we got ourselves into a hell of a mess again brother, worse than that the national guard from the U.S.A." and we were off.

Howzzat? I've been really waiting for this to happen, CAN'T WAIT!

5,420 posts

I am hoping I can get my images done sooner or later,but I added alot of it would require alot of work to create on my own.So I don't know if I can get it done.

5,642 posts

Consider that what happened before they heard the speech of that dude. lolz, didn't read the entire thing.

2,301 posts

AG Xzeno sheet

Name: Fredithy P. Paddle-Waddle (Xzeno)
Race/appearance The alien is about 4' high, an have antenna that end in nubs. They have large black eyes and are usually green-skinned, although they come in a verity of shades. There look, combined with there vast intelligence, make them the galaxy's quintessential âlittle green menâ. They once used there great minds for magic and psychic powers, but long ago lost there magic. They clam to be agnostic, but are much more atheist. And rightly so, for the aliens have no gods to call there own. (It should be noted that this is NOT cultural. Aliens had no notion of a higher being until they met other beings.) Aliens tend to be arrogant. The alien home world of Ailee-Prime is an arid one, not hot but dry. 75 percent is ocean, but it is a maximum of 50 feet down. As a result, all aliens love rain. The planet has 3 moons. One had native forests, one lifeless and one, half destroyed by a ancient race, a great hole in the sea floor was made as well reaching 46,784 feet down. Aliens are a democracy. Aliens are part of the Federation.
Class: Ranger: Rangers explore the galaxy and enforce the law. They like to be as far from civilization as possible. They are not trained in the use of assault rifles, only pistols, shotguns, explosives, and other strange weapons. Particularly the explosives. Rangers have a natural affinity for all things that go boom. They prefer to snipe with an RPG then a wimpy rifle. Rangers tend to use a grenade launcher rather then even their precious shotgun or beam sword. They also pick even non-conventional explosives. Nine times out of ten, a ranger will carry high-explosive charges or proximity mines or even incendiary grenades instead of normal old boring fragmentation grenades. Rangers also have the uncanny ability to call in air and artillery strikes even without such units near by. Rangers work well as support for troopers, as well as secondary assault units working with the trooper and blademaster. Rangers are lawful.
Height: See above
Weight:See above
Short back story: Xzeno was born on Ailee-Prime. He joined the sea navy so he could get veterans benefits for basically nothing. He was in one major battle, which he survived. Currently, he live on Ailee-Prime hoping for a chance to do something...
Strengths: He excels in long-range damage output as well as melee combat. Can hit multiple foes with ease. Proficiency boost with pistols, shotguns, swords, and explosives.
Weaknesses: Not good in mid-range combat, low shields, lower proficiency with most primary arms.

Here's my quick ref sheet. I got really lazy.

9,434 posts

Weight:See above
I don't see it. :/
Two things you are missing Xzeno:
List of items he has with him.
Prologue = where was he before he was caught and transferred to the world in which the MWT takes place.

@the people who have submitted entries in the last 24 hours:
Nice works.

Consider that what happened before they heard the speech of that dude. lolz, didn't read the entire thing.

D: You are supposed to read the whole thing!
Also, I think I messed up on something that you should have noticed... I wrote down your twins as individual contestants, not a team. My bad, but you should have noticed...

That sounds more like a prologue than an entry, but... I may just be confused.
13,657 posts

Thanks XZeno, I will get to it in a moment.

Entry denied. Make a new one. Zophia saw your contestants as two, and as that make the number be perfect, it stayed that way. If you would have this to be diffenret, then tell me, and I will f*** this Tournament up for you.
If not, then let me tell you: You should read at least from the introduction, and forward, so you would actually now what the flicker/hologram was, and what it was telling you.
And the twins landed in the opposite direction of each other, making it impossible for them to meet before the battle, which would have been a nice way of letting Nergyl kill Fallen, but if you do not agree, then tell me, and as stated, I will ruin the Tournament.

Once again I have the feeling that noone is actually reading the darn introduction. The story was okay, if it had not been for this Tournament. As I wrote to Thoad, at least read the part conserning your character, menaing introduction (the part with name), and the continuation after it, that begins with "A flicker".

I think that was all. Fever and out.

Showing 361-375 of 1813