ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

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OK,I have never done this before,but for now I shall post my submission in chapters so you can see it and tell me if I screwed something up,giving me time to fix it.I have other reasons,but I plan on reposting the chapters all as a whole in one post when I am done,and have posted them all.I doubt I will have more then two or three parts to it though.Anyways here is the first part.

Chapter 1 of Destruction:The Argument and the Introduction
Sasquatch looked at the ban weapon,forged with a handle made of Titanium and a blade
crafted of Beryllium.Yeti looked at the screen sticking out of the ruins,of what was
once and quite recently a city.Where now there only stands a tower and a screen.She
looked back at Sasquatch.

"What happened to the weapon?"She asked looking at his empty hands.
"Oh I stashed it away"
"Uh OK then well then it seems our next opponents name is...Strop!"
"Hmm at least I can pronounce his name this time,except..." he hesitated
"What is it now?" she asked
"well his name spelled backwards is Ports"he pointed out
"First off when did you learn to spell,and second off so what?"
"Well maybe he is a pirate or something you think?"
Then their enemy came forward.He was not a pirate,but quite the opposite.
"Well you were way off Sasquatch"
"He....he...HE'S A NINJA DONKEY!?
"I think he's a pony or horse of some type,but not a donkey Sasquatch"
"Yeti I think I know the difference between a donkey and a horse OK"
"Yes well I don't think you do,because he obviously is not a A-"Sasquatch cut her off quickly
"A Antelope?"
"....yes Sasquatch he is not an Antelope thats it exactly,now lets just compete then?"
"So then I win this argument?"He asked
"uh yeah sure,but lets stop before you hurt yourself"
"Why would I hurt myself"He asked(he won't stop asking questions it seems)
She got anxious and her voice did the same"Uh no reason at all"
The horse/pony looked at them both with a look of disbelief,from their pointless argument.

Hope this shows up right

13,657 posts

"He....he...HE'S A NINJA DONKEY!?

I will keep that as a dear memory, and I will make sure Kai heard it too, and is laughting his butt off because of it, even though it hurts like hell.
Even if Strop wins (not likely, I am cheering for you now!!), that will be quoted. A lot!

"He....he...HE'S A NINJA DONKEY!?

"He....he...HE'S A NINJA DONKEY!?

"He....he...HE'S A NINJA DONKEY!?

"He....he...HE'S A NINJA DONKEY!?

5,420 posts

Hmm for some reason I get the feeling that you liked that quote then cenere?Now I just need to make the rest of the story up to par over the weekend.

4,196 posts

You forgot one word...


10,816 posts


Ninja donkey has flat ears now thanks to you. I shall await the rest of your round, crimson.

Oi KR, keep the bogan references off this thread =P

5,420 posts

OK chapter two is done.I would have included more into it,but something just came up,so I will not be able to get online for a little while after this.So instead I shall just post this now.

Chapter 2 of Destruction:Swift Tactics-Arrows and Evasion
"So the you are our opponent then?"Yeti asked the ninja who decided to keep quiet.
"uh Yeti is that supposed to be a rhetorical question?"Sasquatch asked
"How do you even know what rhetorical means?Seriously this place must have changed you"
"The Ninja still kept quiet,but this time decided that this was wasting his time.He
brought his bow and pulled it back,while they were not paying attention to him,but instead
each other.He shot the first wooden projectile,almost hitting Yeti square in the nose,but it missed
by only an inch,zooming passed her.Enough get her attention back on him,which is not
typically a good thing for ninjas to have.
"Hey watch where your shooting that.Can't you see we're talking here?"Sasquatch yelled
"I think he knew that Sasquatch,now I think we should pay more attention to the battle"
Sasquatch said nothing,but nodded instead and turned into his elemental form.Yeti followed
his lead and did the same.The ninja pepper another arrow this time of metal.He shot it towards
Sasquatch this time,but what he didn't expect was for Yeti to take control of it and shoot it back
at him.Her control over metal wasn't the best,but it was enough at times to get the job done.
Realizing that she was a serious threat though,he decided that he needed to be swift,and take her out of the contest as soon as possible.The ninja ran towards her as fast as
his hooves allowed,prepping a powerful arrow.He pulled the string back,and jumped into the air.She prepped to shock him,and deflect his arrow,but didn't know it was actually a net deploying
projectile.It launched out of the tip trapping her below it.It was made of a material she had never seen before(a very thick fishing line)She struggled,but could not get out of the net on her own.
Sasquatch ran towards him hopeing to land a blow,only to be disappointed and hit by an arrow to the back of his skull.The ninja had jumped over him,shooting another projectile.Unfortunately for
him,Sasquatch's skull was quite thick,causing the arrow to simply bounce off.
"Why are you playing with toys like that?That fel like it could have given me a bruise"Sasquatch yelled.
Yeti still struggling got angry and started shooting lightning through the holes in the net.
Strop simply decided that a net wasn't enough.So he went over to her and pinched her shoulder.Causing her to somehow fall asleep.Sasquatch not caring about his sister safety,saw this as a chance to summon Over Growth...

To Be Continued...

10,816 posts

Hm, say crimson, that's a nice job you've done there because I actually cannot tell whether this Strop ever aimed to cause harm directly with any of those arrows. Which is precisely the effect he desires.

But just to be 100% clear, Strop swore an oath that he would never directly fire an arrow at an animated being (Overgrowth is an exception) with the intention of piercing it.

Keep up the good work.

10,816 posts


13,657 posts

But just to be 100% clear, Strop swore an oath that he would never directly fire an arrow at an animated being (Overgrowth is an exception) with the intention of piercing it.

I have just found the perfect way of getting rid of Strop! *evil laughter* And Kai would be able to do so. Fascinating. Thank Government for that!

I will read it! Later!! Headache... *fail*
5,420 posts

I will read it! Later!! Headache... *fail*

uh....when do you not have a headache nowadays?It took me a bit longer to hook back up my network then I thought so I don't know if I will finish this up tonight,but it just all depends.Also I forgot that small detail about him not trying to attack them with arrows,but I did keep in mind that he refuses to kill people.If I didn't then I would have had him knock Yeti out from the start,instead of trying to subdue her with a net first.I had to plan out a few things to make it seem more fit.If you haven't noticed I actually tried to avoid dialogue from Strop since I don't really know how he would react in that situation,and decide its best not to try in that situation,and instead find a way around it in some way.Still I have some interesting ideas with Over Growth.I plan on this being quite the epic battle.
4,375 posts

There He was. One step closer to finally entering the tower. It was only a few feet in front of him, yet he couldn't go to it yet. For in his way now, was an odd creature. He had heard of it, an allien. The dmaned witched back home had often bablled on and on about them...before being torched of course.

Xzeno...that was this things name. The odd magic painting as it had become know to Dingsly was now showing a man sized "allien". He had green skin, with a pair of black pants on. He had on a few belts scattered among his chest and waist holding strange metal things, which he was pulling out and checking. He had a strange glass ball in place of his right eye, and was a slight blue-green in color. He turned to face dingsly, and only smilled. He knew Dingsly couldn't pose a threat to him, after all, he had guns.

'Let the contest commence'
It was the talking boxes again. They still had a blank expressionless tone, and it was as mysterious as ever.

Dingsly walked up to Xzeno, and extended a hand.
'If i'm in your way, then please feel free to move me.'
'I plan to.' Xzeno said shakeing it.

They then backed up about 20 paces, and dingsly drew his sword. He hadn't exactly had time to polish it sense hi last battle, and still had the blood from bobs arm dotting the blade. Xzeno reached to his back and pulled out what appeared to be a hilt of a swrod, but instently lit up, producing a (Magic light). They charged, and Xzeno instently had the upper hand. The (magic sword) Easily pushed dingslys blade aside, and left his right leg open to a rather deep gash. Xzeno reetreted for a momment only to draw an (Arrow from hell) from one of his many belts. It had 3 steel barrels, and he pulled back the hammers on all three. He carefully aimed while dingsly was trying to shove a peice of his shirt into the newly formed wound. He fired, and the shot just missed dingsly neck. It hit him in the top part of his right shoulder, sending a buckshot spray into his arm. Dinglsy who had just started getting to his feet flung his sword out, and released the handel as the pain hit him fully. He fell to the ground moaning in pain. It was just like last time, as much pain he felt on the last day with his brother. He opened his eyes to a world of dots, and far brighter lights then he remembered. He saw his sword stop an inch in front of Xzenos feet, and looked up to see him aming again.

'Dingsly, don't give up faith. You promised you would fight for the both of us, keep my memory alive. PLease. USe my strenght like you used to. I may no longer be with you, but I am not ready to see you again.'
'Brother, I can't. He has bested me...'
'Don't talk like that, now fight!'

His eyes snapped back open to the sight of Xzeno tighting his finger around his hellish weapon. He stood, tottered, and then threw him self at Xzeno. He slammed into him, sending them both cerining into the concrete below. The bullets flew in an odd direction and didnt do any real damage. He pulled his body up, and swung down ward with a puch that probably hurt his shoulder more then Xzenos face. He then pulled the gun from Xzenos hand, and finding that he didn't know how to use it threw it out into the street.

'Your a better opponent then I thought'
'What the hell are you doing? This isn't fighting, this is slaughter!'
'Ah, so you find my weapons unfair you little wimp? Then perhaps you will like this little baby!'

Xzeno wipped out a large steel pipe looking thing, with a scope o ntop, and about 6 missles around it. He swung it catching dingsly i nthe stomach, which knoked the wind oout of him and again sent him to his knees. Xzeno started running, and tunred around and fired rapid fire shots back at Dingsly. A shot hit the ground a few feet by him, and the blast sent him up around 20 feet in the air. He crashed right next to his sword which he gladly took hold of. He opened his eyes to see Xzeno a few hundered yards away, reloding those starnge arrows into the tube. He chardged, and saw Xzeno look up and turn. He put the tube in front of him. It was destroyed as the blade cut straight through it. But it only stopped dingsly blade a little. He feel forward, and sent the blade in a straight path form his nose down to his stomach. The blade sunk in about an inch at the most, and they both collapsed.

Dinglsy pulled him slef up, he was covered in a rather large amount of blood., and noticed the body under him. If the blood didn;t stop, he would soo ndie. Digsly started pulling peices of cloth from his cape and clothing and using them to stuff the wound with, and eventually stop the bleeding. ONce that was done he set about the task of pulling the peices of metal from his shoulder, and bandaging up his leg. He was worse for ware, but he made it trough the fight, and was one step closer toward the door of that tower.

Jeasus, I fail abdly. Well there you have it...Hope to see your post soon Xzeno.

10,816 posts

I have just found the perfect way of getting rid of Strop! *evil laughter* And Kai would be able to do so.

Note also that the bow and arrow is not a weapon, it is a tool. The banhammer, on the other hand...
13,657 posts

I failed at getting the meaning in quoting that and saying the other...

5,420 posts

oh right I almost forgot to mention I don't know how,but I want and plan on having the ban hammer in the last chapter.

10,816 posts

Oh, I assumed that you had somehow found a method based on my revelations, but this seems not to be the case?

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